A Cluster-Bomb-Free Lebanon?

Today, Monday, marks the opening of the Second Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
9:20 a.m., the buses took off to South Lebanon, where representatives of 109 countries as well as journalists headed to the demining center and the Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped's center in Nabatiyeh and Sarafand respectively, for a live experience on the topic.
Out of the 109 countries that have joined the convention, 61 - including Lebanon - are "states parties," meaning they have signed and ratified the convention, which requires countries to declare and destroy stockpiles of cluster munitions, clear contaminated areas, and assist survivors and affected communities.
According to the Lebanon Mine Action Center, the army-headed division that is supervising the cleanup, 67 percent of contaminated land has been cleared. They aim to have the country free of cluster munitions by 2016.
Today, Monday, the opening of the conference will take place at the UNESCO Palace, where it will be launched under the patronage of President of the Lebanese Republic Michel Suleiman, which will be followed by a series of workshops and seminars to tackle the subject.
Source: moqawama.org team
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