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Imam Khamenei: Resistance Economy to Encounter Sanctions Imposed Over Iran

Imam Khamenei: Resistance Economy to Encounter Sanctions Imposed Over Iran
folder_openImam Ruhollah Khomeini access_time11 years ago
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Leader of the Islamic Revolution Imam Ali Khamenei ordered the government Wednesday to create an "economy of resistance" to counter sanctions imposed over Tehran's nuclear program.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called Western sanctions "a full-fledged economic war" and said Iran is determined to force the West to retreat.

Imam Khamenei: Resistance Economy to Encounter Sanctions Imposed Over Iran "If (Iran) pursues ... an economy of resistance, we will overcome economic problems and will defeat the enemy ... that has imposed a full-fledged economic war against this great nation," he said in his order.

Under the program, the government must take action to expand production and export of knowledge-based products, increase domestic production of strategic goods and develop markets in neighboring countries. It also encourages greater privatization and increased exports of electricity, gas, petrochemical and oil by-products instead of crude oil and other raw materials.
Iran and the six-nation group the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany began talks for a final deal in Vienna Tuesday.
Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters in Iran, has said he had accepted the talks but doubts they will succeed, saying Washington is using the nuclear issue as an "excuse" to pressure the country.

In his order, Mr. Khamenei has asked the government to closely monitor sanctions and impose costs on the "enemy," a reference to the US.

The West suspects that some Iranian nuclear activities are intended to give it the ability to build a weapon. Iran denies this, saying its program is for peaceful purposes.

Source: Agencies
