Imam Khamenei: Iran to Respond to Oil, Military Threats , To Support Any one Facing Zionist Regime

"If a war comes after all the threats, the US will suffer ten times more," the Supreme Leader said.
"The US is weak, both politically and economically," Imam Khamenei said. "Their political failures in Middle East, Palestine and Iraq prove it."
Imam Khamenei further stressed Iran's direct involvement in the Palestinian and Lebanese confrontation against "Israel", including the Lebanese Summer 2006 33-day resistance against the Zionist regime.
Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei announced Friday that "Iran has its own threats to respond to any military attack or sanctions against its oil exports."
During the Friday prayers in the Iranian capital Tehran, His Eminence stressed that "in response to threats of oil embargo and war, we have our own threats which will be implemented at the right time, if necessary."
"Threatening Iran and attacking Iran will harm America.... Sanctions will not have any impact on our determination to continue our nuclear course," Imam Khamenei confirmed noting that "the US will be overthrown, just like Soviet Union in due time."
Commenting on the ongoing sanctions and threats from the Western countries, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that "US, who threatens Iran with war, will eventually harm itself".
"Wherever Iran interferes, it announces it in a very straightforward manner. For instance, we interfered in confrontations against "Israel", which resulted in the Lebanese victory in the 33-day war and (Palestinians' victory i.e. the 22-day (Gaza) war," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing millions of Friday Prayers
"In future too, we will support and help everyone who opposes the Zionist regime," the Leader underscored.
Considering that the "Zionist regime is a real cancerous tumor that should be," Imam Khamenei vowed that "it will be cut with God's willing."
Denying the interference in Bahraini revolution, the Leader described Bahraini King's claims about Iran's meddling in his tiny Persian Gulf Island as a "lie".
"The claim by the ruler of the Bahraini Island about our interference in that country is incorrect because if we had interfered in Bahrain's issue, another story would have happened."
Source: News Agencies, Edited by
person Mojahed
Iran Will Continue his True Way
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