Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on Al-Quds Day

In His Name
Full speech delivered by Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on al-Quds International Day on Friday July 10, 2015.
I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be upon the Seal of Prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad, on his chaste and pure Household, on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets.
Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.
As usual, I would like first to welcome you all and thank you for this kind and blessed attendance. I ask Allah Al Mighty to accept from you on these days your fasting and worship. May Allah reward you on these great and holy days the best He rewards His fasting worshipping servants.
Again we meet to commemorate al-Quds International Day as designated by His Eminence late Imam Khomeini on the last Friday in the Holy Month of Ramadan. Imam Khomeini's goal was to keep the cause of al-Quds and the cause of Palestine alive in the conscience of the nation, its culture, its concern, its priorities, its projects, its movements, its struggle, and its strife. Day after day, the great wisdom of this decision taken by late Imam Khomeini is more and more asserted. The conditions witnessed by our region and our nation on these days and years assert this need.
This year we mark al-Quds Day as we mark the first anniversary of the savage criminal "Israeli" Zionist aggression during the Holy Month of Ramadan last year on Gaza Strip, the people of Gaza, and the Resistance of Gaza.
Despite all the tough conditions invading our Arab and Islamic region and world, today millions answered the call of Imam Khomeini whether in Iran - the largest masses where in the various Iranian cities - or in the other Arab and Islamic states as broadcasted by media outlets: Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Qatif in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Tunisia, Mauritania, Sudan, Gaza, Istanbul in Turkey, Pakistan, and a number of European cities. This is a very important indicator which nurtures great hope. So there are still people who are remembering al-Quds (We will be that much humble) and hit the street and gather in great and vast places like this place to mark the day and raise their voices high to support this cause. However, allow me first to tackle specifically two important demonstrations and commemorations.
The first took place in Yemen. These dear demonstrators hit the streets of Sanaea today in a show of solidarity with Palestine and al-Quds. Despite the continuation of the US-Saudi aggression on their cities, towns, humans, and edifices and despite the continuation of the raids even on Sanaea, inside Sanaea, and the surrounding of Sanaea, tens of thousands - I will not say hundreds of thousands - demonstrated for the sake of al-Quds, Palestine, Gaza, and the Palestinian people. Indeed, on the psychological level, we understand this issue. The Yemeni people feel that the world had abandoned them and that the Arab and Islamic world had abandoned them too. They feel that the world is not divided to supporters and opposers but rather to supporters for the aggression on Yemen and those silent on it - and very few are those who do not agree on this war. This painful, sorrowful, and shameful situation did not push the Yemeni people to say: We have nothing to do with Palestine, al-Quds, Gaza, and the Palestinian people. This deserves much hailing and appreciation and a stand of respect before the will of the Yemeni people who asserted today their ideological, political, jihadi, and moral commitment to the Palestinian cause.
The second place is Bahrain. In fact, the common point between Bahrain and Yemen is that the Arab and Islamic world and the world in general had forsaken them. In the other parts of the world, the so called opposition, the so called armed groups, and the so called popular revolutions are provided with money, arms, and media by some countries. Conferences and sessions in the Security Council are held for them, and enormous international and regional machineries work for them. Well, this is not the case with Bahrain. This is not the case with Yemen either. These two countries suffer from remarkable oppression. Why did I choose these two countries? It's because despite all of what is taking place, the Bahraini people hit the streets of all Bahraini towns and villages to mark al-Quds Day and to assert their ideological, religious, and political commitment to the central cause of Palestine and to assert that this cause is to us an ideological cause. No matter what the political developments are, despite the risks in Bahrain, despite "ISIL" threats that it will bomb mosques in Bahrain, and despite the continuous crackdown against its people by the ruling dynasty - which we may tackle again later on - these millions who hit the street today represent a great hope when we view the scene in the region.
Well, today because of the occasion of this great day, allow me to talk about "Israel" the usurper of al-Quds. All year long, we were preoccupied with other things than the enemy. We are preoccupied in other places. I will talk about the situations in the region. At the end, I will talk a bit about Lebanon. Though talking about the Lebanese political developments needs special and separate time, still I will set part of my speech to talk about Lebanon as a result of the important developments that took place in the past few days and weeks.
Let's first talk about our enemy - "Israel" the usurper of Palestine. Where is "Israel" today? Last month, in June, they organized a conference in Herzliya. It is organized every year. I talk about it in some occasions. It is attended by "Israeli" political, leaders, military men, and security men whether in the "Israeli" cabinet or in the opposition besides experts and guests from all around the world. This conference handles strategic causes that have to do with "Israel" and the region. By the end of the conference, they draw conclusions. Now, I will focus on some conclusions and some "Israeli" stances to see where "Israel" is today on light of the developments taking place in the region.
The first conclusion they unanimously drew is that there is advancement in "Israel's" strategic and regional environment. They are at ease with themselves now. The strategic environment around them which had startled them four years ago with the onset of the Arab Spring, the Islamic awakening, and the popular revolutions changed. Now in 2015, the scene is much different. The "Israelis" are very much at ease. Simply but unfortunately it's because the Zionist "Israeli" leaders did not find in the nation of one and a half billion Muslims - some say there are 2 billion Muslims. We are still referring to the old statistics - an existential threat to a small entity founded on the land of Palestine and occupying this noble and holy country. Except for some exceptions, they did not find in the regimes, armies, air forces, tanks, and rockets of the one and a half billion Muslims any threat. They are serene and at ease. So there is advancement in the strategic environment.
"Israel" sees that all what is taking place around it serves its interests. The exceptional threats have a separate topic because they talk about them. As for Syria, the conveners as well as "Israeli" leaders before and after the conference expressed their content for the war, demolition, and fighting Syria is suffering from apart from the end results of the developments in Syria. They do not think much about the end results. They are really happy for what is taking place because a key country in the Resistance axis and in the resistance project and one of the nations that oppose succumbing to US-"Israeli" hegemony and to the conditions of "Israeli" settlement for Palestine and the region is now suffering, getting weaker, and being demolished. That's what the "Israelis" say with utmost ease. Thus some Zionist leaders are active on the international level to convince the world to officially recognize annexing Golan finally to "Israel"- this usurping state. Now they will embark in a diplomatic effort in this direction claiming that as this is the case of Syria, it is risky to restore Golan to Syria. So this is a new claim; it is risky to restore Golan to Syria. There were also calls to activate settlements projects in Golan to raise the number of settlers to 100 thousands. This was proposed in the conference.
As for Yemen, "Israel" expresses its happiness over the Saudi-US aggression on Yemen. It expresses its solidarity with Saudi Arabia. "Israeli" officials talk about the need to make strategic cooperation with Saudi Arabia and the Arab moderate states to prevent the threat coming from Yemen. In fact, Yemen is viewed from various perspectives. However, from the "Israeli" perspective, should Yemen achieve independence and become a free, sovereign, independent state governed only by the will of the Yemeni people, Yemen for sure would be a resistant country for sure it will be part of the Resistance axis, and for sure it will be a strategic threat to "Israel". The war against Yemen today is the biggest service Saudi Arabia can do to "Israel". The "Israelis" are further happy as it is coming free of charge.
Yemen has a strategic position on Bab Mandab on the Red Sea. Those who have a strategic view of the region's military, economy, security, and politics understand this very well. "Israel" expresses its happiness in the promulgating civil wars in the region. It seeks, and its intelligence works on various fields to ignite these wars, and unfortunately, many states have been intrigued in this catastrophe. Notice what is being now plotted for Algeria under the title of sectarianism unfortunately. I do not have details, and I do not claim being acquainted with this file. However, when some crises used to take place in some of these areas, some media outlets used to talk about a racial dispute or a dispute on racial basis (Arab and Amazigh). However, in the past days, some Arab speaking foreign satellites were talking about a conflict between Malikis and Abadis. So the west wants to present the conflict as a sectarian and factional struggle. This is what is being worked on at the level of the region as a whole.
The "Israelis" were so insolent in the conference to the extent that they called for an "Israeli"-Arab coalition against terrorism. Can you imagine that? "Israel" is calling for an "Israeli"-Arab coalition against terrorism. What is terrorism to them? It's Iran and the resistance movement. To avoid having their schemes being very much flagrant, they put "ISIL" with us. However, indeed they did not mention al-Nusra, al-Qaeda, Ansar Beit al-Muqdess, Boko Haram or others. This hypocrite "Israel" is claiming showing solidarity with Egypt in confronting the events in Sinaa. It is instigating sedition between Egypt and Gaza Strip especially Hamas Movement. In Syria, it presents itself as a defender of the Druze, and it offered all forms of support to al-Nusra Front and the Takfiri armed groups which are threatening the Syrians and not only the Druze.
This is hypocrisy and pretence. However, apart from all details, "Israel" - the mother of terrorism, the source of terrorism, the terrorist group, the entity which was established by terrorist organizations, and the country of terrorist nature (if we talked from a philosophical perspective) is presenting itself as a force fighting terrorism. See in what time we are living. It's "Israel" which only a year ago committed the worst wars, the worst crime wars, and the worst crimes against humanity in Gaza. International reports and institutions that have always been courteous to "Israel" couldn't this time hide the truth on how many children and women it killed, how many houses it demolished, and how much blood it shed in Gaza. Still it presents itself as a civilized state and wants to be a part of a project or an axis that is fighting terrorism. Indeed this is the peak of insolence. We must not be duped.
In fact, some people who are under the impact of terrorism may say that "Israel" is not a priority. The priority is the terrorism they are confronting because the Takfiri terrorism is one of the toughest seditions facing our nation. It's because they do not kill people on a political basis or on a political project basis; they rather kill based on religious affiliations, intellectual affiliations, and sectarian affiliations. All the killings taking place in the entire region are on these bases and not on a political basis or on a political project basis.
Finally, let's see what our enemy views as a threat. Who poses a threat in our enemy's viewpoint? One side or one state poses a threat to it. After what had befell Syria, our enemy cancelled it from the sphere of threatening states. There remains Iran - the Islamic Republic in Iran. Thus you find that in Herzliya Conference and before and after it that the entire "Israeli" mind is obsessed and preoccupied with the Islamic Republic in Iran, its nuclear file, its developed rocket abilities, its economic status, its democracy, its people's solidarity with its regime, and even the health of its leader. You find that "Israel" puts before its eyes everything that has to do with Iran and works on it whether inside Iran or outside Iran.
On the international level, Iran is on "Israel's" gun sight along with the resistance movements. With our high esteem for the resistance movement and ourselves as there is no problem in praising ourselves a little, we did not reach a status in which we pose an existential threat for "Israel". Well, the resistance movements pose a strategic threat; they did not reach a stage in which they pose an existential threat for "Israel".
Now on earth, the only state or entity or existence that "Israel" views as posing an existential threat is the Islamic Republic in Iran.
These are facts. Whoever has anything else to say let him provide us with what he has. Thus it provokes the entire world against Iran. Netanyahu is willing to ruin his ties with the White House to provoke the Congress against Iran. "Israel" provokes the Arabs and many of the Arab regimes against Iran. These are their considerations, mentality, and composition as far as this issue is concerned.
The question is: We as Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians, and peoples in the region calm down and shut our ears to the bullets, fire, problems, and Arab satellites and make a contemplation session and then pose the following question: Before the Arab and Islamic world, before the one and a half billion Muslims - states, armies, and peoples - why does not "Israel" fear or is worried by any of these and is not concerned except about Iran? Why is it Iran? Isn't this a question to be asked on al-Quds International Day? Why is this absolute enmity to Iran practiced by the Zionists? Why don't we feel this fear or anxiety or caution by "Israel" towards Saudi Arabia or towards any other Arab regime - so that you won't say "Sayyed Hassan" is challenging Saudi Arabia?
This is a natural and a rational question. Why? Arab armies are purchasing warplanes, rockets, artilleries, anti-aircraft, and long-range-rockets for billions of dollars. "Israel" has no comment on that because there is certitude, confidence and guarantees. There are not written guarantees, but they are absolutely confident of this official Arab mind and regime. They do not need US guarantees or written guarantees. Past experience is the best proof. In 1976, what did most of the Arabs do? "Israel" simply is sure that the official Arab regime sold it Palestine, al-Quds, and the people of Palestine.
The evidence is what took place in 1976 and what is taking place now. Well, a year has passed on Gaza. Were Gaza's houses reconstructed? What are the conditions of Gaza's wounded? What has become of the siege hit on Gaza? What are the situations of the people in Gaza? Was a small ratio of the billions of dollars which are being spent on the war on Yemen and the war on Syria and the war on Iraq and on crashing down on people in Bahrain spent on Gaza, wouldn't Gaza had been today in an acceptable condition?
Well, aren't these a part of Gaza and a part of the nation? Now allow me to say so as we find ourselves obliged to use such a language nowadays: Aren't they Sunnis? Aren't they fasting and worshipping Muslims? Why are they forsaken? It's because there is an official Arab decision to sell Palestine. There is not Palestine. They bother themselves and shed tears on the ruins. "Israel" also knows that the Takfiri project which is sponsored by some Arab regimes is not primarily concerned about Palestine and al-Quds and that their battle is somewhere else and that this Takfiri project absolutely serves "Israel" as it is demolishing Syria and Iraq for it without free of charge. It also helps in demolishing Yemen and evokes sectarian and factional sedition among Muslims and Christians in general. It is distorting the nation and every national composition in each of our countries without any costs.
Then, who is still raising the banner? Here I am not trying to praise Iran but rather to reach a stance and call for it. Iran alone is still raising the banner and moving far ahead. It refuses to acknowledge the very existence of this entity. Should the nuclear agreement and the nuclear negotiations taking place in Vienna now and which is expected to take much more time (You remember that Netanyahu has demanded that the agreement include a clause which calls on Iran to acknowledge the existence of the state of "Israel") move forward and should they give Iran all what it wants and all what it dreams of concerning the nuclear file, under one condition that Iran acknowledges the existence of the state of "Israel", the Islamic Republic in Iran - the republic of Imam Khomeini under the leadership of Imam Khamenai - with its government, parliament, and people will not agree on such a clause or article because as such it would be renouncing its religion. They do not know that this is Iran. It is Iran which is moving far ahead in supporting the axis of opposing states, peoples, and movements on the political, moral, material, financial, and arms level. We say so openly and in broad daylight. In fact no one - or none (not to exaggerate) - is willing to do so despite the tough sanctions Iran has been suffering from for over thirty years and the incessant threat of war against it and of shelling its edifices. Because Iran poses a threat to the US hegemony project on the region, military wars were waged against it in the past and now medial, political, psychological, and economic wars are being waged on it. America's tools and allies in the region who were the strong support to "Israel" for decades are partaking in this war.
On al-Quds Day, I want to be frank with Muslims, Christians, Arabs, the Palestinians, the resistance movements, and everyone who backs and supports the Palestinian cause: You can't be with Palestine if you are not with the Islamic Republic in Iran. If you are an enemy to the Islamic Republic in Iran, you are an enemy to Palestine and al-Quds. Why? This is not a claim. It is because the only remaining hope after Allah Al Mighty to restore Palestine and al-Quds is the Islamic Republic and its support to the peoples and the resistance movements in this region on top of which is the Palestinian people. As the world is divided to axes and camps and stances, let's be frank and clear. Let's be serious and loyal and put fanaticism aside. Let's be logical. This is logic. This is what the enemy is saying and unanimously agreeing on. None in "Israel" says anything other than what I am saying regarding the Islamic Republic in Iran.
As for attempts to evade this historic and final stance under the pretext of the Persian project, there is nothing called the Persian project. This is a trick to detach people from the Arabs', Muslims', and the peoples' of the region true and serious ally - namely Iran. Their talk about a Safawi project is baseless; they dug it from history. The same applies to their claims about the Shiite Crescent. Now they accuse Iran of backing Yemen. As such the crescent would be ruined. The crescent was Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. Well, how is the crescent to reach Yemen? What are these falsehoods? These are all lies fabricated by the rotten Arab mind which has forsaken Palestine and al-Quds. Thus whoever tries to approach and extend a helping hand to Palestine and al-Quds is turned to an enemy. The proof is that the Shah was not their enemy as he was close and with "Israel". Who do they change him to an enemy? They say this is the Shiite Crescent which wants to spread Shi'ism. This is a Persian project. This is a Safawi scheme. This is nonsense.
Let's move a little bit to the region on the way to al-Quds. On the way to al-Quds, a political solution must be secured in Syria. All states which are working to ignite the fire in Syria via money, arms, smuggling fighters, the media, provoking the Syrians, and preventing them from meeting and negotiating must stop doing so. In my view point, apart from the foreign fighters, should you ask the true Syrians (even the Syrians in the armed opposition), you will find that after all the developments that took place, in the recesses of their hearts and minds and consciences, all the Syrians now want a solution for the crisis taking place in their country.
They know that there isn't a military solution and that the only solution is the political solution. However, there are some who evidently want to prevent a political solution.
Syria must recover. Some still insist on moving forward in the wrong adventure and make haste saying Syria will fall. These very illusions were nurtured five years ago. A short time ago when Idlib fell, some said that Syria had collapsed and they started counting the days. Five years ago, they started counting the days, weeks, months, and years... Listen attentively. I know, and you know too; still some people want to make haste. What took place in the past few weeks makes it clear that the scene has changed: the Syrian Army and the popular forces are steadfast in confronting the major campaigns in Diraa, Sweidaa, Hasakah, Aleppo, and Sahl al-Ghab, and they are taking the initiative again in Zabadani, Tadmur, and the surrounding area.
For those who want Syria to fall militarily, I say: You won't be able to do so. You have to get engaged in a long war that will not lead you to your goal. Syria is defiant, and it will remain steadfast along with all those with it. Some time ago and in the framework of the psychological war, some people tried to issue some reports and spread false information to the effect that Russia stepped out of the issue. Then following MP Al Muallim's visit to Putin things were made clear. Putin made sure to talk before the media on Russia's stance and commitment towards Syria.
Iran's stance towards Syria is final. All those who were with it are still with it and will remain with it. We were with it, we are with it, and we will remain with it. From the very beginning we clearly said that we are with the legitimate demands in Syria. We are with reforms and with a political solution; however, we are not with demolishing Syria, demolishing the state, cracking the army, or the control of the Takfiri groups over it. We are with Syria, with Lebanon, and with Palestine. When we fight in Syria, we do so in broad daylight and without hiding our faces.
Then the developments snowballed. Thus today we say every martyr who falls in Lebanon is held to his resting place in Lebanon. We proudly say he is a martyr who fell for the sake of resistant Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, the peoples of the region, and the nation. Some tell us or write: Does the road to al-Quds pass through Jounieh? No, as for us, never a day will come in which the road to al-Quds would pass through Jounieh because we do not seek authority and hegemony and control. Anyway, that era of time has its conditions, and I do not want to tackle its ambiguities. However, for sure the road to al-Quds passes through Qalamoun, Zabadani, Homs, Aleppo, Daraa, Sweidaa, and Hasakeh; that's because if Syria is lost, Palestine would be lost too.
Also on the way to al-Quds, we will talk about Yemen. The Saudi-US aggression on Yemen must be stopped. We renew our condemnation and denunciation of the aggression. In every hour, every minute, and every occasion, we seek proximity to Allah Al Mighty as we openly express our condemnation to this brutal, illogical, and inhuman aggression on Yemen and its people by Saudi Arabia and all those who back it.
107 days has passed since the launch of the aggression. What is the outcome? More and more failure. You already by now know what I have said many a times on previous occasions. Has any of the Firmness Storm goals been achieved? Has any of the Restoration of Hope goals been achieved? You can't see but failure added to more failure.
Saudi Arabia or the Saudi regime must come to know that its war on Yemen has reached a deadlock and that they are weak enough to defeat the will of the Yemeni people and that bargaining on their men inside Yemen is leading only to more bloodshed and that continuing air shelling will need defeat the will of this people who are determined to achieve independence, liberty, sovereignty, and a noble life. See today's demonstrations in Sanaea and listen to the slogans after 107 days of massacres and shelling that did not spare anything not even hospitals and cities. They did not even spare markets in the Month of Ramadan. They know that this is a market. They did not hit it by mistake. The market is in the Yemeni depth, and a rocket does not reach there. Saudi warplanes hovered above and shelled. Scores of martyrs fall daily. Still this people hit the street today and expressed their stance and their will.
Brothers and sisters! It seems that the Saudi war on Yemen had lost all its political goals. The only goal that remains is taking revenge from Yemen and the Yemeni people. What is taking place in Yemen today is not anymore a military operation. The Saudi Army wants to enter. Let them defend their positions at the borders first... We hear that they entered their positions (I don't memorize the names of the positions). The Saudis fled and the Yemenis returned but they withdrew later because in case they wanted to stay, they do not have anti-aircraft. So the warplanes would shell them, and the Saudis are strong. Any state which owns war planes is able to shell, demolish, and commit crimes... Let your army guard their positions at the border, and then we will see if you are fit to enter the land of Yemen or not.
So we are not anymore before a military operation or a political operation. We are before a revenge operation. You - O Yemeni people - have rebelled against your guardian. The Saudis consider themselves as the guardians. You rebelled against slavery to the Saudi master. You want to be masters yourselves. This is not allowed. It is not allowed for the Yemeni people in this region to be as such. Then pay the price for your choice. What is the price? Shelling, demolishing, killing, submission.... This is the only thing that is taking place there nowadays.
Anyway, Saudi Arabia must climb down the tree, and the world must help Saudi Arabia to do so. The defender who took the decision to defend his dignity, people, sovereignty, and freedom has no other choice than to carry on in his defense no matter how long the war is. As for the attacker, his choices would be exhausted, and I believe that Saudi Arabia exhausted all its choices.
I have couple of words on Kuwait, but first, I must renew our condemnation to the bombings in Qdeih, Qatif, and Dammam. We condemn this aggression on mosques and against worshippers in mosques. We warn against the danger of this issue. Indeed, in the past, I used to avoid talking about this issue, and now I do not want to talk because the internal situation in Saudi Arabia is very sensitive, and you are quite aware of that.
We can't but condemn the recent terrorist attacks against the fasting worshipping Muslims in Imam Sadeq Mosque (Peace be upon him) in Kuwait. We expressed our condemnation on one hand and our solidarity on the other. Still we must hail the Kuwaiti response to this dangerous incident. The response of the prince, the government, the parliament, the political and social forces, Sunni and Shiite scholars, the media and the people was ideal and perfect. Let's hope this ideal response would be followed in the various Islamic and Arab countries. Let's hope that in case a mosque, a church, a Husseiniya, a market, a school, or a road is subject to such a bombing or such an aggression on innocent people that the head of the country, the government, the parliament, the political forces, the media, and the various sects would show solidarity, cooperate, muster efforts and stand shoulder by shoulder. This is a humanistic and a moral scene that can't but be hailed.
Why does man admire such a scene? It's because no one in Kuwait whether in the parliament, the government, the media (according to my information), the forces, or the Kuwaiti community tried to justify and find pretexts for those who executed the operation. Never! On the contrary, we just saw absolute condemnation and absolute defense. Thus they won their country. It's because those who bombed the mosque didn't do so for political reasons. You are acquainted with such categorizations.
Even as far as Shiites are concerned, they say these are the people of Iran and these aren't the people of Iran. No! He killed them because they are Shia, and his goal was to incite sectarian conflict in Kuwait. His aim was that some Shia would get angry and thus respond. Then the Sunnis would retaliate, and as such the country would be ruined. There are intelligence bodies in the country. In the way they responded, Kuwait's prince, government, people, and scholars won their country. They turned the threat to an opportunity. The threat of sectarian sedition and of ruining the country was turned to an opportunity for national unity, national coherence, and national fortification in face of these Takfiri sedition-seekers. We hope that this sample would be followed in the region.
In Bahrain, the very opposite took place. The regime in Bahrain did not benefit and make use of the threats made by "ISIL" (As you remember following the bombing of Imam Sadeq Mosque in Bahrain, "ISIL" issued statements in which it claimed responsibility for the bombing in Kuwait and threatened to bomb mosques in Bahrain) and call on the people of Bahrain to unite, carry dialogue, and deal with them in a moral, fraternal, and humanistic way and set their religious scholars and leaders free from prisons. The regime in Bahrain did not call for national dialogue, turn a new paper, and cancel the oppressive decisions taken against the leaderships of the peaceful opposition in Bahrain on top of whom comes His Eminence Sheikh Ali Salman - the Secretary General of al-Wifaa Society. On the contrary, the regime exploited the threat to gain more hegemony, control, crackdowns and security control and to confiscate freedoms. However all of that would be fruitless because the Bahraini people are moving forward in their peaceful activities. Today they hit the street in solidarity with a cause that concerns the entire nation in a crystal clear evidence of their awareness and ideological and political commitment.
Now we come to Lebanon to wrap our speech with it.
As I said at the beginning, talking about Lebanon requires some time; however, today I will be brief. Perhaps in the days to come God willing there might be another chance in which we may talk in details. However, I will not make a commitment. I will only say what I will say because we can't transcend what is taking place in our country. Weeks ago, it was obvious that the country was heading towards a clash over the issue of government and the political situation in the country. General Michel Aoun and the Free Patriotic Movement [FPM] are a key party in the formula. Since we are allies and we communicate regularly, and we are acquainted with the issue, the crises, and the promises which were made but not lived up to, it was clear that the country was heading towards a crisis.
In the media, we only called for taking things seriously, not turning one's back, and against thinking that things may be gained with time. However, no one listened and none took things seriously. I believe that some political sides in Lebanon made wrong readings. Well, General Aoun is making some demands which we find legitimate. These demands have to do with the government, the mechanism of the government's work.... Let's put the major issues (such as federalism or non-federalism) which need much discussion aside. After all, we are allies, and we make discussions.
However, General Aoun's demands are legitimate. Still some people thought that the allies are not that much in harmony with each other. So let's wedge disagreements between the allies. Hizbullah is occupied in Syria. Indeed, Hizbullah is not seeking troubles. Let's make use of some gaps here and there and leave General Aoun and the Free Patriotic Movement alone. I am telling you the way I view things. This is a wrong reading. Thus there was a determination not to convene in the government and discuss the issues you are setting forward. O people! Neither you nor your allies will manage to do so. You will remain alone, the government will move forward in its agenda, everything will move forward, and nothing will change. Some might get angry; others may shout; still others may leave.
The government will move forward with or without you. This is a wrong reading, but this is how things were read. We did not need to reach this extent because it was required that before the government convenes that the various sides sit together under whatever title and agree in a mechanism through which security appointments, the agenda and presidential reforms may be reached. However, this did not take place. However they only turned their back and, thus what took place was wrong. Later on, it was clear that the reading was wrong and that General Aoun's allies have not abandoned him and the FPM. The evidence is what took place before and during the meeting of the government. There remained one problem which people could manipulate - that Aoun's allies - especially Hizbullah - are not serious.
The proof is that only the FPM shared in the demonstrations. Where is Hizbullah? Hizbullah did not hit the street. Though this is a mere minute detail, it was manipulated. So let me answer.
First, it is not in the interest of the popular movement that aims at serving legitimate rights proposed by General Aoun and the FPM that Hizbullah partake in them. Indeed there is no interest in that. Do you know why? It's because should we partake in the demonstration, the issue will turn to the nuclear negotiations in Vienna, the fighting in Syria, the ITL, toppling the government, the founding conference... Thus all of Aoun's legitimate demands will be lost at a time in which Aoun's demands are objective and realistic and may be achieved. So first it is not logical that we partake in these demonstrations
Second: General Aoun never asked Hizbullah to join its street protest. Shall we do it on our own? He did not ask us because he is fully aware of the nature of the responsibilities we are shouldering at this stage. So it is not that he spared us. He rather understands the nature and the magnitude of the responsibilities and missions assumed by Hizbullah at this stage.
That's why when they found that we are united and in solidarity the PM several times in the cabinet asked whether this is our stance and the stance of our allies as if he had had another impression.
Anyway, I do not want to go deep into the details and reasons. I don't want to hold anyone responsible. Rather in the remaining time, I want to stress several points on the Lebanese front.
First, though we are aware that electing a president is something very difficult under the current conditions, this must remain everyone's priority.
Second, we must agree on a clear and decisive mechanism for the work of the current cabinet in view of the extraordinary condition of presidential vacuum. The various sides must meet again. First we were in harmony, then an amendment was made, and thus we reached another place. I do not want to go into details. In the session to come or even before the various sides must agree and decisively end this discussion and clarify this ambiguity.
I want to assert that neither General Aoun nor any of his allies want to cripple the government or topple the government. We are all aware that toppling this government for whatever reason means that the entire government might go to vacuum. Under such a regional situation, this would be very dangerous. No one wants to topple the government or to cripple the government. Rather everyone wants the government to act in a sound intact way according to the constitution, constitutional mechanisms and laws in a way that promotes partnership. There are various jurisprudences and understandings. Let's reach a united jurisprudence.
If not, let's reach an agreement because the country is passing through an extraordinary condition that requires such an agreement. The proof is that no one has such a goal. This government has been formed a year and four months ago. Most of its tenure was under presidential vacuum but it is moving according to its agenda and it has taken hundreds of decisions. Did anyone seek to cripple it? None did seek to cripple it. That's because no one has such intentions. The interest of the people and the country's supreme interest do not tolerate crippling. However, the mechanisms must be sound and intact in a way that guarantees partnership, confidence, and trust among the various components of the government. This is concerning the government.
Third: As for the parliament, we have a clear stance. Since there was a presidential vacuum, we in Hizbullah and the Loyalty to Resistance Bloc did not link between the activity of the parliament and the presidency of the republic and electing a president for the republic. We might disagree with others on this point. In fact, we are with the activity of the parliament. We want the parliament to convene and act normally. Well, the normal time for such crisis has passed. Today, and from the same logic and vision, we frankly call for launching an extraordinary session for the parliament.
We must all agree and sign on launching an extraordinary session for the parliament. The parliament must set to work again. There are drafts and laws. Some things are priorities to some political forces. Dialogue may take place to see what may be done to address and guarantee a legitimate session. I and everyone in this country know the wisdom and patience of Speaker Nabih Berri and bet on what we know. We may cooperate as far as this point is concerned. As such, we may find that the parliament is working and the country is moving forward. There are daily and essential laws which are vital to the country. Such things may be achieved.
Fourth, I call for dialogue again. We have a chance till after the Eid al-Fitr to figure it out. Let no one take things in another direction or cause troubles here or there. To be precise, there is a definite side which is concerned in addressing this issue with the FPM and General Aoun. This side is the Future Movement. So let no one put or create a problem in any other place. Dialogues used to take place. The Future Movement had made promises or semi promises to General Aoun. So they should go ahead and discuss them. I am not sparing others. However, the true problem is here. Let the other governmental components give their view point and extend a helping hand. This is what must be done. Turning our backs does not lead anywhere. Betting on time is wrong. Betting on isolating the FPM is wrong and fruitless. This is impossible.
Here I frankly announce that we will not abandon any of our allies and we will not abandon our coalition with our ally General Aoun and the FPM. Our options to guard this coalition are open. Everything is possible. Don't assume that I am threatening. I do not threaten; I am only saying facts because this is how we deal with our allies. The entire country knows that we act as such. Thus it's better that we head to dialogue that might start bilateral and include the Future Movement and the FPM. Then we would all join in it to promote it, strengthen it, develop it, and make it legitimate in the cabinet and the government to ensure that the country moves forward.
Brothers and sisters! Lebanon today is passing through a hard and historic stage in the history of the region. It needs more than any time in the past to preserve its civil peace, political stability, constitutional institutions, and coexistence. There is no place for elimination, exclusion or monopolization. Partnership is our destiny. The fate of the Lebanese people is to live together. Their only way to guard their country and its security, stability, institutions, and true partnership is through dialogue and meeting instead of turning one's back and betting on regional and international changes. We are in a ship in a wavy region. We don't know where we might reach should we steer the ship in the wrong direction. Some say it will land in a place that matches his interests? Who said so? Five years has passed. Who said things will move according to his interests? I am convinced in my expectations and you are convinced in your expectations.
However, these are mere expectations. We must be caring to our country. From the first day we said: Let's cooperate and spare the country the repercussions of the regional developments, and accordingly, each side may take the decision it finds fit. Some people criticized us for this decision; however, the soundness of this decision is now clear. Let's spare our country. Let's talk with each other and not turn our backs to each other. We are undertaking dialogue with the Future Movement. What is the extent of its efficiency? After all, it does not lack positive points. However, what are the other choices? The same applies to the other Lebanese sides.
Brothers and sisters! On al-Quds Day and in light of all of our history and the experiences we passed through and the situations and developments taking place in the region, what remains before the Palestinian people? What is the remaining option before those who believe in al-Quds and the dignity of the Islamic and Christian sanctities in Palestine? Shall we bet on the Arab regime or wait for "ISIL", al-Nusra, and al-Qaeda or the international community or Boko Haram or the Arab kings, presidents and princes or the Arab League? Or shall we take the choice of the resistance?
Our experience, logic, mind, evidences, truth, history, codes and norms say that the Palestinian people and the peoples of the region who want to guard their existence, dignity, sovereignty, and choices and restore its sanctities don't have but the choice of the resistance.
On al-Quds Day, we in Hizbullah renew our pledge to Imam Khomeini, to our nation, to the peoples of our nation, and to our Lebanese people who are making sacrifices and daily offering martyrs in the resistance and on the path of the resistance. We renew our pledge of staying the resistance that defends its people, nation, and sanctities and of confronting the schemes of the occupation, settlement, and hegemony no matter how grave the sacrifices were and no matter how great the processions of martyrs grew because this is the only road that leads to al-Quds, to our dignity, and to victory.
May Allah accept your worship and hundred returns! May the coming Eid see our nation in a better condition. Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.
Source: a-Ahed news