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“Israeli” Irrationality

“Israeli” Irrationality
folder_openRegional News access_time12 years ago
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By Ali Rizk

The alliance between the United States and "Israel" is the most talked about in Middle East politics. The US is committed totally to "Israel's" security, its military edge and also provides it with the political protection of veto power at the Security Council. Basically it is committed to "Israel's" dominance in the region. "Israel" on the other hand, takes advantage of this US assistance and support to slaughter and carry out massacres without fear of being held accountable. Everything was going as planned for both sides until a popular will emerged to challenge the image of "Israeli" military invincibility". This popular will was represented by what we know today as Hizbullah which forced "Israel" to withdraw from southern Lebanese territories in May 2000; an event which Hizbullah's Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah recently described as something which changed the face of the region and led many to reconsider this “Israeli” Irrationalityslogan of "Israeli" invincibility. Ever since then problems have piled up for "Israel", as they have for the US because it continued to support irrational and illegitimate "Israeli" policies. The withdraw of "Israeli" forces in May 2000 inspired many in the Arab world including the Palestinians who escalated their resistance against the "Israeli" occupation. The "Israeli" military also suffered a clear cut defeat at the hands of Hizbullah in the July 2006 war. But it is important to note that all of these events exposed to the world what I referred to above: irrational and illegitimate "Israeli" policies and behavior. Because of "Israeli" confusion on how to defeat the popular will (which cannot be defeated) "Israel" resorted to massacres and shedding the blood of other people's, most of whom were women and children(a well known "Israeli" addiction).

Thanks to the developments in information technology many people throughout the world witnessed these "Israeli" atrocities. This led to the emergence of an increased number of anti-"Israeli" activists from all over the world and from different walks of life. These activists became champions of the Palestinian cause and basically any anti "Israeli" cause. But the US had to continue its support for "Israel" despite these atrocities which led to an increase in hatred towards the US in the region. But "Israeli" policies only worsened and have ironically dealt the most damage to "Israel" itself. Two very irrational and even stupid policies which I could mention here are the assassination of the Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai and the attack on the Turkish flotilla aid flotilla in international waters which led to the death of a number of Turkish activists. I mention these two events because they affected "Israeli" ties with states on an official level and not just the people. The assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh led to the discovery that the Mossad agents who carried out the operation used fake passports from European countries and other states like Australia. This led to the request the departure of certain "Israeli" diplomats or Mossad officials from these countries and did damage to "Israel's" reputation internationally. The attack on the Turkish flotilla meanwhile was a desperate attempt to stop people from seeing more brutal and irrational "Israeli" policies in the Gaza strip. But this attack created an even bigger problem for "Israel", it lost what used to be one of its most important strategic allies: Turkey.

Today "Israel" is more and more isolated internationally and even some its close allies in Europe and the western world have found themselves forced to criticize "Israeli" policies from time to time. This brings me to our current scenario: Barack Obama the US president and "Israeli" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. One thing must be clear, Obama just like any other US president is committed to "Israel's" security and military upper hand as he clearly stated.
But while the policies of US presidents towards "Israel" haven't changed other things have because of what I mentioned above. This could even be sensed from some of the statements said by Obama in his recent speeches. In addition to his pro-"Israeli" rhetoric Obama used terms like the "the world is losing patience with this ongoing conflict" and "the world is moving too fast" and "now a solution to the Palestinian "Israeli" conflict is more urgent than ever before". Obama realizes that "Israel" is losing the battle on all fronts (including the diplomatic) and he realizes that it is also dragging America down with it as the US support for "Israel" is taking away the influence it has in the region and making it extremely unwelcome. This problem for the US has dramatically increased after the Arab spring which witnessed the fall of US and "Israeli" allies and an emergence of the power of the people.So Obama came up with the term "1967 borders with mutual swaps".

“Israeli” Irrationality

This term was indeed a way to mislead the Arab and Muslim world by giving the impression that US was taking what may slightly resemble a more even handed approach. But who showed it was a trick: none other than Benjamin Netanyahu. The "Israeli" prime minister utterly rejected this term and forced Obama to make a clarification that these borders will not resemble those of June 4 1967. What is important to note here is that Netanyahu seems to focus on his right wing ideology more than urgency of the situation "Israel" finds itself in today. According to sources close to the Jewish community in the US Netanyahu wants to retain 20-30% of the west bank. These sources point out to me how Netanyahu referred in his speech to congress (which in addition to being pro "Israeli" also includes many evangelicals) to the biblical attachment of what he calls "Israel" to the holy land and that Netanyahu actually believes that any territories he gives to the Palestinians is out of mere generosity!.

Here more than ever we can get a clear sense of irrational "Israeli" policies. These irrational policies are now reaching a level which has put "Israel" in the worst situation it has ever been in. It is unlikely now that anyone will be able to save "Israel" not just from its opponents but from itself and its racist, extremist ideology. Such is the fate of an illegitimate entity. As for the US well all it can do is stand and watch "Israel" as its end comes closer and merely deliver disguised messages of genuine concern..As Tony Blair the Middle East quartet envoy said "Obama's talk of 1967 borders was because he was anxious about "Israel's" fate".



person JB

It is impossible. . .

It is impossible for any US President to oppose Israel and their policies towards the Palestinians and Lebanese due to immense pressure from Congress and AIPAC. Real change in US policy towards the Palestinians and Lebanese will occur when the people of the US demand the change. The reason there is no real change, I believe, is because many are uneducated and many believe that the Palestinians are violent and hate Jews. The daily Israeli acts of violence and atrocities are seldom reported in the US media. I think if the people of the US really knew how Israel treats the Palestinians and Lebanese, US support would turn against Israel. Israel has proven-because of their countless violent actions against the Lebanese and Palestinians-that the only solution to peace in the Middle East is through the resistance against their crimes.