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Battle of the Mighty


Self-Sacrifice Martyr: Ahmad Jaafar Kassir

Self-Sacrifice Martyr: Ahmad Jaafar Kassir
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Self-Sacrifice Martyr: Ahmad Jaafar Kassir

Who is he?

Self-Sacrifice Martyr: Ahmad Jaafar Kassir

Martyr Ahmad Kassir was born in the Southern village of Deir Qanoun al-Nahr, on the 4th of September 1963, coinciding with the first day of the blessed Adha Holiday.

Ahmad grew up in a religious family. Both his parents were dedicated to raising him on good manners, strong faith, and commitment. During the early years of his childhood, he seemed to be smart. At the age of four, he would race his father to the field to reap the fruits and vegetables, he was aware that he should help his father.

Growing up, Ahmad had a strong passion for reading. Even though he did not finish his academic education (due to living hardships), he used to buy different books and was up-to-date with any new publications.

At the age of 14, Ahmad's home sweet home was the mosque. He used to go there often to pray, read verses of the Holy Quran and supplications. While people sleep in the depth of nights, Ahmad would wake up to perform the night prayers, and thank God for his benevolence.

Ahmad was well-known for his good manners, kind heart, and kindness to the poor. He was known for bravery, and would urge people to fight the "Israeli" usurper as it occupied Lebanon. "No recognition to the enemy and its presence", he always said.

In battlefield...

Martyr Ahmad engaged in a few resistance and Jihadi operations against the "Israeli" enemy. He was always ready to confront the "Israeli" soldiers who occupied Lebanese lands. On the 11th of November 1982, Ahmad rode his white Peugeot car, loaded with explosives.

 The target was the headquarters of the "Israeli" military governor in the coastal city of Tyre in South Lebanon.

The headquarters was one of the most important "Israeli" fortresses in the Jabal Amel area at the time. As quick as thunder light, he exploded the car and the building collapsed marked the beginning of all martyrdom operations, and was the torch of resistance among youth, who were eager to defend their homeland.
On that day, head of the "Israeli" intelligence apparatus, the "Israeli" military governor were killed. The "Israelis" also acknowledged that around 200 were injured, yet resistance fighters on ground reported that there were more than 500 casualties, dead or injured.

"Think not of those who are slain in God's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord" 

All work as one in their labor to meet God the Exalted.



person Hassan bala Almoqawamah

Love you Kasir

God bless the blood of Shuhada.