Sayyed Nasrallah: July War Had Political, National, and Regional Dimentions

Nour Rida
Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Friday that the July 2006 "Israeli" aggression on Lebanon was a key part in a series of attempts to crush the Resistance. He assured it was a real war that had major goals and dimensions on the different levels, also repercussions on the entire region.
Delivering a speech on al-Manar TV on the 8th memory of the July 2006 Divine Victory, Sayyed Nasrallah saluted the souls of the martyrs who belong to the Resistance, the Lebanese army, the security forces, the civil defense and the media. He also greeted the wounded and the families who were partakers in the victory, as they stood unwavering in face of the "Israeli" aggression.
Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned in particular maryr Ibrahim al-Hajj, who was a major pillar in the Aita al-Shaab battles for 33 days during the Zionist aggression. He further thanked Syria and Iran for helping in this victory.
Also saluting the late leaders of the Resistance, Sheikh Ragheb Harb, Sayyed Abbas Moussawi, Haj Imad Moghnieh, and absented Imam Moussa Sadr, Sayyed Nasrallah assured that if it were not for these leaders who established the Resistance movement, all the victories would not have been achieved.
July War Aim: Eliminating the Resistance
The Resistance leader pointed out that the July war was a main part of a bigger plot to give birth to a "New Middle East".
"A lot has been said about the July war, lectures were given and books were written to discuss it... This war remained a case study because it was a real war with political and historical dimensions which transcend Lebanon and Palestine to influence the entire region. And here, we must recall former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's statement on this war producing a new Middle East," he stated.
The Resistance leader accentuated that the July war turned out to be part of a scheme that aimed at annihilating the resistance in Lebanon, not disarm it only.
"After ending the war on Lebanon, "Israel" continued its plan by attacking Syria with the aim of creating a new regime allied with the U.S.," he explained, adding "The third part of this plan was attacking the Palestinian resistance in Gaza and this was to be achieved before the end of 2006."
Sayyed Nasrallah noted that the two goals behind this plan are: the U.S. would take control of all oil and gas fields in the region and the second is that it would draw an end to the Palestinian cause and impose a settlement on Palestinians and Arabs.
According to Sayyed Nasrallah, the plan which included direct American occupation, an "Israeli" war aimed at attacking the resistance in Lebanon, then attacking Syria and ending the resistance in Palestine was obstructed thanks to the resistance in Lebanon the fabulous Lebanese resilience through the July war victory.
"The steadfast of the Resistance, also the political and popular resilience forced the Americans, "Israelis", Europeans, and the UN Council to withdraw most of their conditions since the very first days of war. Meanwhile, the Resistance was glorified in Lebanon, the "Israeli" war did not reach Syria and the war on Gaza was postponed from 2006 until 2008. Not only that but also the Iraqi resistance gained momentum and expelled the U.S. occupation from Iraq," he elaborated.
Yet, Sayyed Nasrallah assured this does not imply the U.S. has failed to achieve its goals but rather changed its path. "We must follow up on their paths to topple the American-Zionist plan for the region," he stated.
The Hizbullah SG highlighted that this war has failed, and assured that the region -amid all dangers- that it is still able to face these dangers and able to overthrow any projects in the region.
New Project for the Region: "Israel" & ISIL
Sayyed Nasrallah said what is happening today in Gaza is part of a new path for the region and in light of new developments, which in fact has the same goals of an "Israeli" control over the region's oil fields.
This new project being drawn for the region, according to Sayyed Nasrallah has two factors.
"The new project is more difficult and dangerous from the previous one, because it does not aim at overthrowing regimes and replacing them with new ones, because in this case the country and the army remain the same while the authority changes only. The new project, meanwhile, is that of destruction, of destroying countries and armies, people, and entities."
He added "This new project aims at setting up a new map for the region in which the enemy becomes the savor. The first factor is the "Israelis" who aim at eliminating the resistance, while the second factor is the so-called Takfiri movement, of which ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant-Daesh] is a clear example."
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed "I tell all the people of the region that we can take down this project but it needs time and effort."
ISIL: Existential Danger Threatens All
More on the current situation, Sayyed Nasrallah explained "We have to believe that there is a real existential danger threatening us all and it is not a joke, and we must be aware of the threat's potentials."
He stressed that all are concerned find means to face this threat with real tools.
"We must not resort to illusions and options that have been tested and have proved to fail. Rather we must choose real means based on the history of our people."
Sayyed Nasrallah noted that some people mounded on the international community and on the UK, the Arab League, and the GCC to confront the Zionist project yet without getting anywhere. He also stated that in the early 20th century, when the Zionist entity established its presence on Occupied Palestine, people did not recognize it is a real and existential threat, noting they should be aware to the similar situation today.
He accentuated that ISIL today is a real threat to the region. "I want to tell the Lebanese and all the people of the region that we have to put all differences aside because these is a real danger threatening your entities, churches, mosques, kids and women."
"The so-called ISIL is a group that has now taken control of large geographical areas in Syria and Iraq and has taken control of resource fields and main water dams. It has huge quantities of weapons and ammunition and is selling oil. It also comprises many foreign fighters whose arrival here has been facilitated," he clarified.
Sayyed Nasrallah added "This group has committed massacres, has killed prisoners and civilians in Iraq and Syria, and also killed people close to ISIL, like al-Nusra fighters, and then assassinated people of other Islamist factions in Deir Al-Zour and Aleppo and Iraq before cameras to augment their psychological war... The massacres harmed Sunnis primarily and ISIL did not spare anyone in Iraq like Kurds, Yazidis, Shiites, Christians, and Turkmen...This example [takfirism] has nothing to do with Islam, Prophet Mohamad -pbuh- or the Holy Quran."
"What I know is that some regional countries have adopted these groups and the Americans have turned a blind eye and expanded their vision to benefit from this phenomenon."
Battle Inclusive War, Not Sectarian
Sayyed Nasrallah called on every Lebanese, Palestinian, Iraqi, Syrian and any Gulf national to leave sectarian chauvinism behind and reason if this phenomenon is a threat against Shiites only.
"No one should regard this battle as a sectarian one; it is a takfiri war against anyone who opposes it. It is a danger threatening everyone. We must discuss what we should so; should we hang on the international community?"
Addressing the Christians of Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah said "if you think the U.S. would do anything for you, you are wrong. The U.S. will tell you to travel abroad, just like what France told Iraq's Christians."
On the Hizbullah presence in the Syrian battle, Sayyed Nasrallah said that "If Hizbullah withdrew from Syria; this would not eliminate the danger and would not safeguard Lebanon from [IS founder Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi's map.
Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that what protected Lebanon is the army-people-resistance equation and not international troops.
More on the disassociation policy to which many call for, Sayyed Nassrallah highlighted "If ISIL seized control of Syria and reached Rashaya and Baalbek and the North, would the disassociation policy protect the country? Is this a realistic approach? Is this approach correct in the first place?"
He stressed that logically speaking, when the country is facing an existential threat the priority becomes facing this danger.
"Those who do not do that are not acting logically, morally or based on religious values."
LA, Security Forces To Preserve Country
As for the foremost factor to be invested to face this existential danger, Sayyed Nasrallah noted it is the Lebanese army and security forces.
"They protect the state and towns, not Hizbullah. We welcome any help for the Lebanese army but troops must get real weapons"
He pointed out that the major thing required is official and popular support to the army, which should be financial and psychological.
More on the army, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the state should stand by the army all the time to release its kidnapped troops. "Secondly, we should stop insults and never slam the army as a tool in Hizbullah's hands," he stressed.
The Hizbullah leaders pointed out that the Lebanese must also preserve the current cabinet and not allow it to collapse despite the differences.
He iterated that all Lebanese regions should reconcile and stop all forms of incitement.
Commenting on the person who was arrested for operating the Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade, he assured such persons must be punished.
As for Arsal's future, Sayyed Nasrallah said it is linked to Baalbek, Hermel and the Bekaa - not al-Nusra or ISIL. Hence, there should be efforts of reconciliation among the different regions.
On the issue of Syrian refugees, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that minimum cooperation should take place with Syria regarding the refugees' issue.
Meanwhile, on the presidential polls Sayyed Nasrallah said "We support a certain nominee and you know him."
Ending his televised speech, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted "We will not abandon our responsibility and will not leave this land, but rather will stay here with our heads high, and if war is to be imposed on us we will either fight to win or be martyred."
Source: Al-Ahed news

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