Al-Maliki Accuses Saudi Arabia of Supporting Terrorism

Local Editor
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki stressed that Saudi Arabia turned into a state of problems due to its policies in supporting terrorists in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and other countries, via an interview on al-Manar TV channel on Monday.
In an interview with al-Maliki on Monday, he said Saudi Arabia lives the dream of toppling Syria, Iraq and Lebanon but it will not succeed, also calling on Saudi Arabia to stop interfering in the Iraqi affairs and to respect the interests of Iraq.
Al-Maliki reassured that the political solution is the only one for solving the crisis in Syria, calling on all the Syrian sides and the international community to adopt a political solution to the crisis.
He called on Saudi Arabia to stop arming the terrorists in Syria, asserting that if Saudi Arabia doesn't stop arming them, the war will spill over the borders as it has stricken Iraq and Lebanon and would affect Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
He said that the so-called Syrian coalition opposition has no real presence on the ground. It is a movement of clubs, squares and festivals because those who exist in Syria are the terrorists, the criminals and killers, asserting that Iraq will stand against those criminals from reaching power in Syria.
Al-Maliki further called on the international community to support the Syrian government in countering these terrorist organizations and give the Syrian people the chance to practice its right to self-determination.
Source: News Agencies, Edited by website team
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