Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on Resistance and Liberation Day

In His Name
Full speech delivered by Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the Day of Resistance and Liberation held in Nabatiyeh on Sunday May 24, 2015.

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be upon the Seal of Prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad, on his chaste and pure Household, on his chosen companions, and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.
First, I welcome you and your blessed, kind, and massive attendance. I thank you for your efforts and exhaustion and for sitting in this place under the sun in Ashura Square in this blessed city - the city of Nabatiyeh. All of us know what this resisting city symbolizes. All of us know the values and morals this square holds in its history and direct presence and participation in the resistance since its very first days. However, allow me and before starting with the topics of the speech on this great national day to offer consolations in your name to our kind and oppressed people in Qdeih Town in Al Qatif for what have afflicted them following the brutal and atrocious attack that targeted the worshippers while praying in Imam Ali (Peace be upon him) Mosque. We offer our consolations for their martyrs and ask Allah Al Mighty for a quick recovery for their martyrs. We also pray that Allah protects all of them and supports them in their confrontation of this lurking danger and grants them victory over that.
Brothers and sisters! This is the day of your victory - the victory of blood over the sword. I congratulate you and all the Lebanese, Arabs, Muslims and free people of the world on the Day of Liberation that coincides this year with the Holy Month of Shaaban and the birthday of the Master of Martyrs Abi Abdullah Al Hussein Bin Ali (Peace be upon both of them) who still revives wills, the birthday of Imam Ali Bin Al Hussein Zein Al Aabideen (Peace be upon him), the captive who was never weakened by the cuffs of the prison keeper, and the birthday of Abi Al Fadel Al Abbass Bin Ali (Peace be upon him), whose wounds never stopped him from fighting in the battle until achieving victorious martyrdom. We also will witness in the days to come the birthday of Imam Mahdi (Peace be upon him), the upcoming hope and Allah's promise that will come true Inshallah. After praising Allah Al Mighty, I begin my word with saluting all those who contributed to this day and this victory. I salute the martyrs, the families of the martyrs, the wounded, the families of the wounded, the captives, and the families of the captives, all the resistance men, the families of the resistance men, all of our people who remained firm, steadfast, and tolerated displacement, shelling, and destruction over long years, and all those who founded and led this procession - absenteed Imam Leader Sayyed Moussa Sader (May Allah restore him and both his companions safe and sound), the Master of the Islamic Resistance Martyrs Sayyed Abbass Mussawi, the Sheikh of the Islamic Resistance Martyrs Sheikh Ragheb Harb, and Martyr Leader Hajj Imad Moghniyeh, all those who supported, backed, and helped this resistance whether with a word, deed, arms, ammunition, or even a supplication, and the great loyal friends: the Islamic Resistance in Iran (leadership, government, and people) and the Syrian Arab Republic (leadership, government, and people).
Brothers and sisters! First, I would like to talk about that era of time first to benefit from that experience because what we are witnessing these days is a repetition of history in different labels and names, and second to put before the generations who did not witness that era - meaning the young men and women who were born in the mid eighties, the nineties, and in 2000 onwards and did not know what took place then - so that they would benefit from it, as they shoulder along with us the responsibilities of the current challenges.
First: When the invasion took place in 1982, people differed over comprehending and diagnosing it.
We will say things as they are without mentioning names to recall them and draw morals. From the very beginning, some of the Lebanese had a clear understanding and a correct diagnosis of the "Israeli" danger, the Zionist project, and the goals of the invasion of 1982. This did not believe what was being said here and there as per the goals. However, unfortunately, some other Lebanese moved in another track. On the contrary, they were betting on the "Israeli" invasion. They linked much hopes to it. They cooperated on the military and security levels. They escorted them to the regions they occupy. They erected check points and partook in arrests. In fact, they were part of the same project. Some of them proceeded in this collaboration with the "Israeli" enemy in the border line until May 25, 2000.
Still others they did not find in the invasion any problem; however, they dealt and showed sympathy but they did not collaborate. There was another category who did not find any problem in the invasion but they did not sympathize or cooperate. Still there was another category who were absent-minded. They were absolutely neutral. They did not care for comprehending the risks or not. They did not care for taking a stance, the performance, the present, or the future. They only cared for their own problems and for addressing their own problems.
Still there was a category who took a clear decision. They comprehended the risks, the targets, the goals of the invasion, and the project. They took the appropriate stance accordingly, and they had the will and determination. They translated all of that in practice and in the resistance work in the field and on every domain. Indeed, some people shared the resistance in its comprehension and diagnosis but they did not take any action because they were convinced of their incapability and inability to make any change and that the fate is not changeable. However, those who believed in the resistance and moved in its path and practiced it in words and in action also believed in its ability to make victory and defeat the enemy. They also believed that what is taken place is not an inevitable fate as the outcome is linked to the will of men.
Hereof, the resistance was launched from the capital Beirut, to Beirut's southern suburb and the other suburbs, the South, the west Bekaa, and Rashaya, and it continued.
The second point: Since the launch of the resistance, the Lebanese also differed in their political and media stances. So they expressed their stances differently, and consequently, media outlets expressed these stances in various ways according to the first categorization we talked about.
Now, I would like you to recall what took place. Some used to talk about the "Israeli" as a friend and as an ally. They even used to view and talk about the "Israelis" as saviors. When they used to talk about the "Israeli" aggressions on the Lebanese and the Palestinian camps and on everyone, they used to justify the "Israeli" aggressions and hold the Resistance responsible saying that the "poor oppressed Israeli" are only reacting to the aggressions of the Resistance. Do not stage operations, and the "Israelis" will not react. From the very first day, some political and media stances used to speak low of the Resistance and its choices and path. They talked about its futility and used to belittle its piling achievements which were acknowledged by the Zionists themselves. Still some in the interior used to arrogantly magnify the losses of the Resistance, the repercussions of its operations, and its jihad.
Some used to doubt the national affiliation of the Resistance. They used to present it as mercenary to Syria and Iran. Some always used to cover Antoine Lahd Army and the collaborators, sympathize with them, and defend them. On the other side, there were some who used to support the Resistance on the political, media, and popular level. They used to bet on it, defend it, and push it to advance and move forward until the day of victory. This was the political and media scene since June 1982 to May 2000 - the day of victory.
The third point: In light of this comprehension and diagnosis and as determination and will were available, the armed Resistance was launched with its various forms and factions: Amal Movement, Hizbullah, and other Islamic forces under the title of Islamic Resistance and various national parties and forces under the name of the national resistance front, besides different Palestinian resistance factions which were present in Lebanon. In three years of confrontation only, this Resistance with its various forces and factions in face of this "Israeli" Army which thrashed one hundred thousand officers and soldiers to Lebanon - this small area - and was backed by tens of thousands of multinational forces and by tens of thousands of collaborating and cooperating Lebanese - unfortunately - to defeat the enemy imposed on the enemy an unconditional withdrawal from Beirut, Dahiyeh, Mount Liban, the coastal line, Sidon, Tyr, Nabatiyeh, parts of west Bekaa, and Rashaya to the border line known since 1985, and through these facts it proved its futility and ability to make victory and liberate the land. This was the first victory.
Still the hesitating, discouraging, stale political and media track moved on. It did not stop until the eve of May 2000 following the consecutive "Israeli" withdrawals to the known border line, and the Resistance moved along in its work since 1985 to 2000. It offered solemn sacrifices: martyrs, wounded, captives, displacement, demolition, massacres, and major confrontations (July 1993 and April 1996) until May 2000 and the unconditional humiliating "Israeli" defeat that did not secure for the enemy any profits or agreements. It was a clear, strong, pure, untarnished victory. But to be frank, following Allah's grace, this victory was made by some Lebanese. Here we have to highly emphasis the word 'some'. Why should we lie on each other? It was made by some of the Lebanese who believed in the Resistance and its choice and practiced it and supported it along with support from Iran and Syria and only from Iran and Syria and the sympathy of many of our kind Arab and Islamic peoples and the free in the world. However, this part of the Lebanese who achieved the victory with the blood of their martyrs and the wounds of their injured and the sufferings of their captives in prisons and the pains of their parents whose houses and properties were demolished and who were tortured and displaced away from their homes, wanted from the very first day this victory to be for all of the Lebanese. They wanted this victory to be for all. Since 1982 and from the very first day, the Resistance believed that it was defending all the Lebanese people and all the Lebanese regions, the dignity, freedom, honor, and sovereignty of all of the Lebanese, all of the nation, and all of the Arabs.
Thus all the backstabbing, collaboration, and treason did not prevent it from dedicating its victory to all of Lebanon, the Arabs, the Muslims, and the free people in this world especially the prideful, resisting, patient Palestinian people. After all, all of the Lebanese are enjoying the blessings of that day of victory since 2000. Aren't these facts? I do not want to theorize. My speech today is mere facts on which we will base our stances. Their villages and fields and homes except for Shebaa Farms and Kafar Shouba Hills and the Lebanese part of Ghajar were restored to them. All of their captive sons were restored to them. Their dignity, pride, and freedom were restored to them. They set the foundations to defend their country through the deterrence represented today in the army-people-resistance formula. This deterrence was established in July 1993 and April 1996, and in the victory of 2000. Lebanon's position in the region and the world's view to it were affirmed in July 2006. The enemy came to realize that they had no place in our land, waters, and wealth. They withdrew and closed the gate behind them though their greed is still behind the borders and their threat is still valid. Only yesterday Ehud Barak was defending the soundness of his decision to withdraw in 2000. He said that there is no use in staying in the border line. The costs of staying in the border line were very high; thus he did not have any choice other than withdrawing.
So with our will, we wrote what must be written. This is the norm of Allah Al Mighty. These are the codes of history. These blessings are the blessings of the victory we are marking today its 15th anniversary. These blessings were not bestowed on some people without the others or on some movements without the other or on some parties without the others or on some factions without the others or on some sects without the others or on some regions without the others. The blessings spread over everyone and everywhere reaching the Arab region and Palestine and on the cause of the Arab struggle with the "Israeli" enemy.
It is also worth mentioning that like on these days all the factions of the Resistance dealt with perfect humanistic and moral manners with all those who wronged it and collaborated with the enemy in the border line including Lahd collaborators among others. It presented an ideal example of dealing according to one's faith, Islam, religion, morals, and national manners. Still some want to compare this Resistance and the factions of this Resistance to "ISIL".
The question to be posed now is: Had not this some of the Lebanese had this comprehension of the risk and this correct diagnosis of the goals and the scheme, had not they had this will and determination and resisting work, what would have happened? In other words, had there been no Resistance following the invasion of 1982, what would have become of the south been? What would have become of all of the South and Nabatiyeh where you are sitting here? What would have become of Bekaa? All of Bekaa? What would have become of Mount Liban, Beirut, the suburbs, and the North? "Israel" would have spread into all of Lebanon was it not for the Resistance. What would have become of the entire region around us? What would have become of a great part of the Lebanese? You only have to imagine the scene according to this assumption to know the extent of the great divine blessings and favor which Allah Al Mighty bestowed on our people in Lebanon, on our Resistance, and on our people represented in granting them this freedom, this liberation, this dignity, and this pride.
When we look today in the eyes of people even of residents at the border, we find serenity, peace, and security. When we look at the hearts of people, we find this great and strong confidence in their ability to deter the enemy, cut the hands of the aggressors, and push back the greed of the enemy. Thus we come to realize the great favor and grace which Allah Al Mighty bestowed on us like on these days 15 years ago. For that, we must thank Allah for this grace and guard this grace because we need it in the coming days of confrontation, challenge, and struggle with all of the "Israeli" risks and "non-Israeli" threats. This blessing was the fruit of this sound and right comprehension, diagnosis, and choice from the very beginning.
This group of Lebanese we are talking about did not wait for the Arab League, Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Security Council, the UN, the US, Europe, or the West; they rather trusted in Allah and relied on their capabilities, men, women, heroes, and friends in Iran and Syria. As such, the Resistance was launched on the first days and executed in qualitative self-martyrdom operations which shook the enemy's entity and the enemy's heart and the enemy's trust in their army and capabilities.
Brothers and sisters! Today history is repeating itself under new titles. The scheme threatening the region's states, peoples, communities, and armies is the savage and brutal Takfiri project we are witnessing now.
See the difference now between May 24, 2015 and some three, four, or five years ago. Five years ago, were we to talk about the intellect of these people and their mind, culture, and intentions, people may have said that we are trying according to intentions.
Put all what was said in the past aside. Let's try according to facts, external facts which we are witnessing and watching in Syria, Iraq, Sinai, Yemen, and all other places including Qatif in Saudi Arabia yesterday.
Today, the most prominent sample of this scheme is "ISIL" - indeed "ISIL" is followed by Al Nusra which is in its turn followed by Al Qaeda. However, let's talk about "ISIL" now. Well, we are before a project which is moving and advancing on the ground. We are not talking about intentions. We are not arguing in a research center. "ISIL" sheds blood, demolishes, kills, rapes, take women as prisoners, slaughters.... Today, all the news coming from Syria talk about 400 martyrs who were slaughtered by "ISIL" in Tadmur City for cooperating or being affiliated to the administrations of the state. "ISIL" loots and expresses brutality towards all what is humanistic and civilized. "ISIL" is the major manifestation of this group of people which is not a small group in a corner in this Arab and Islamic world.
On the contrary, it is spreading. Should we talk about the official overt pledge of allegiance, it exists on a wide area in Syria, in a wide area in Iraq, in Sinai, on the borders with Occupied Palestine, it fights the Egyptians, and it is found in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, North Africa, and Nigeria because Boko Haram pledged its allegiance to the Caliph of "ISIL". Yesterday, it expressed its existence in the field in Qatif in Saudi Arabia. So it is possible to express its existence anywhere because there are followers for this intellect and this path.
Al Nusra is similar to "ISIL" but it is confined to Syria. It is Al Qaeda's branch in Sham, and many efforts are being made to beautify it and give it a new title. Recently, it has been rebranded (Fateh Army) or Army of Conquest. There is nothing called Fateh Army. Fateh Army means Al Nusra. It is Al Qaeda in Sham. So let no one be cheated or misguided by names.
Well, pursuant to all the experience we went through, what must we, our peoples, our region, and we as Lebanese do? After all, I will tackle Lebanon primarily.
First, based on all the previous experience and as far as the danger and the threat are concerned, unfortunately, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Iraq, and in the region, there are still people who bury their heads in the sand and say that there is nothing wrong, there is nothing dangerous, and there is nothing threatening. The world is still so good. There are still some people who are neutral in this battle. Unfortunately, on the contrary there are people who support, back, and bet on these terrorist Takfiri groups and see in them a friend, an ally, and a savor - just as I said about "Israel" in 1982 - and consequently, they provide them with support and help.
Brothers and sisters! In the past, armies and groups used to occupy territories. Well, what was their goal from that? Their goal was to control the land, the authority, wealth, and water, and in our modern time, to control oil, gas, markets, and the political decision. However, they had no problem in people living in this country and staying alive. They had no problem if their sects, factions, ideas, paths, customs, traditions, clothing, food, and drink differed.
Today, we are before another kind of ideology unprecedented in history. Believe me. Reread and scrutinize history. It is unprecedented. This danger targets the other human entities. I will not talk sheer ideology, jurisprudence, and mentality and say so and so said or such and such said. I will talk facts. This is Iraq. What did "ISIL" do to the Sunnis who did not cooperate with them? What did "ISIL" do with the national Sunnis or the Sunni tribes who cooperated with them but refused to pledge allegiance to their alleged Caliph? What did they do? We all know what they did. What are they doing with them now in Mosel, Anbar, and Ramadi? What did they do with the Shia? What did they do with the Christians? What did they do with the Yazidis? They do not also differentiate between Arabs, Turks, and Turkmen .... They are all the same. Aren't these facts? Notice the genocides? They slaughter 1700, 2000, 5000, and 10000 people. Even at this moment and while I am delivering my speech they are slaughtering.
Isn't this the case in Syria too? They act in the very way with Sunnis, Christians, Alawites, Ismaelis, and Druze... What differed? The scenes and the new news from Tadmur are further evidence. The scene is the same even between "ISIL" and Al Nusra. Why did they conflict with each other in Qalamoun? They issued statements in which they exchanged accusations. So they are the owners of the same ideology, the followers of the same organization, and they are in the same front and face the same threat. Still, they show weakness in faith and in mind because instead of uniting in face of the Syrian Army and the Resistance, they fight among themselves (I am not advising them against fighting among each other though). I am only depicting the scene. When they fight, they slaughter each other. When they take captives, they do not try them. See their statements. They did not even execute them with a bullet shot. No, they slaughter them. "We came to slaughter you" is the slogan of this scheme.
So, we are today before a scheme, before such groups, and before a danger. They do not tolerate the existence of others. Here it is wrong to depict the scene as Sunnis vis-à-vis Shiites, or Sunnis vis-à-vis Christians, or Sunnis vis-à-vis the other religious sects and trends, and I have said that in previous speeches. That is rather a brutal Takfirism vis-à-vis all the peoples of the region. Only those who accept to live their lifestyle, bear their intellect, and pledge allegiance to their Caliph under the power of fire are saved. This privilege is only for the Sunnis. The Sunnis who give in and show allegiance to their Caliph and accept their intellect may be saved and spared, though many people were not spared. As for the others, it seems there is no place for them.
Well, this is the sound diagnosis. If some have another interpretation, what can we do? After all of these facts, some people still say that "ISIL" and Al Nusra want to cause change, and they are a reaction to the oppression of the regimes, dictatorships.... Well, analyzing the apparent reason, we do not differ; but if we see the phenomenon and its targets, its track, its conduct, and its end results, another thing is found out. Accordingly, you have to take a stance. Everyone must sense the danger. This is not a danger on the Resistance in Lebanon; this is not a danger on a definite sect or a part of a definite sect. This is not a danger on the regime in Syria or the government in Iraq or a group of people in Yemen or the like. On the contrary, this is a danger in face of everyone. Let no one hide or bury his head in the sand. There are evidences. These are facts. These are events. All of that is before you.
So this is the comprehension which we tackled first, and now we come to the choices second. The first choice which we must rule out is what I call the deluded choice taken by some people who believe that if we took no action against "ISIL" and Al Nusra, and they gained victory somewhere - God forbids - our previous inaction would save us and protect us. Well, facts say other than that.
Some people believe that if they refer to "ISIL" and Al Nusra as rebels, fighters, strugglers, and fighters for freedom and supported them on the political and media level, one day if they gained control that would protect them and spare them. Here too, facts speak contrary to that. In Iraq, there are groups who fought with "ISIL" in Mosel, Salahedine, and Anbar, and when "ISIL" controlled and demanded them to pledge allegiance and they refused, they killed them. They killed scholars, heads of clans, and men, took their women as captives, and confiscated their money. This is what befell those who fought with "ISIL" against the Iraqi Army. Whoever in Lebanon or in the region believes that with their silence, inaction, praise, and courting they would protect and spare their heads, sects, and people are deluded and ignorant as this is not the case.
Well, see what "ISIL" and Al Nusra say about each other in their statements. Read the statements of Al Nusra in which they describe "ISIL" and the statement of "ISIL" in which they describe Al Nusra. How do they describe each other: breakers of oaths and agreements, treacherous killers...? That's because the easiest thing for both groups is to refer to each other as disbelievers and to label each other's blood as permissible without trial. Should there be a court, the judge is ignorant; he does not know anything about Islamic Sharia and jurisprudence. They claim that they implement the Islamic Sharia.
Thus my advice for those who bet on these groups, support them, or are silent on their deeds is: Reconsider your decisions. You will be the first victims of "ISIL" and Al Nusra. With utmost calmness and fraternal and loving feeling and in an attempt not to fool each other, I say that the first victims for "ISIL" and Al Nusra in Lebanon will be the Future Movement and the leaders of the Future Movement, and the deputies of the Future Movement. Everyone will be the victims of "ISIL" and Al Nusra. I do not want to frighten people; still, we do not want to fool each other. I want to ask the Christians in Lebanon: Is the stance of so and so of March 14 leaderships or parties a true guarantee to you? Does it protect you against slaughter, killing, and looting? Does that protect your women from being taken as captives and your churches from being demolished? Does that form a guarantee? Tomorrow, they will say "Yes". We used to support and praise you.... In light of all of these facts, I pose this question before all the Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis, and the other peoples of the region. I tell our dear brethren Alawites, Druze, Ismaelis, Yazidis, and Abadiyyeh. I tell all the sects and factions besides those who may say they are secular - and their crisis is even worse: Who has a guarantee? Do these keep their word or an oath or an agreement? This question is from heart to heart and from mind to heart. The answer is "No". So enough of these inept contests and boosts. Let's talk facts, show care, and assume responsibilities.
So it is not allowed to sit aside and wait inactively. It's an obligation to take the initiative, act, and search for means for confrontation. Well, what are the choices? Sitting aside inactively and waiting does not lead anywhere or protect or spare souls.
As for choices, some are seeking American protection. I do not want to theorize. I do not want to talk about the history of America and the American scheme. I do not want to talk about how America manipulates all the states in the region and in the Gulf and how it manipulates the peoples of the region and sells arms to boost its weapon factories, robs our oil, money, and wealth, and fragments us and disintegrates us as peoples in the region. Keep all of this aside.
Take the experience of Iraq as an example. In some days - two weeks and a half - comes the anniversary of the "ISIL" occupation of Mosel (It is a large province. It is several times larger than Lebanon), Salahedine Province, Diala Province, a part of Kirkuk Province, a part of Irbil Province, and a great part of Al Anbar Province. It also threatened Baghdad. Well, an international coalition led by the USA was formed. A year had past. What have they done?
We do not want to talk politics. We do not want to carry an intellectual argument. We do not want to discuss intentions. What have the US-led coalition done so far?
They staged several raids in a whole year the number of which is by far less than the "Israeli" raids on Lebanon during July war or the "Israeli" raids on Gaza during the 22-day-war and not during the 51-day-war. What have they done?
Did they dispel "ISIL"? Did they crush it? Brothers and sisters! All the people know and the Iraqis know that "ISIL" is moving with its arms, vehicles, tanks, and arms from one city to another, from one province to another, from Iraq to Syria and from Syria to Iraq under the eyes of the USA. I tell everyone who bets on the USA in Iraq or in Syria or in Lebanon or anywhere: Mosel was not restored. Rather Ramadi was lost. Ramadi was lost almost a year after the loss of Mosel. This is what befalls those who wait for the Americans. However, the Iraqis who did not wait for the Americans could, with their will, army, popular masses, the call of the religious authority, and doubling their efforts, restore Diala and a large section of Salahedine Province. They could restore, stop, and prevent this spread, and they are able to do that too. So those who wait for America do not reach anywhere.
Second: What about the Arab League and the Joined Arab Force? Someone may say: Why do you bother yourselves?
There is a joined Arab Force. We are now in the era of the Firmness Storm. It will protect Lebanon. It will protect the peoples of the region. This understanding and mind are really strange. Good! Who are backing "ISIL" and Al Nusra intellectually and on the level of the media? Even on the satellites of the Firmness Storm, you see clear support. They cheer for the victories of "ISIL" and for the defeat or casualties of these facing "ISIL" and Al Nusra. Who is providing them with money and arms officially and unofficially? Who is buying oil from them?
These are the ones we are betting on to protect us.
Third: The sound and correct choice for the Iraqis, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Yemenis, and all the peoples of the region is to depend on themselves. They must muster their efforts and trust their capacities, cooperate, support, and back each other. They must search for true and faithful friends - on top of whom comes the Islamic Republic in Iran - who provide them with support and backing. They must know that through their awareness and will they are able to defeat this brutal, savage Takfiri scheme which is not more powerful than "Israel" and the USA. The resistance movements and peoples in this region defeated "Israel" and the USA.
The manipulated element here is misleading, absurdity, vacancy, and confusion. We must emerge from this stage and come to realize that when trusting our national capacities, young men, and armies, we are able to address all our conflicts and the disputed files in these countries. The battle is a battle of existence - the existence of Iraq and the people of Iraq, the existence of Syria and the people of Syria, the existence of Lebanon and the people of Lebanon, and so on.
With the battles of existence, other battles are postponed. Interests, privileges, reforms, and democratic calls are set aside. In all the countries in the world, when a danger is threatening the very existence of a state, the opposition remains silent as per the government; it might even cooperate with the government and support the government in its choices. Isn't this the case?
Today, our region, our states, and our peoples are involved in a battle of existence. Based on all the above-mentioned experience, understanding, and choice, I say the following:
These are translated into action in the following stances:
First, we call on everyone in Lebanon and the region to shoulder their responsibility in confronting this danger and to get rid of their hesitation, silence, and neutrality - that is not to say their support to these groups.
I know that some have their own calculations. For example, March 14 Bloc in particular has a problem in the calculations they make because in Syria now in fact there is the regime of President Bashar Assad along with the Syrian Arab Army and others vis-à-vis "ISIL" and Al Nusra. Your friends - the Syrian opposition coalition - are not able to come to the regions controlled by "ISIL" and Al Nusra. They don't represent a guarantee for you. Thus they only fear the victory of President Bashar Assad's regime. Fearing this victory, they build their expectations and bet on the victory of "ISIL" and Al Nusra at a time they must fear "ISIL" and Al Nusra. In July War, some people voiced their fear from the victory of Hizbullah. Do you still remember? Very early, people realized that Hizbullah and the Resistance and all the resistance factions will gain victory. Thus some people started saying that they fear the victory of Hizbullah. Then I said - also via the screen because we were in a time of war: Do not fear the victory of Hizbullah; rather be afraid of the victory of the others.
Here I am asking you, and I am talking facts: If the regime and its allies win in Syria, we would represent the guarantee for all the Lebanese. I know that the Resistance and major political leaderships in Lebanon have a considerable status according to the Syrian leadership and the Syrian people what makes us say that we represent a guarantee. However, I have another question to ask: If "ISIL" and Al Nusra win, God forbids, and this is what we rule out and we must work to avoid it from taking place, do you represent a guarantee for yourself before wondering if you would form a guarantee for others?
I hope you will answer this question of mine one day.
Second: It is wrong to present the battle with the terrorist groups at the Lebanese border and within the Lebanese territories, as is the case in Irsal barren areas, as the battle of Hizbullah and that Hizbullah wants to drag the state and the army to get involved in it. No! This is the battle of Lebanon. Based on this comprehension, the state must assume its full responsibility. We do not want to involve you or to drag you to this battle. We are calling on you to defend your land, country, sovereignty, and people and to assume this responsibility and not to evade it.
Third: The Qalamoun battle is ongoing and will continue, God-willing, until the Syrian Army, the National Defense Forces and the Lebanese Resistance men secure the entire Lebanese-Syrian border.
Fourth: This is on one hand; on the other hand, there remains the town of Irsal and the barren areas of Irsal because practically the entire Lebanese borders along with the entire Lebanese barren areas are by now outside the control of the militants except for Irsal barren areas.
As for Irsal, I would like to talk frankly. I have used these very terms when the bomb attacks were being dispatched from Irsal, passed through Irsal, and conveyed by men and women from Irsal. Then our flesh was being torn and our blood was being shed in Hermel, al-Nabi Othman, Dahiyeh, and Bir Hassan. At that time we said: The people of Irsal are our people, our dear ones, and a dear part from our people.
As far as this point is concerned, let no one outbid us. We don't tolerate any harm against them, and we do not accept that anyone act with them irresponsibly. Here we must show our pride of our people in Baalbeck-Hermel though we know that some of these groups including men from Irsal killed young men from tribes and families from Baalbeck-Hermel; still, the people of Irsal remained living in peace and security. This is the humanistic, civilized, moral conduct the residents of Baalbeck-Hermel showed to the very people who were sending to them booby-trapped cars, killing their women and children, and slaughtering their men. This is our vision over the residents of Irsal. You may say this is the responsibility of the state. Well, great! This is the responsibility of the state. We did not say anything else. We said that this is the responsibility of the state. Let the state assume its responsibility. The Interior Minister in the current government said that the town of Irsal is occupied by armed forces. Well, you are saying it is an occupied town.
The Future Movement - your minister - is saying that it is an occupied town. Do you have any other vision or do you believe his is a personal viewpoint? If not, let the Lebanese state then restore its occupied town and free its residents who are under occupation and who are being kidnapped, killed, and slaughtered. You know that in Irsal, "ISIL" has courts and Al Nusra has courts. They try, kill, and execute people for eating such and such, drinking so and so, having such and such a relation, saying so and so, or doing such and such. Isn't this the case? Everybody knows that. Well, then, let the state assume its responsibility. Prove that you are a state and a government that cares for its people, land, sovereignty, and decision.
Do not evade discussing these issues. The cabinet and several ministerial blocs insist on discussing these issues in the cabinet. At least accept getting engaged in such a discussion, and if you believe it does not need any discussion, trust in Allah and take a decision. We know and my verified and certain information from inside Irsal is that the overwhelming majority of the people in Irsal reconsidered all the previous stances, and they now feel the heavy burden represented by these armed groups. They feel they are in dire need for a helping hand. O our people in Irsal! We are always ready to extend a fraternal, helping hand for you and to be by your side. However, the state must assume its responsibility. Consequently, I advise everybody to remove the issue of the people of Irsal and the town of Irsal from sectarian and factional bargains. There is no interest for you in that. As for us, that does not make any difference. Say whatever appeals to you. In fact, they say whatever they wish against us, and this has been the case for a long time. However, my advice is: don't bargain on that.
As for the barren areas of Irsal, if the state does not want to assume its responsibility, here and today on May 24, 2015, I will say what I said like on this very day a couple of years ago - or perhaps more - from Mashghara as per Al Qseir. Today we are in the barren areas of Qalamoun. Let me be clear. Say whatever you want to say; issue whatever accusations that appeal to you; give the names and descriptions that you wish to say. Our noble people in Baalbeck-Hermel along with their tribes, families, political forces, and every member of them do not tolerate the existence of one terrorist or one Takfiri in any of the barren areas of Irsal or Bekaa.
This decision protects in the first place the people of Irsal and enables them to go to their barren areas where their quarries and farms are and which the armed groups are preventing them from reaching. It also makes them secure in their homes as they will be again under the authority of the state.
Fourth: On the Day of Resistance and Liberation, we assert our adherence to the golden formula: the army, the people, and the resistance - the national army, the popular resistance, and the popular incubation of the resistance. We present this formula as the formula of victory. The major end results of this formula are the victory of May 2000 and July 2006. This formula protects Lebanon today in face of the "Israelis", the Takfiris, and any other threat. That's because these who were martyred while confronting "Israel" are the officers and soldiers of the army, the resistance men, and the sons of the Lebanese people, and those who are being killed now and over the past years in the barren areas of Bekaa are the officers and soldiers of the Lebanese Army, the resistance men, and the sons of the Lebanese people.
This is the formula of victory. This is the deterrence formula. So we must not limit it to Lebanon and, instead of cancelling it, let's present it as a formula to Syria. In fact, Syria has started acting according to this formula for years by now. Let's present it to Iraq, and Iraq has started acting according to this formula a year ago. Let's present it to the people of Yemen, and Yemen has started acting according to it 60 days ago. Let's present it as an initiative and as a formula for all of the threatened peoples and armies. Today in Iraq, the army is not enough. We need the people and a popular resistance. We need the popular masses who must widen to cover everybody including the Sunni and Shia tribes, all the people of Iraq including Kurds and Turkmen, and all the popular forces.
The army, the people, and the resistance in Iraq had defeated "ISIL" in Salahedine and Diala, and it is able to defeat a thousand "ISIL" in Anbar and Mosel.
In Syria too, the Syrian Arab Army and the popular resistance represented by the popular defense forces under its various names and the popular incubation are what made Syria stand steadfast until our very day in face of this global war. In Lebanon, this formula also triumphed yielding this victory.
This massive US-Saudi aggression against Yemen could not achieve any of its goals because the Yemeni Army, the popular Yemeni resistance, and the popular Yemeni incubation are standing in face of this aggression.
Today, we present this formula to all the peoples of the region to make victory which we can indeed make should we own knowledge, make the correct diagnosis, show the required determination, take the decision, and get engaged in the field.
Fifth: Brothers and sisters! For 76 years by now - since the first Nakba in 1948 -, the "Israelis" have been working for decades and successfully managed in fact to reach this result: fragmenting the battle. That means in Egypt the battle is in Sinai. They set Egypt aside and let it get engaged in the battle in Sinai. In Jordan, the battle is in the border areas. In Syria, the battle is in Golan. In Lebanon, the battle is in the border line. With the Palestinians, the battle is in the West Bank and Gaza Strip where the Palestinians are refugees. Unfortunately, the "Israelis" fragmented this battle and this war. Fragmenting this war was one of the reasons and elements of strength through which the "Israelis" managed to gain control in this war that extended over decades.
Today and as a Lebanese, if I want to help the Palestinians, I must offer logic, law, legitimacy, culture, and morals.... That's because the Lebanese would say: What do you have to do with the Palestinians? If I wanted to help the Syrians, they would say: What do you have to do with the Syrians? If the Iraqis want to help the Palestinians, they would be told: O Iraqis! What do you have to do with the Palestinians? Isn't this the culture which prevails nowadays?
Who established this culture? America, "Israel", and the media, political, and cultural elites in our Arab world.
Thus Palestine today is still suffering from the Nakba of 1948 because the Palestinian people were separated from the other Arabs, and the Gaza Strip was separated from Palestine. So even within the Palestinian people, Gaza has its own considerations, the West Bank has its own considerations, the refugees have their own considerations, and East al Qods has its own considerations.
When the battle was fragmented, "Israel" could triumph over us in many wars.
Today in face of this threat which is no less dangerous than the "Israeli" threat, the first concern was and is still to fragment the battle. What have we to do with Iraq? Let the Iraqis address their own crises. What have we to do with Syria? Let the Syrians solve their problems. What have we to do with Lebanon? Let the Lebanese solve their own problems. Let the Egyptians in Sinai solve their own problems. Let the Yemenis in Yemen solve their own problems. No one has anything to do with the affairs of others. This was the case with the struggle with "Israel". Let the Palestinians solve the problems by themselves.
This is a fatal, strategic, and historic mistake. Today, we call for uniting the fronts as it is unfeasible to fight in a segregated manner.
I will give a simple example. If "ISIL" was prevented from reaching Iraq more than a year ago, it would not have been able to control Mosel, Salahedine, Diala, a large part of Kirkuk, and Anbar. It was to have some influence in some cities, villages, and places. However, when the world remained silent on "ISIL" in Syria, where did they go? The "ISIL" has a scheme; thus they went to Riqqah. That's not because they do not have greed in Damascus but rather because they have a scheme and it is required to execute a scheme. It went to Riqqah and Deir Zour - meaning to the Syrian-Iraqi borders, reached parts of Hasakeh, parts of Aleppo, and Aleppo's northern rural areas, and controlled the oil and gas. The "ISIL" was left to do all of that before the eyes of the entire world. Turkey, the USA, Jordan, and the entire world were seeing it. A chance was given to "ISIL" to sell oil. They sold the oil in that area. They imported arms and equipments, and thus they now own tanks and camps and bring along thousands of Takfiris from around the world. They laid their pillars in Syria and in one strike captured Mosel, Salahedine, and Diala, threatened to seize Irbil and Baghdad and controlled and are still controlling a large section of Anbar.
Was "ISIL" prevented from controlling these areas in Syria, nothing of this calamity would have befell Iraq. Few days ago the scenes were heartbreaking. Tens of thousands of Iraqis were quitting Ramadi. Everyone was fleeing along with his mother, wife, and children. Holding a small bag in their hands, they were walking with fear in their eyes.
Who assumes responsibility for that? It is not limited to what took place in Ramadi. Go back in history a year or two ago. All those who remained silent on "ISIL" in Syria are responsible for what is taking place in Iraq and the slaughtering that took place in Tadmur today. As for those who fought as much as they can, they are not to be blamed. They performed their duty and their obligation.
We call for a unified look on this battle, brothers and sisters. Accordingly, our fight in Syria transcended the stage of graduation. First, Sayyeda Zeinab (Peace be upon her) Shrine was threatened; we went to Sayyeda Zeinab (Peace be upon her). Then Qseir was threatened; we went to Qseir. Then Qalamoun was threatening due to booby-trapped cars; we went to Qalamoun.
A period of time by now, the case transcended this graduation. For over two years by now, this consideration was transcended. Today and based on this abovementioned view, we are fighting alongside the Syrian Army and the popular Syrian resistance everywhere in Syria: in Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Deir Zour, Hasakeh, Qalamoun, Qseir, and Idlib. We are fighting based on this vision that fighting there is aimed at defending everyone in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Palestine and at defending Ramadi, Irsal, Baalbeck, Karbala, Damascus, Laziqiyeh, Aleppo, and every other place in our region. Our presence will grow pursuant to the growth of responsibility.
Today and on the anniversary of the victory of the Resistance and on the Day of Liberation and the Resistance, I assert that our presence in Syria comes pursuant to this strategic and political vision, to this deep comprehension, this precise diagnosis, and this sound stance.
Thus and with no reservation, I say that we are present in one place without the other in Syria. Today we are present in many places, and here I am telling you that we will be present in every place in Syria where the battle needs. We are competent of that, and we are ready to participate with the army, people, and resistance in Syria to make this victory and to deter this aggression.
Sixth: As "ISIL" has become at the door of everyone, I call on Saudi Arabia to stop its aggression on Yemen to facilitate the anticipated political dialogue in Genève in days, and to open the gate seriously before a Yemeni political solution that puts an end to this war and to this tragedy.
Seventh: I call on the Bahraini regime to stop betting on the frustration of the Bahraini people and their quitting on continuing their procession which will gain victory, God willing, even after some time. I call on it to release the prisoners especially the symbols of the revolution and scholars. I call on it to stop the distorted assumed trials as what we witnessed days ago while trying Sheikh Ali Salman, and to reconcile with its people because "ISIL" are at their gates, all of them. This danger cannot be faced but through national dialogue, national reconciliation, and national solutions.
Eighth: Despite all what is taking place in the region, we remain here in the south - the south of Lebanon and along its borders and shores. Our eyes are on the main enemy in the main battle and the main front. We did not and will not abandon this front. This is for everyone to know. Some may say: If you have all of these capacities, why don't you transform them all to Syria? No, we are obliged to be present on two fronts today. We cannot abandon this front or that front. These are two fronts though in fact they are one in their goals.
We did not abandon this front. We are still working, we are still present, and we still follow up with our awareness and information the movements and schemes of the enemy. We preserve our readiness. We are not preoccupied by other concerns no matter how voluminous they are. We are aware and following all the Zionist enemy's movements, intentions, words and thoughts.
Brothers and sisters! O our people in the south, West Bekaa, Hasbaya, and Rashaya! O our people everywhere in Lebanon! Be sure that the Resistance now is fully ready, fully present, and fully fledged. Do also know that the enemy knows what I am telling you more than the Lebanese. Thus the enemy is alert and takes that into consideration and thus is proceeding in its psychological wars, threats, and intimidations which do not frighten us or change our stance or shake our determination.
As far as the Resistance is concerned, we are aware that we are in the proximity of a lurking enemy who is betting on the exhaustion of the Resistance in Lebanon as well as on the exhaustion of the peoples of the region, the armies of the region, and the resistance movements in the region. Thus this must always be taken into consideration, and I assert to you that we are very much aware, and we will never be negligent of this enemy, not even for one minute.
Ninth: In the resistance battle to liberate Lebanon and its people and honor, solemn sacrifices were offered: martyrs, wounded, captives, and displacement. The ongoing battle of guarding our existence which is taking place now also requires solemn sacrifices. This battle is greater, fiercer, and more dangerous because it is in the interior one way or another. There is no other choice before those who want to defend their existence, survival, dignity, honor, and homeland other than being ready to offer sacrifices and to offer them eventually.
Thus I tell some of the Lebanese: It is shameful to count our martyrs in this battle of ours. Shame on you. Show some honor. Everyday you count 30 martyrs here, 40 martyrs there, 50 martyrs here, and 100 martyrs there. Are we ashamed of our martyrs? Are we embarrassed of our martyrs? Are we saying that this is a ride in a park? No, it is a battle of existence. It is a battle of fierce and strong fighting from one hill to another, from one valley to another, and from one house to another. It requires offering martyrs and sacrifices.
Be ashamed of yourselves and don't count our martyrs. Thanks for our martyrs, wounded, and captives, you are alive. O you who want us to be ashamed of our martyrs! O you who are labeling us as weak! Today you are living in peace and security in this country. Then stop this deed of yours as that will not make any difference at all. That will not shake our will, determination, or decision though there is psychological warfare funded by the US embassy and several states. States are paying money now for people to say that Hizbullah is weak and in trouble. Since 2005, they say that we are in trouble at a time we move from victory to victory.
They say that Hizbullah is suffering from an internal crisis though there is no other party in this world whose leaderships, cadres, men, women, young, and elderly unanimously agree on the soundness of this decision and this battle. They say too that Hizbullah has no men; that's why they are taking the young boys to the battle. They are exploiting a definite incident of the martyrdom of a young boy in one of the preparatory groups. We have a program for 15 and 16 year old boys. We take them to a camp to educate them and teach them how to get acquainted with nature. Well, accidents take place, and once a young man had an accident, and we lamented him as a martyr. Since then they accuse them of running out of men and of taking young boys to the battle. Shame on you for issuing such accusations.
Yesterday, some people spread a rumor that Sayyed Nasrallah will call for general mobilization. Well, I will not call for general mobilization. It is too early for that. We are still in our best status. Yes, I said a day may come on which we may call for general mobilization but we did not yet. I tell all of those people that though I will not call for general mobilization, today if Hizbullah's leadership takes the decision to be present in the battlefields, you will witness the presence of tens of thousands of true men in all battlefields.
Brothers and sisters! O people of Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine! O peoples of the region who link their hopes on a number of forces including us. On the Day of Liberation and Resistance, I want to tell you - and I am believed by the enemy though some enemies who pretend to be friends have doubts. I usually do not swear by God though today I will. I swear by God that since June 1982 to our day no time has passed in which the Resistance was larger, better equipped, stronger, more experienced and more determined and its fighters were more zealous, responsive, and present in fields than they are today on May 24, 2015.
The resistance, the people of the resistance, and the choice of the resistance have been making one victory after the other since 1985 to 2000 to 2006 to the fresh victory in Syria. The true victory in Syria is that they wanted to topple it four years and a half ago in 2 or 3 months but it remained firm and steadfast, and it is still fighting. This resistance had made these victories with the blessings of this golden formula. On the Day of Liberation and Resistance and the anniversary of victory I say that should we trust in Allah Al Mighty and the armies, peoples, and resistance movements in the region, should we trust in Allah Al Mighty, should we stop betting on our enemies, thinking good of our enemies, and waiting for kindness from our enemies, should we seek help from a true friend, and should we resort to our force, will, mind, heroes, and men whether young or old, this Takfiri scheme would be defeated, destroyed, crushed, and lose every track.
I congratulate you on this anniversary and this victory. With you, we move along on the path of resistance and martyrs and make victory. Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings and hundred returns.
Source: Al-Ahed news