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عنوان الإعلان

Sayyed Nasrallah’s speech during the memorial ceremony for Martyr Leader Hassan Lakkis

Sayyed Nasrallah’s speech during the memorial ceremony for Martyr Leader Hassan Lakkis
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The speech delivered by Hizbullah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, during the memorial ceremony for Martyr Leader Hassan Lakkis held in Sayyed Ashuhada (pbuh) Compound on Friday 20/12/2013.

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be upon the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet- Abi Al Qassem Mohammad- and his chaste and pure Household, his chosen companions and all the messengers and prophets.
Dear Sirs, brothers and sisters. Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.

Allah Almighty says in His Holy Book:

{Allah hath purchased of the Believers their persons and their good; for theirs is the Garden of Paradise: they fight in His Cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the law, the Gospel, and the Quran: and who is more faithful to his Covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme}.

First, I would like to welcome you all and thank you for your attendance in this memorial ceremony held to honor a dear martyr leader. I would first also like to offer his noble family and all of you our consolation as well as our felicitation for the martyrdom of this dear leader-brethren Hassan Lakkis (May Allah have mercy on him).

On this occasion, I have divided my speech into two parts: The first section has to do with the martyr, the incident of martyrdom and this cause between the "Israelis" and us.

I have several points to tackle under this title.

The second section has to do with the internal Lebanese affairs.

First: This group of martyr brethrens was not known before their martyrdom except within their private familial and social circles, such as their friends and relatives. They might have also been known within their direct working circle (i.e., the brethrens that worked with them).

The nature of the mission laid on their shoulders does not allow them or us to introduce them to people during their life and before their martyrdom. Well, we introduce Shura members, deputies, ministers, political officials, and some executive officials. This is normal. However, that is impossible as far as the brethrens who work in the direct jihadi domain are concerned; it goes without saying due to the nature of their mission and to the nature of challenges and conditions. That's why they are not known before their martyrdom. After their martyrdom, people see their photos and come to know their names.

They might, at times, be surprised by the status of this or that martyr and his position in the resistance. However, even after their martyrdom, we can't talk about them, and we can't introduce them to the people except very briefly.

The reason is that their life, achievements, and the details of their conduct and personalities have fused, melted, and dissolved in this resistance and in this procession. That means that they have no life other than their life in the resistance. This group of brethrens -whether it is those who were martyred or those who are still alive- has devoted its youth to the resistance. Thus, most of them- if not all of them- might have no social life in the common sense of the word. That's because their days and nights as well as their efforts and hard work, are all devoted for serving this procession and this resistance.

When we talk about them after their martyrdom, we can't reveal their achievements. Why? It's because we are still in the core of the battle. Since we are still in the core of the battle, we can't say what Hajj Hassan Lakkis did, what his achievements are, what he used to do, what his mission was, what his occupation was, what his accomplishments were, and how he was linked to the resistance movement. This is the truth and this is part of the sacrifice, too.

This is a sacrifice made by the families of the martyrs. The families of the martyrs lose a dear member when he or she is martyred; yet still, they do not have the opportunity to acquaint the people with the true achievements, truth and greatness of the martyr after his martyrdom. This is the procession of the sacrifices, anyway. It's because through martyrdom, we seek victory for our resistance, homeland, people, and nation.

This is part of the sacrifices, which we must have patience in enduring. We hope a day may come in which we would be able to talk about the achievements of these martyrs - especially the martyr leaders- and their accomplishments, personalities, and special attributes so as to be fair to them in this world, though this world is in all ways mortal, and they will receive their abundant reward by Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty will reward them without measure.

What consoles the families of the martyrs and the souls of the martyrs is that their achievements are reserved, guarded, and being developed, too. And that every effort they exerted, every tear they shed, every drop of blood they spilt, every night they spent awake, and every hard work they made in this resistance will yield fruit with the blessing of the faithful brethrens who are still alive and who are loyal to their oaths and promises and are deep-rooted and firmly adherent to the path of the resistance. Thus, these martyrs will remain alive as symbols in our procession as they are alive in their achievements.

Second: As far as what I can reveal about brethren Leader, Hajj Hassan Lakkis, I say that what we know and what his brethrens who used to work with him or were close to him - know is that he was a struggling, sacrifice-offering brethren. He spent his youth in the resistance since its early days. He was an industrious hard worker who adored martyrdom. He had refined and good manners. He was a loving, caring, and kind person. He was also and indeed an inventor and one of the prominent brains in the resistance.

All through the past, long years, the enemy used to talk about the war of brains between them and the resistance in Lebanon. Hajj Hassan Lakkis was one of these brains. He is, in fact, one of the prominent brains in the resistance. He was the leader who could shoulder responsibility. He used to work day and night. In wartimes, he used to be in the battlefield and on the frontlines. In peacetimes, he used to be preoccupied by matters of readiness and development because the battle with the enemy is not over yet.

Indeed, as for me personally- he also used to know many other brethrens- he was a loving, caring, dear friend since we were young men in the city of Baalbeck.
Anyway, he was a seeker of this good ending and this great honor, and he achieved both of them contently and in the appropriate timing, as well. He was martyred between the anniversary of Ashura Al Hussain on the tenth of Muharram and the fortieth anniversary of Imam Hussain on the twentieth of Safar.
Third: As for the assassination attempt, all the indications, clues, and data we gathered signal to and assert the first accusation we made against the "Israeli" enemy after adding the previous assassination attempts.

It's worth mentioning that Hajj Hassan Lakkis was subject to more than one unsuccessful assassination attempts. The enemy also talked about these assassination attempts. Even more, brothers and sisters, you noticed the way the "Israeli" media- whether it is TV stations, newspapers, or analysts- tackled this issue over days. I have followed what they said on Hajj Hassan and the assassination operation- as is the case always. In fact, I can say that they were very close to an official adoption of the assassination operation.

Anyway, the investigation will carry on. However, all what we have reached to so far and the information and data we gathered assert this accusation. So, it is not a political accusation; it is rather an accusation which is based on data and indications.

All what was said after the martyrdom of Hajj Hassan- for anyone can adopt the assassination operation on Twitter or through the social media outlets- are either absurd or come in the framework of sectarian instigation, especially when it comes in the form of a Sunnite title, for example.

Part of what was said aims at sectarian instigation, especially when the Sunnite title is hurled in the assassination operation. Part of what was said aims at misleading the people and the "Israelis" might have resorted to this in order to keep people's eyes away from them and to push the conflict in another direction.
As for us, all what was said is by all means valueless. Our killer is known to us, our enemy is known, and our foe is known. Well, you know that as far as these issues are concerned, we have no place for courtesies. So we don't accuse the "Israelis" in everything; and we do not discharge the "Israelis" in everything. So when it is not the "Israelis," we say it is not the "Israelis" that are to be accused. However, when the "Israelis" are to be accused according to clues and indications, we accuse them.

Fourth: This martyrdom expresses a state we've been living for a long times. I call it the state of paying the price. The brothers and sisters as well as the masses of the resistance must know that we've been living in such a state for long years now and we will remain in this state until the battle comes to a decisive and final end one day.

What does that mean?

First: We are paying the price of our previous victories against the "Israeli" enemy. This resistance made a historic victory in 2000, which imposed an unconditional withdrawal on the enemy. Thus, the enemy withdrew humiliated and defeated. Many people in this world want this to be forgotten. They want this not to be mentioned and recalled, but rather to become part of the forgotten past.

However, it must always be recalled and reminded of because it is the fruit of great sacrifices, the pure and incessant bloodshed of martyrs, the pains of the families of martyrs, the injuries of the wounded, and the sufferings of the detainees and captives in prisons- whether Lebanese, Palestinians, or Syrians- who were partners in making the victory of 2000. This victory changed many formulas in the region, opened the gates of hope, launched the Intifada in Occupied Palestine, and led to the victory of 2006, which toppled the program of the Neo-conservatives in the region- namely, the New Middle East- not only on the level of Lebanon or southern Lebanon, but rather on the level of the region as a whole. Do you believe that when someone topples the programs of these senior personalities and not only defeats them, but also afflicts on them a humiliating defeat, they would clap for him and laud his efforts?

Or, it is rather that they would take revenge from him and make him pay a high price because he dared to stand in their face, had the determination and will to resist them and remained in the battlefield until the last breath, fought them, made fighting them the first priority in his life and thus, gained victory. So, it is normal that they would seek to kill you, murder you and prosecute you. They would seek to avenge you. So, first we are paying the price for the victories of the resistance, which we do not proclaim for ourselves; rather, we say we were a part of this resistance; we were an active part, an essential part, and we respect, acknowledge, and highly estimate all the efforts of the other dear resistance fighters.

Second: We are paying the price for our continuous adherence to the cause of the resistance, our persistence in the resistance position, and our hard work to achieve true and full readiness that deters the enemy.

People are preoccupied. Everyone has his or her priorities and preoccupations. However, I have previously mentioned that in Hizbullah, there is a great number of brethrens, elites, brains, cadres, leaderships, and young men and women, too, who are not concerned about what takes place here and there. Their first concern is having this resistance achieve the best possible readiness to confront the enemy in case one day the enemy imposes a war on it, on Lebanon, and on the region. This is their only concern all day and all night long. They make studies, discussions, plans, and programs; they work hard and industriously. Well, one of these brethrens was Hajj Hassan Lakkis, and one of the senior figures among them was Hajj Imad Moghniyeh and others whom you don't know but Allah Almighty indeed knows.

Well, the enemy knows that. Many people might not know that. Some people in Lebanon may believe that Hizbullah has no other preoccupation other than the March 14 Bloc. Here I am telling you that the March 14 Bloc is the last concern of a great section of Hizbullah. Here I am not underestimating anyone. It is rather a way of organizing priorities. There is a great section of Hizbullah whose first and last and only concern is this enemy, confronting this enemy, and defending this country, the dignity of this country, the sovereignty of this country, the wealth of this country, the people of this country, and the blood and honor of the people of this country. We are paying the price for that, too. The assassination of Hajj Hassan comes in the framework of taking revenge for the previous victories as well as in the framework of striking the fundamentals and pillars of the resistance's current abilities and readiness to develop.

Within this framework, too, comes the martyrdom of dear Leader, Hajj Imad Moghniyeh, and the martyrdom of other leaders- Martyr Ghaleb Awali, Martyr Ali Saleh, and Martyr Abu Hassan Deeb- who were assassinated in previous stages.
Misled is he who believes that these dear leaders were killed on the margin of the battle or outside the battle, and that those who are killed in the battle are those who are killed in operations or during war. No! These were killed in the heart of the battle. The battle is still ongoing in various forms and shapes. These were killed in the heart of the battle that is still ongoing between the enemy and us. Indeed when we talk about paying the price, this is some of the price we are paying from our cadres, leaderships, blood, and souls.

It goes without saying that there are other prices we are being made to pay. That's because when we talk about previous victories and defeats, when we talk about the ability and readiness of the resistance, we cause a crisis to great powers- to "Israel," to some governments in the region, and to some people who, for years, have been theorizing about defeat to legalize succumb and about their weakness to sell Palestine, Al Maqdes, and the Church of Resurrection. However, the victories of the resistance came to embarrass them and to open new horizons, instead.

In all cases, paying the price does not come only in terms of the souls and the blood of martyrs, but also in the status of this resistance, its sacredness among the people, the people's confidence in the resistance, its morals and the morals of its resistance men as well as its masses through this fierce media war, on which billions of dollars are being spent- and here I am not exaggerating.
I will remind you that a couple of years ago, Feltman said they paid- so they already had paid that by then- 500 million dollars to distort the image of Hizbullah and to deviate the Lebanese youth from getting enrolled in Hizbullah or respecting it.

So, what is the amount of money being paid daily for media outlets to broadcast this enormous quantity of propaganda, lies, accusations, and falsehood to touch on our masses, will, and morals? Part of these lies and falsehoods has to do with the Syrian issue. Well, is it possible that 200 or 300 martyrs fall for us daily? Well, after all, what is the number of Hizbullah fighters? Wouldn't that number have come to end by now, then?

Well, some Lebanese and Arab media outlets around the clock put such a piece of news so as to keep reminding people of it. This is lying around the clock, in fact.
Well, if they would report that in the news bulletin, it would be a lie that might pass. However, they report it again in the following news bulletin. Still, it might be viewed as a lie that has passed. However, to put it in the news bar around the clock would be considered incessant lying.

Well, they report that there are 50 martyrs, 70 martyrs, 200 martyrs daily. In the past three weeks, during the confrontation that took place in the eastern Ghoutah- which was, indeed, a big conspiracy that had been flopped, some Lebanese media outlets reported, put in the news bar, wrote, and analyzed that the number of Hizbullah martyrs has reached 500 and that the number was moving rapidly towards 1000. Is it a kind of a marble game or what? They said that 500 martyrs had fallen and that we were moving rapidly towards 1000 martyrs!

Brothers and sisters! Don't ever believe that they don't know that they are lying! They know that they are lying, and they are even lying on purpose! However, this is part of the psychological war being waged on us. By telling Hizbullah masses, the Lebanese people, and the adorers of the resistance that in the past couple of days or in the past week, 500 martyrs for Hizbullah fell in eastern Ghoutah, indeed, some people would feel pain for that, some would be frightened, and others would believe it. So, what is required is touching on the people's will and morals. They are also telling you that the price of your position is extremely high and you have to reconsider your stance. Still, they know that they are lying.

Lebanon is an open village. All the people know everything about each other. In case someone died, was martyred, killed, kidnapped, or does not return home, would that be hidden from the people or from media outlets? What party is great enough to be able to hide thousands of martyrs from their parents, villages, and communities? This is one example.

This fierce war that you are witnessing now and that you have witnessed in the past has nothing to do with the disagreement over the government or the discord over the Lebanese political issue. Let no one be misled. It has nothing to do with having agreed or disagreed on a prime minister, or with having agreed or disagreed over an election law. This is the cover of the cause. The story is much deeper.

In fact, it has to do with the resistance, the will of the resistance, the project of the resistance, and the toppling of the resistance on the moral, cultural, and psychological levels among its people and masses. They have been leading a battle to topple the resistance for years. Anyway, you know that some in this camp in Lebanon and the Arab world have declared themselves the enemy of the resistance since its first days. This is not something new. However, in every stage, they search for a slogan, for a banner, or for a headline through which to attack the resistance because in some stages, they could not attack the resistance as a resistance. Thus, they turn to other signs or slogans.

Thus, we believe that we are paying the price, and that this price is part of the battle. We can understand that and view it as part of the battle. Moreover, we suppose that in military operations or during war- such as in July 2006, The Grapes of Wrath in 1996, or in the Liquidation Operation in July 1993, as they call it- martyrs would fall all along. When we are getting ready, martyrs might fall.

When we insisted on this track, martyrs would fall. When we would be training, martyrs would fall. That's why when a martyr falls during training sessions at times, we do not find ourselves obliged to say where, how, and why he was martyred. Well, we indeed inform his family. This is their right. We can't change one detail in the facts as far as the martyr's family is concerned. However, in the media, we are not obliged to give details. Still, we do not lie in the media, but we are not obliged to say anything. We get satisfied by saying the martyr fell while performing his jihadi obligations. Thus, you find some people saying that he was martyred in Qalamoun and another saying during training drills and a third saying in a car accident. Let them say what appeals to them.

As for us, this path which we undertook remains the path of martyrdom because it is the path of the resistance. Our resistance is a resistance field. It is not the resistance of salons and luxurious life. It is, rather, the resistance which has offered martyrs and is always ready to offer martyrs so as to achieve these great and noble goals.

Thus, we endure and tolerate these costs, and are also proud of these sacrifices and offer them as an oblation to Allah Almighty. These are the emotions of the families of the martyrs. You visit the families of martyrs, whether they are those who were martyred or killed during the confrontation with "Israel," or in confronting the terrorist groups in Syria, or in booby-trapped cars in Lebanon. Go to the families of martyrs. You will not hear except one rhetoric: "Oh Allah, accept this sacrifice that we have offered to You." Is not this the logic of the families of martyrs?

As for all those who are waging these psychological wars and through them are trying to talk about tension, doubt, suspicion, or a state of anger amid the masses of the resistance and among the families of the martyrs, the truth is that they are trying to manufacture this atmosphere. These are their lies, imaginations, and expectations. They haven't seen anything yet. I will wrap up with that when I tackle the Syrian cause. However, I would like to tell you now that when they talk about these huge numbers of martyrs, first, take into consideration the numbers of fighters before tackling the numbers of martyrs.

However, anyway, for those who try to put the determination, will, and resolution of the masses of the resistance, the families of the martyrs and the resistance fighters at stake, I say that so far, we are still participating in a humble, limited, simple circle. We haven't reached a stage in which I- or any of my brethrens - had to hold an internal meeting to encourage the fighters to join in the battlefield. I did not even reach a stage in which I had to make a massive speech and announce general mobilization. We haven't reached such a stage so far, and I assert that according to the data and events in the field and the regional and international political changes, it seems- I will not say this is for sure certain- that we will not need anything of this sort in the future.

The fifth point in the first part of the speech- the assassination of Hajj Hassan Lakkis- is not a transient incident between the "Israelis" and us. Let no friend or foe be misled. It is not a transient incident that ends with the fact that they killed one of our leaders and we bid him farewell saying, "O Allah, accept the sacrifice that we have offered to You." No! The "Israelis" and us have accounts that needed settling. These accounts still need to be settled. There are old and new debts between us as well as renewed debts. If the "Israelis" believe that they chose the timing in which they believe Hizbullah is busy and preoccupied as the situation in Lebanon is featureless and the situation in the region is as it is that would make "Israel" outside the sphere of consideration, today and during the ceremony we are holding to honor Martyr Leader, Hajj Hassan Lakkis, I tell you- You are mistaken.

These accounts that need to be settled were opened since the martyrdom of Sheikh Ragheb, Sayyed Abbass, Hajj Imad Moghniyeh, and were renewed now with the martyrdom of Hassan Lakkis. The killers will be punished whether sooner or later. The blood of our martyrs- the seniors and the juniors among them- was not spilt in vain. Those who killed our brethrens will not feel secure in any place around the world. Punishment is to take place for sure. When there is a will, when a decision is taken, when the required courage is available, the specific time will come and it is we who will specify it. It is because we as well as the families of the martyrs are the kinship of the martyr who will punish the true killers and not those close to them. We will punish the true killers. Here I am telling you- we will punish the true killers.

Now, we move to the Lebanese political affair, though I will wrap up my speech again with Hajj Hassan (May Allah have mercy on him).

First: We notice that recently, (though this has been the case lately, but here, I mean in the past weeks or months or days) an unprecedented escalation has taken place in the tone of the other party- the March 14 Bloc. What does this indicate? Well, actually when my brethrens and I or anyone from our blocs or from theirs- after all, we are humans- is delivering a speech- especially if it is without preparation- he might get influenced by the environment or the council he is delivering his speech in. He might then get evoked or excited and affected; thus, he might make a somehow strong situation. This might be comprehended one way or another.

However, when there is a written- and even a printed script- and great masses are gathering and they agree on what is written in the script, then things must be viewed from another perspective and stances must be taken accordingly.

What took place and what was said in the Tripoli Proclamation made by the March 14 Bloc some days ago is something very dangerous. In my viewpoint, this is something new and unprecedented. Amid the ongoing events, to what extent was this point taken into consideration? I will say two phrases and then I will comment on them so as to show you how dangerous this inclination is and to highlight the need to be aware of it. They talked about the phenomenon of extremist, fanatic, and extravagant Takfiris. They announced their rejection of this phenomenon and then said: "We reject extremism and excessiveness of some extravagant Shiites coming from Tehran via the trans-political Wilayat Al Faqih policy- this policy which has eliminated, labeled as 'infidel,' bombed, and killed..."

I do not want to discuss whether the content is true or false because this is meaningless. However, the accusation is aimed at us. The accused party is well-understood. It is us. Well, there is a written script and you make your proclamation before a crowd of personalities. What do you mean, then? You are referring to your political rival as so and so. You have referred to us as Takfiris, as trying to eliminate others, as bombers and as killers. Whom do you aim at by what you say? There are two suppositions:

The first supposition says that things are over. You mean that in no way is it anymore possible- not even in dreams or imagination- for you to sit with our group, or let's say with us- Hizbullah, so as not to generalize- at one dialogue table or partake in one government pursuant to any formula- whether it is 9-9-6 or any other formula. We have to make suppositions, and this is one of the suppositions. This speech aims at eliminating and detaching the 'other' and accusing the 'other' of being Takfiri. Consequently, such a proclamation is a declaration of war. If that is so, tell us so that we won't waste time.

If the speech means that things are over and there is no way back, if that aims at canceling this important and broad side in Lebanon- I may show humbleness in my personality, but I do not have the right to show humbleness on behalf of the resistance, this procession, these martyrs and people- and thus, the decision is made to detach and eliminate them and consequently a fatwa that labels their blood permissible was issued for being killers, Takfiris and extravagant bombers, let us know. If there is a declaration of war, in fact, we do not want to make a war with you and we have no time for that. Our battle is with the "Israelis." However, let no one play such games with us. Let no one play such games with us. We just want to know the reasons behind such a speech.

The second supposition is that the speech does not aim at that. It is rather part of the clamor and media campaign and the media, political, and psychological pressures. As such, they address Hizbullah saying Hizbullah is an extremist, a Takfiri, a murderer and so on until Hizbullah retreats, dwindles, becomes weak, surrenders and hands in what we want from it.

Well, if this is the target, then at least respect the minds, emotions, and hearts of your masses. When you speak before your audience and masses and say that these are extravagant Takfiris, murderers, and bombers and so on, and then the following day you sit with us, you are not showing respect to their minds. Indeed, in this framework, I call on all the political parties in Lebanon, including our political bloc, to keep space for reconciliation no matter how much their speeches increase.

Always watch your way back except if we reach a stage in which we get convinced that there is no place for peaceful coexistence and partnership and have started seeking to take Lebanon where the other Arab countries have dragged themselves. This would be another thing, then.

However, as long as there is a conviction, culture, or will or a part of a conviction, culture, or will that after all, we in Lebanon will be together, we will sit on one dialogue table together, we will partake together in one government, and we will run the country together, then let us and others keep a place for reconciliation in a show of respect to the emotions, minds, and will of the people as well as a show of respect to our dignity. That's because if we are to address each other with these dangerous and sharp attributes, what would be the logic that would make us sit with each other later on?

The second point in the Lebanese affair: I want to highlight the issue of the Lebanese Army, the aggressions against the army and the army cross-points recently. No one should take this issue lightly.

Frankly, I tell you that Hizbullah on the first, second, and third days following the incident did not issue a statement or even comment on them so that no one would say we are taking advantage of it. Well, you know the sectarian and factional atmosphere prevailing in the country. Take into consideration also the city in which the incident took place- the city of Sidon- and the men who were killed. We are very cautious to avoid rubbing salt on the wound in any place in Lebanon. On the contrary, we seek to heal the wound anywhere possible. This is to our both of our interests. This is not to the interest of one party, sect or region. This is to the interest of the whole country.

Still, on the other hand, it is not acceptable to underestimate the danger of what took place. That's because from the intellectual, doctrinal, moral perspective, and the spiritual perspective, that is very dangerous. I believe everyone understands what I mean. The indications of what took place show that it is something very dangerous. It is more dangerous than the explosion in the Iranian Embassy or putting a booby-trapped car in Bekaa, Beirut, or Dahiyeh, or shelling rockets on Hermel, Qaa or Ras Baalbeck, as what took place yesterday. This is by far more dangerous.

Thus, we call first for a pause of contemplation. Let no one view the incident with nervousness, agitation or political rivalry. No! We need a true pause of contemplation to be taken by all the Lebanese, whether they are political forces or people. After all, this is a dangerous incident and it might be the starting point of a definite track.

Second: We call for protecting the military institution for one simple reason. We are not challenging the other institutions. However, as we used to say in the past, it is the last remaining state institution that enjoys national consensus. After all, the other institutions have unfortunately been categorized by sectarian and factional terms. Now, whether this is right or wrong, this is taking place in the country. The army is the only institution that still enjoys national respect and national consensus to a large degree.

In our terminology, we say it is all what remains of the state. So, if the institutions were crippled and collapsed- God forbid - and the army is still intact, we may resort to this pillar and start building again. However, if this institution was disjointed, dispersed, weakened, and toppled, nothing will remain. The entire country would be lost. All the people would be lost.

Moreover, what is required here is guarding this institution and detaching it from the sphere of threat and danger. It is also required that its credibility not be harmed. Here, I would like to make a suggestion to the Lebanese people, political forces, religious authorities, us, and to others: I am not saying that we did not make open criticisms to the military institution in the past. No! However, now I am suggesting that from now on- and because of the dangerous situation we are passing through in Lebanon and the region and because the Lebanese Army is the salvation log or at least the only safety belt remaining to this country and to its people- let's guard and protect it. Even if we or the others have comments or criticisms, we must act as we are doing now.

A delegation of deputies or officials would visit the Army Commander or the officials in the army leadership and inform them of the comments: "On that cross point you are being tough in the way you deal with people; there, you made an attack and there was no need for that; on that cross-point, no checking measures are taking place."If we have comments, we inform the leaders from among them, but not through the media. Let's commit ourselves to that. Let's guard this institution and its honor, credibility, and the trust it enjoys among the people so that we may be able to resort to it in the future.

We all know that in case the credibility of this institution collapsed and if it was distorted, everything would be lost. At least today, in case two neighborhoods, families, parties or regions disagreed and fought or opened fire on each other, there is still a trusted side that may restore security.
At times, the army is required to put a decisive end to conflicts militarily. This is not easy in a country like Lebanon. However, thanks to the Lebanese Army, it is still accepting to play the role of the fire fighter. Well, if we put an end to the role of our fire fighter, how are we to put off the fire at a time when we see the region around us blazing?

Third: The government.

We are still convinced that we need to form a comprehensive political government, and a true national unity government. In our viewpoint, a neutral cabinet is a kind of deception. In Lebanon, there are no neutralists. Perhaps someone disagrees with you in politics. He might be a politician, a man of intellect, or an artist. However, he is widely respected. Perhaps his convictions differ from yours as far as politics is concerned. However, he has emotions of love towards you. Well, after all, some people might love other people though they differ with them in politics. Someone may love another for his personality, conduct, sacrifices, or whatever.

Yet, in this country, we have reached a place where if someone tells another person that he loves him, those who want to form a neutral cabinet in the country would make a crisis out of that. Where are the neutralists in this country?
O brothers! No one is allowed to love another person. No one is allowed to respect another person. No one is allowed to be in the middle. This is the situation now in Lebanon. That is not allowed.

Thus, people are being categorized, burnt, attacked, and dishonored rapidly. You say there are neutralists and you want to form a neutral cabinet? This is deception and delusion. We do not advise anyone to form a de facto government. This is the end of the story. The alternative to governmental vacuum is forming a national interest government, meaning- a comprehensive political government which does not eliminate any side. The brave and the courageous one is he who stands in Lebanon and says: "I want to form a national unity government no matter whoever likes or dislikes that." He who wants to be a hero must be a hero in face of the regional states. He would have to tell Saudi Arabia and others: "Mark your limits." If Iran wants to cripple the formation of a government, he would have to tell Iran: "Mark your limits." If Syria is crippling, he would have to tell it to mark its limits.

He would say: "Pursuant to my constitutional powers, I see that Lebanon's salvation is in forming a national unity government; thus, I will form a national unity government." This is a constitutional responsibility. This is a national responsibility. This is courage. This is bravery. This is chivalry. Chivalry is not escaping to a neutral cabinet under whatever title.

Here, I end my discussion of the government.

Fourth: Presidential elections.

This is indeed a very important event in Lebanon. In fact, there is no need to emphasize the importance of having a new president on May 25, 2014 because that would influence the formation of a government, a new elections law, the filling of the vacancies in the state's administrations, and the rescuing of the country.

This is obvious and is known to every Lebanese person. However, unfortunately, instead of working industriously to reach an agreement, the political powers are accusing each other of seeking presidential vacuum. "This side is seeking vacuum." "The other side is seeking vacuum." Well, we haven't reached that stage yet! I personally don't think that any side in Lebanon wants presidential vacuum; even the strictest sides among the March 14 Bloc do not want that. No one in the March 8 Bloc or the rest of the allies want it. Our interest is to have a president.

This is first.

Second: It is normal that every political party seeks, aspires, and hopes that the new president would be from its bloc so as to fulfill its aspirations, goals, and expectations, which it sees as being the interest of Lebanon. This is natural. No one may deprive the other from this right. They have this right as we think we have this right, too. This is normal.

Third: The Lebanese people today are before a historic chance. The chance of the Lebanese people is as follows: With an absolute internal national will, they may be 100% capable of electing their president. This chance is available. Well, if it is not absolute- if we do not want to exaggerate- indeed, the Lebanese people, today, have an unprecedented wide margin for free internal decision-making due to the regional and international situation. Well, this puts the political forces and leaderships in Lebanon before a great obligation. The Lebanese people and these political forces and leaderships are capable of running the country without foreign sponsorship and without regional and international guardianship.

Well, we always get involved with each other in a battle of sovereignty. This side says that it is sovereign, and that side says that it is sovereign. Between parentheses, a couple of days ago, the French Ambassador to Lebanon said that if France was to choose between vacuum and extending the presidential term, it would favor the latter. Well, none of the sovereigns made a comment. What does France have to do with this issue? The Lebanese are still discussing this issue. Why are you in a hurry? Does he still believe that France is the caring mother and thus, it may extend and name and elect while people stand aside?

Anyway, we do not want to blame. We only want to hint to that.

The battle of sovereignties is not that of slogans. True sovereignty, as far as presidential elections are concerned, is when we, the Lebanese people, truly elect a president without receiving a password from any country in the world, whether it is a friendly, regional country, or international country. Are you ready for that? Are you ready for assuming this responsibility as Lebanese people?

That would be a merit of sovereignty and independence. If you are not ready, then all the slogans would be worthless. This is a critical issue. We have alliances, friendships, and relations. Yet, if we could have our own internal decision and practice our convictions without being subject to any pressure and without accepting any pressure- if the political forces in Lebanon can act in such a way- that would be the true foundation for a new political life. I can say that if we managed to do that by May 25, 2014, this date would not only be the Day of Resistance and Liberation; it would also be a day for founding sovereignty, and a true independence day. However, all of that requires the merit to do that.

Well, instead of accusing each other of seeking presidential vacuum, let's get to work. Let everyone make his contacts so as to set a good road map that leads to this achievement. Let's not dupe each other and put things off. Do we really want to assume this responsibility? Do we really want to elect a president?

How are we to make this achievement while taking into consideration all the conditions in the country? We, in Hizbullah, adamantly reject vacuum and see that the only alternative is electing a new president on time, and we, as well as our allies, will exert all efforts to achieve this goal. It is normal that the political party we belong to has a strong, appropriate, and competent candidate for this hard stage which Lebanon, the region, and the whole world is passing through.
Fifth: I want to tackle our presence in Syria in a couple of words before wrapping up my speech with the leader martyr again.

My brethrens and I have previously explained at length why we are present in Syria: Why did we go there? When did we go? Who went prior to us, as we were the last to go? What is the nature of the battle there? How did the data change? What was the story in Syria at first and later how did things develop? In fact, even the people of the uprising, the revolution, or the opposition- call it what you like- say that it was stolen from them. Are we to discuss from the very beginning? Well, first we discussed whether that is right or wrong. Let's put this aside because we are the people of the moment. What is the case now in Syria? What is your evaluation to what is taking place in Syria?

Let no one talk Arabic rhetoric. Let's be practical. Let's talk facts. Let no one talk about illusions. Let's talk field facts and true data. I hope that when we talk about the Syrian issue, that we would not go back to the very beginning.

Dear Sirs! The worst thing a person can do when making an evaluation is to say that someone or something is wrong. Still, we will presume that we were wrong. However, what is the situation now? I tell you that you are wrong. Well, at the beginning you were right and we were wrong. However, now I am right and you are wrong. Let's now talk about what is present on the ground. Let no one call us to account on what took place at the beginning. We- or you- will be held responsible for what we- or you- did and was wrong in this world.

In the Hereafter, Allah will call us all to account. Let's be called to account according to what is taking place currently, pursuant to the current internal data in Syria and the current security data in Syria, pursuant to war titles which have become disclosed in Syria, pursuant to the identities which have become overt in Syria, pursuant to the goals which do not need any evidence, and pursuant to the conduct, performances, and threats which are represented by the internal situation in Syria.

There is something wrong in the terminologies used now in Lebanon when they talk about the threat to minorities. No, this Takfiri trend does not pose a threat to minorities. It is a threat to everybody else. Please do pay attention here. It is a threat to everybody else on the ideological level. Perhaps another person might have their very ideology and is a Takfiri like them and belongs to Al Qaeda like them, but belongs to another organization. Don't you hear about the fighting between the ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] and Al Nusra Front? Both are Takfiris; both belong to Al Qaeda. Both pledge their allegiance to one prince who is Ayman Al Zawahiri. Both belong to one school and one founder. Both have the same terminologies and goals. Days ago, Al Nusra made some amendments in their speech. This has to do with Geneva II.

Well, don't you hear and see what this side is afflicting on the other side? They kill each other. They take the other's womenfolk as prisoners. They spill each other's blood. They rob each other's wealth and properties.

Here, I am not talking about minorities. I am not talking about the rest of the Sunnites who constitute the main body of this nation. I am talking about those who belong to one intellect, one prince, one school, and one allegiance- according to their terminologies. They have the same project and the same goals. That's what they do with each other. Does that need evidence? That does not need evidence. It's all over the internet. Did you see them for yourself? No, they themselves have broadcasted their deeds on TV outlets. Do you want any further evidence?

In light of the current data, it is clear that what is taking place in Syria poses a threat to the Syrian people- to the overwhelming majority of the people in Syria. I tell those who say that we are killing and fighting the people: Those who are killing and threatening people and posing a threat to Lebanon, the region, and the Palestinian cause pose a threat to the Sunnites as well as to all religious sects, minorities, and factions.

In the media, they said that in Adra village, they killed Alawis and Christians. However, they killed Sunnites too. Is what is taking place in Syria sectarian killing? No! The majority of the Syrian army soldiers who fought and who were martyred, killed, beheaded, and stabbed in their chests are from the honorable Sunnite sect. Thus, the issue is not sectarian or factional. There is a Takfiri mind that targets everybody except themselves. Let no one be misled and thus, make a wrong evaluation. As such, we say that we have made an elaborate explanation as far as this issue is concerned. Our presence in Syria- apart from its magnitude and the exaggeration in it as I have explained, so I do not need to explain it again-has become the subject of the political media speeches and the focus of daily instigation around the clock.

In every speech, it appears that what is taking place in Lebanon goes back to what is taking place in Syria. It is as if we are referring to what is not the cause as being the cause. Everything that is taking place now in Lebanon is the outcome of Hizbullah's presence in Syria. Why isn't there a government? It's because Hizbullah is in Syria! Why there isn't there an electoral law? It is because Hizbullah is in Syria! Why is the economic situation as it is? It is because Hizbullah is in Syria! Why did the Airport Tunnel turn to a flooding lake? It is because Hizbullah is in Syria! Indeed this is illogical and the evidence is: Before Hizbullah went to Syria, did we have a government? Did we have an election law? Did we have the elections on time?

Was the security stable? Did we enjoy coexistence in Lebanon? Was civilized dialogue ongoing? Was no one attacking and killing anyone else? Weren't there any Takfiris or booby-trapped cars? Weren't army soldiers being killed? Was Lebanon in its best conditions ever before Hizbullah went to Syria, and after Hizbullah went to Syria, all of that changed? This is deception. Is it that if Hizbullah returns from Syria, everything would be settled? Who says so? That is not true.

It is clear that the aim from all of this pressure is to make a state of confusion for Hizbullah. Well, here I am telling you: You are wasting your time, spending your money, stiffing the nerves of your people, and exhausting yourselves in vain and to no avail.

When we were resisting in Lebanon, three fourth of the world abroad was cursing us. They were labeling us as 'terrorists' and a 'terrorist organization' and we were on the terrorist list. We were fought and confiscated and whoever used to contact us was hurled in jail. That does not change anything in our stance and conviction.
Here I am telling you: Everything you will say and you have said, and all the pressure you exerted will not change our position as far as the issue in Syria is concerned. That's because the issue of Syria is a battle of existence in our viewpoint and not a battle of private privileges. It is as the saying goes: The condition for perfection is not the same as the condition for existence. It is not a battle of existence for us as Hizbullah only, but also a battle of existence for Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, the Palestinian cause, and the entire resistance project in the region.

This conviction is unshakable. There are people who have nothing to do all day and night long except to insult us. I always tell some of my brethrens: Why do you listen to them? If they have anything new, we will listen to them. Is there a religious obligation to listen to their insults all day and night long?
That is fruitless. Our decision is final and decisive. That would not make any difference. Lately, they invented the story of the 1000 martyrs. I already said that there are no such numbers. Neither I nor anyone in Hizbullah is obliged to submit a statement of account to anyone. Whoever wants to count can go and count. We are not concerned about counting.

They wanted to assert that the number is as such. They made a 1000 martyr campaign. They put the pictures of living people. They inserted pictures for martyrs who fell in the battle with "Israel." Now, the campaign is over because they can't find a thousand martyrs. There isn't this number. However, consider the great harm they have caused. Perhaps, it is allowed that two people disagree, attack each other verbally, call each other names, and exchange insults. But, it is not acceptable for your honor to be touched. In general, we oriental, Arab Muslims or Christians, view things in such a way. Now, what does honor have to do with our issue? Well, our martyrs are our honor. Is that understood? Whoever causes them harm would be harming us. Let no one play this game. Keep the martyrs aside.

You are still alive and we are still alive. You have a tongue to talk and I have a tongue to talk. Let's keep the martyrs aside. They have their own honor and esteem. It is strange that they demand us to respect their martyrs- and we do- but they are not ready to respect neither our martyrs nor the feelings of the martyrs' families.

Anyway, here I am telling you that that does not make any difference. There is one point which I want to comment on, though I do not consider it to be serious- but just in case anyone is thinking of it in any place, I want to comment on it. A few days ago, I heard one of the March 14 Bloc deputies saying: "Let Hizbullah withdraw from Syria and let it then form whatever government it wants." I read the title though I did not read the text. So, I don't know if there are any additional conditions mentioned in the text. It is the title that caught my attention. Is our presence in Syria that important for you to be interested in it to this extent? Well, if 200, 500, 1000, 2000, or 3000 are killed among us, why are you worried? Do you really feel pain for us or are you showing rejoice when you say 200, 300, and 500 martyrs and the number is moving rapidly towards 1000? You put that in the news bar for three consecutive days. Were you rejoicing or expressing sympathy for us?

If it was an expression of sympathy, we are thankful. If it is an expression of rejoice, there is no need for that really.

Anyway, he is saying let Hizbullah retreat from Syria and then form the government it wants. You are really misled. The issue in Syria has nothing to do with authority, the government, or privileges in Lebanon. The issue is much broader, deeper, more important, and more critical than that. This is the game of authority. Let's remind their seniors and inform their juniors, for they might not have known yet that in 2005, we were offered to have full authority over the country in return for compromising on the resistance and we did not accept this compromise. That's because whenever there is a great cause, the matter of authority becomes but a minute detail. We never were authority seekers. Authority does not mean anything to us. Thus, when there is a battle of existence and a battle of the fate of the nation, the region, and sanctities, let no one play the game of authority, portfolios, and governments with us, which is the game of juniors.

This is the framework from which our presence in Syria stems. It is a great strategic framework. It is not a cause of internal rivalries. It is not that I am fighting in Syria so that you do not overpower me in Lebanon. That is not the case.

I am fighting in Syria because that has to do with the fate of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and the entire region as well as the fate of the sanctities of this nation. We are ready to discuss this logic. We never said we are not ready. When this came under the title of debatable issues, according to the initiative made by Speaker Berri at the dialogue table, we accepted because we are ready for dialogue. Let's evaluate what took place in Syria in terms of facts. Thus, today I hope that this issue will be set aside for a while. You have many other issues which you can tackle in your speeches. You have the arms of the resistance; you tackle continuously. However, the issue of our presence in Syria did not and will not lead anywhere. It only causes this atmosphere of a highly instigative speech in the country that does not leave space for anything else.

I am sorry to talk to you and to all the Lebanese people through the TV screen about an issue that is worrisome. Some powers somewhere not in the world, but in the region, have reached a stage-as a result of their wrath, grudge, failure, and hopelessness- in which they want to take the country towards explosions. I am worried to have to say this. I am sorry to tell the Lebanese people this. Thus, we must be cautious, and that's why I said that as far as the army is concerned, we need to take a pause and contemplate.

We must be cautious because some powers in the region aren't able anymore to see before their eyes, and this might be something new. They might just be having dim sight due to the hope of gaining victory in Syria. Well, then, put Lebanon aside. Have patience as far as Lebanon is concerned. Put the army aside. If you want to express your wrath, then do so in the face of Hizbullah and the milieu of Hizbullah.

Thus, this state of anxiety is for fear that some powers- shall I tell you the first letter of their name- have lost all their aspirations, horizons, and possibility of victory and triumph. They lost all hope (Hope, in Arabic, means 'Amal'). They lost it. As for us, the Amal Movement still exists and is in our eyes and hearts. Thus, they are showing no concern over what might take place in Lebanon. What would that change? Let Lebanon be ruined. Let all other countries be ruined. They have no problem in that.

They are in their palaces eating, drinking, enjoying a luxurious life, traveling for tourism, swimming, and sailing. What difference would it make to them if there are millions of displaced people living in camps, were drifted by floods, and are dying from hunger and the cold weather? So, what would that change for them? They have no problem if a country or two or three were ruined.

Here I am ringing the bell of alarm. No! There is something new, which requires from the Lebanese officials, political leaderships and media outlets to play an important and a major role, too. They must be cautious. There is something new. There is a new danger which requires precision from all of us in the manner of dealing with this stage. It requires tolerance and patience. It requires that we do not agree on plots for explosions if anyone has plots for explosions of this kind. Consequently, all of us must assume responsibility.

Anyway, this is what I wanted to say. Our martyr, Leader Hajj Hassan Lakkis, is in his martyrdom as he was in his life. In fact, if he was 'unknown' in the general sense of the word, he became one of the great symbols of the resistance after his martyrdom. He is one of the leaders of the resistance who offered sacrifices, struggled, worked industriously, and made great services that led to the great victories achieved by the resistance for Lebanon, the Arabs, Palestine, and the region.

We promise our martyr leader, his noble family, all his friends, all those who love him, all his brethrens, and all his companions with whom he used to work, and we also promise our martyr leaders, Sayyed Abbass, Sheikh Ragheb, and Hajj Imad, and we promise each one of our martyrs that their resistance exists in our minds, consciences, hearts and the blood that moves in our veins. Our resistance is in our goals, procession, and priorities. You, our dear leaders, have achieved your goals, and we promise that we will carry on moving in our path and we will never alter should the horizons firmly collapse on the ground. Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.

Source: Al-Ahed News
