‘Ahmad’...The Spark of Purple Victory

Rabab Mortada
Here he is ... Ahmad, observing silently and for five long months while the faithless Zionist serpent extends its neck to engulf all the villages of the South. He feels the moaning of the proud "Jabal Amel" [Mt. Amel] and the pain of humiliation his very people are suffering from at cross points. His silence is nothing like the inaction of the impotent Arabs. It was the silence of an eagle seeking the opportunity to cut off the head of the serpent that had reached the shore of "Tyr - Jal al-Bahr", which it took as a throne.
"An eight-story-edifice where a large number of soldiers gather" is an invaluable prey Ahmad had been observing while roving to "collect vegetables". He observes and observes until at last the Resistance's leadership gave its approval for execution. Ahmad's face brightened when he heard the news and started getting ready to go... but there is still one obstacle that hinders his intentions day after day.
Have you changed you mind, Ahmad? His friend and companion asked him. He hid his tears with a meaningful smile on his lips: No my friend! I am waiting for Allah's consent.
That night there were heavy rains. The horizons were a congregation of dark clouds occasionally brightened by sight-catching lightning accompanied by heart-shattering thunder. There "Ahmad" was saying: "Oh God! How I long to meet your all-encompassing kindness." He spent his night, praying, prostrating, and kneeling until the dawn of Thursday 11/11/1982 broke. He prayed his Morning Prayer and opened his Holy Quran. His face brightened. It was the permission to go.
The Pioneer of Self-Martyrs
He rode his car and moved along quickly as the eyes of "Rida" followed him as he moved away... Here, he broke into the seat of the military ruler with his car, loaded with 150 kilograms of explosives. In a few moments, the building fell into ruin and torn limb from limb... With his chaste body, Ahmad Qasir awoke the consciousness of the nation to the great news.
Moments passed on the bursting of the pioneer of "Istishhadis" [self-martyrs] into the Zionist headquarters in Tyr. These moments left the enemy in shock and lit the path of martyrdom seekers. In these moments the edifice fell over the heads of its residents.
It collapsed with all its stories causing an earthquake unfamiliar to the enemy entity... Hundreds of dead and wounded were being evacuated by "Israeli" helicopters. According to the enemy's records, the number was 140 casualties between officers and soldiers.
Years passed without anyone knowing who he was. For three years, both friend and foe were wondering: Who might this hero be? Whose brave wombs carried and gave birth to him? Then, following the occupation's first withdrawal from the South in 1985, the Resistance announced his identity in a befitting statement bearing the name of Martyr "Ahmad Jaafar Qasir/ Haidar" - the executor of the "Khaibar" self-martyrdom operation.
A body was scattered in the headquarters of the military rule dispersing along with it the hopes of the "Israelis" and crushing their expectations. "Sharon" drowned in his tears, and the legend of the unbeatable army was over. It was beaten by Ahmad and his will and pride as he lay down the rules of sacrifices and paved the path of purple victory.
Source: al-Ahed News, Translated by website team