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Sayyed Speech in Full on 26 May 2000- Resistance and Liberation Day

Sayyed Speech in Full on 26 May 2000- Resistance and Liberation Day
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Full Speech by Hizbullah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, during the Bint Jbeil Victory Festival on May 26, 2000

On the "Resistance and Liberation Day," the day of the absolutely momentous victory, we meet at the heart of the region we've reclaimed, where we triumphed. Here, we mark the fortieth day after the martyrdom of the Martyrs' Master, Imam Hussein Bin Ali (Peace be upon him). So, we meet to enliven his course of action and to prove again that our martyrs' blood has conquered the tyrants, humiliated them, and reclaimed our liberty- just like Imam Hussein's uprising in the land of Karbala did.

We meet here to sing the praises of our martyrs, for they made us victorious. Whenever we speak about this victory, land liberation, man's freedom, homeland's dignity, and the Ummah's pride, we must remember all those who participated in making this victory.

The very truth that we- Allah's devotees- announce to the whole world is that Allah the Exalted in Might and Perfection has granted us this victory. He has guided us to the course of resistance, and He has shown us the right way. He has made us faithful to our creed since many years ago, and He has filled our hearts with confidence and made our spirits yearn for martyrdom.

It is He Who has shot and hit; he has destroyed the "Israeli" sites, and He has demolished the forts. He has killed the tyrants, and He has made victory. So, we thank Him, praise Him, and repent our sins. Wholeheartedly, we ask Him for forgiveness and pray to Him that He perfects our victory by enabling us to free the rest of the occupied lands, all dear captives, and our tormented Ummah.

As we move on to speak about our fellow humans, we must first remember all martyrs: the resistance martyrs- whether they belong to Hizbullah, the Amal Movement, or the national Lebanese forces. We must remember, too, the martyrs of the Lebanese Army, the Arab Syrian Army, and the Palestinian resistance. We must praise Allah the Exalted in Might and Perfection first, and then them for the absolutely great grace.

We acknowledge the grace of the Resistance Martyrs' Master, Sayyed Abbass Moussawi; the Resistance's Martyr, Sheikh Ragheb Harb; and a recently martyred dear brother and a fighter who adored martyrdom, Sheikh Ahmad Yahiya. He was a holy fighter and worshipper, and he would insist on being the first Sheikh to perform a self-sacrificing operation in the ongoing struggle against the "Israeli" enemy. And, we must acknowledge the grace of these self-sacrificing martyrs: Ahmad Qasir, Belal Fahs, and Ammar Hammoud.

Their pure blood has made victory. We must acknowledge the grace of the sacrificing, fine youth who left behind their homes, families, universities, and jobs to fulfill jihad. We must mention the martyrs' families and remember the captives who are still imprisoned. We must remember the wounded, and we must mention the families of all of these people.

We must remember everyone who promoted the culture of resistance among people and laid the foundations for jihad in Lebanon: the Imam of Fighters and Martyrs, Sayyed Rouhullah al-Moussawi al-Khomeini (May Allah sanctify his secret); the first founder of the Resistance on the Lebanese lands, and the abducted Imam, His Eminence Sayyed Moussa as-Sadr (May God bring him back safely).

We must remember all the sacrificing scholars and all the ones contributing to raising faithful, sacrificing, and uncompromising Lebanese. We must remember the residents of the previously occupied borderline, who have endured much affliction, as well as the residents who have endured daily shelling against their towns along the frontline. Besides, we must commend the general public stance fostering resistance, as well as some political forces, committees, figures, parties, and associations. We must commend the official stance, particularly during His Excellency President Emile Lahoud's presidency, and His Excellency Premier Salim el-Hoss's premiership.

We need to commend and attribute this victory to two men as well: Supreme Leader, His Eminence Sayyed Ali Khamenei, and the grand Arab leader, President Hafez al-Assad. We do thank their states- Syria and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

To be truly just in comprehending facts, we must acknowledge that Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Khamenei has relentlessly supported the fighters and prayed to Allah the Almighty to grant them victory.

Actually, Iran has stood by Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine, supporting them. In doing so, Iran has endured a great deal of threats and sanctions and has refused to yield to any pressures or compromises with any enemies. The Islamic Republic has made a creedal, ethical, and humanitarian stance.

Despite all difficulties, Syria has protected and fostered the resistance ever since the very beginning. Who can forget Syria's fighting on the Lebanese territory in 1982? Who can forget what President al- Assad did in "the 1993 Seven-Day War?" Who can forget what he did in "the 1996 April Aggression" [which "Israel" calls "Operation Grapes of Wrath"]? Who can forget his firmness and steadfastness in Damascus, whereas the whole world met in Sharm Sheikh to convict the resistance of being a "terrorist militia" and to defend "Israel" instead?

Here I am, on this victory day, "the Resistance and Liberation Day," thanking- on behalf of you all- every Lebanese, Arab, Muslim, or free person in the world who has stood by the Resistance, offering verbal or written stances, money, prayers, support, or even a smile.

The first victory we've made was liberating a big part of our land and a big number of the detainees in the occupation prisons. Besides, our jihad, resistance, steadfastness, and sacrifices defeated the enemy. We're here today enjoying freedom and safety, for the enemy's aircrafts do not dare fly in the airspace. I tell you so because "Israel" that really feared a wooden model of a Katyusha rocket launcher placed in Kfarkila is too coward to attack you on such a day!

We enjoy living in our homeland today, and we owe it to our martyrs' blood and the people's will. So, we do not owe it to the UN that has been too helpless to fulfill Resolution 425 for 22 years. And, we do not owe anything to the UNSC, the unjust "judge" (the United States), negotiations, or Ehud Barak's government's withdrawal from our land. At the end of the day, withdrawal was their only choice. It's the first time ever that sacrifices, resistance, and force have reclaimed the major part of an Arab land.

Our second victory was the way we made the enemy withdraw. You decided the withdrawal timing, tactic, and way. After the withdrawal, you people proved you deserved victory. In fact, "Israel" had planned to withdraw several weeks after May 25, 2000.

That way, "Israel" could have gradually handed over its sites to the Lahd Militia and kept hold of some sites as Shkief Fort, ad-Dabsheh Site, and others by the borders. Thus, when the UNSC issued a resolution and the UNIFIL arrived to take charge of the borders, the enemy could have ensured an unhurried withdrawal. That way, "Israel" could have claimed to be doing us a "favor" by releasing our captives at "al-Khiyam Concentration Camp."
However, you refused this, and you broke into the towns of al-Qantara, Deir Syriane, al-Qasir, and at-Taybeh. Then, you freed the other towns as the (Zionist-Lahd) sites and the Lahd Militia began to collapse (one after another).

In a night, the borderline was divided into two halves. It was now time for the enemy's total collapse, and the enemy's minor government held a meeting, seeing itself before two choices: either to re-occupy the sites, to confront the resistance, and suffer more casualties, or to hasten the withdrawal. Hereupon, the government made the second choice and withdrew hurriedly, leaving you all of those tanks, halftracks, sites, and cannons. That was enough to confirm that "Israel" was absolutely defeated in south Lebanon.

So, it was you who decided the way and timing for the enemy's withdrawal. You foiled the enemy's ploy: The enemy had bet that the Lahd Militia would hang on at sites and open fire. Then, the UN envoy would arrive to negotiate with the Lebanese government, and the criminal, traitorous Lahd agents would receive pardon in return for evacuating the sites.

But, things didn't go that way. The Lahd militiamen were absolutely humiliated! You saw how humiliated they were at the doors to occupied Palestine. You also realized how the "Israeli" enemy dumped them.

Besides, the whole world and the "Israeli" enemy itself had bet that the people of this region would neither exult upon victory nor celebrate liberation. The enemy bet that this region would experience so much unrest, that the families of one village would take revenge of other families in the same village or in another, and that every sect would assail another. The enemy thought that towns would be destroyed (as in the case of Haneen Town) and savage massacres would be perpetrated.

Nevertheless, reconciling with the Lebanese government, you and the resistance proved that the Lebanese people, state, resistance, and sects deserved victory and could celebrate it. The "Israeli" occupation had dominated this region for 22 years by the time "Israel" withdrew. And, light has replaced the darkness. Although still living here, has any of the oppressed or detained killed a single Lahd militiaman? Has any civilian whose house was demolished inflicted revenge on any militiaman for what the Lahd Militia did?

A few days ago, I said: When the Nazi military collapsed in France, the French resistance- assumed to be civilized- executed ten thousand French agents without putting them on trial.

In contrast, did the resistance forces in Lebanon, which are more civilized than France and the whole world, kill or even beat anyone? Was a single blood drop spilled anywhere on these territories? So, this was the perfect thing astonishing the world: We achieved political and military victory. Well, some mistakes may be committed in such a case; the world was actually surprised because people know that when troops are in battle in other places in the world, killing, demolition, massacres, and robberies are committed.

But, what happened in Lebanon? Some robbers and sneaks might have committed robberies, but this is just a trivial matter. So, why do some people insist on blaming us for this trivial matter instead of singing the praises of our victory? So, I say to them: Get rid of your fears and malice, and be true Lebanese patriots at this historic moment.

With that said, I have addressed the second victory achieved.

His Eminence now pointed out the following points as to both victories:

First: We need to appreciate the victories accomplished, and we need greater efforts, sacrifice, and modesty amongst each other so that we do not waste them.

Second: We need to maintain what we've recently done: proving we deserve victory. So, don't let anyone spoil this during the following weeks.

I'm not expressing fears; however, we live near an enemy that cannot bear seeing the great joy instead of the pain and sadness you felt earlier. The enemy cannot bear seeing your eyes shine with happiness rather than crying as before. Hereupon, no one must have fears- neither Christians nor Muslims. I believe the people of all Lebanese towns must bear responsibility.

So, when any simple matter happens, we'll resolve it, but if we make a great deal out of it, we'll lose the chance of communion. Let's not overestimate things. After this very dark history, we need to fortify this region. It is the responsibility of Muslim and Christian scholars, the regional political forces, the prominent figures, the educated, and our families to work together to soothe the pain of every town's families.

Third: All the Lebanese must think about the thing that is recently happening to the Lahd agents. You saw how they were so humiliated and how they accused Agent Provocateur Antoine Lahd of betraying them. Lahd says, "For 25 years, we've been loyal to ‘Israel,' but ‘Israel' betrayed and left us in a night!"

I insist that every Lebanese Muslim and Christian consider this: "Israel" doesn't care- at all- for any Lebanese."Israel" lies to Christians and Muslims while claiming to "care" for them. However, all "Israel" cares about, locally and regionally, is its very interests.

In the eyes of those Zionists, we- Muslims and Christians- are no more than slaves that belong to Allah's "chosen people." So, isn't it time for some Lebanese to understand this truth and make use of all these lessons?

The Lebanese must realize that they need to make a national choice, and they must not make the wrong sectarian approaches, which lead them to "Israel." It is in the interest of all sects in Lebanon to have a national, Arab choice. In order to fortify the region and national security in Lebanon, the judiciary must put the agents on trial and punish them very seriously. That way, no one will dare to behave likewise, and no one will be able to begin a strife.

Fourth: On the victory day, I announce that Hizbullah does not wish to substitute the government's governance over this region. We're not a security authority, and we're not going to be so. The government is in charge of this region, which is now part of the territory of the Lebanese state. The government decides who to send (there): security forces or other security systems. And, it decides if it is going to reinforce security gendarmeries. We absolutely do not substitute the government's regional security responsibility.

Fifth: Moving on to the responsibility of the development and reconstruction, we realize that the great regional demolition demands that the government act. Certainly, Hizbullah fighters have been martyred or made other sacrifices, and we shall keep assisting the demolished region. However, it is the urgent responsibility of the government to be in charge of reconstructing all demolished places.

Hereupon, I reiterate that the size of work required at the levels of development, reconstruction, and services cannot be performed merely by an institution or a ministry. All of the government ministries must be alarmed, so that they come here and handle their responsibility, which involves the liberated regions of the South and of West Beqaa; these regions represent the confronted villages, which have endured the burden of resistance more than other places did, for they were continuously shelled, assailed, and attacked.

Still, when we talk about developing and reconstructing these regions, we must remember a region that has done too much to this Resistance. This region is Baalbek-al Hermel, which witnessed the foundation of the Islamic Resistance and fostered fighters from Beirut and the South. Baalbek would constantly be attacked by airstrikes.

It has suffered economic losses and has been deprived of development. Also, it has offered hundreds of its citizens for martyrdom. In fact, in Beqaa, particularly in Baalbek-al Hermel region, it is rare to find a village that hasn't offered martyrs for the sake of liberating the South and West Beqaa.

The people of this region have been patient for all those years because liberation was their priority; also because they were convinced, just like we were, that the priority for liberation deserved patience and tolerance. These people, who have offered their children as martyrs for the sake of liberating the South, have tolerated hunger and deprivation.

Thus, developing this region must be consistent with the development of that region, which means that there must be an emergencies committee for both regions if we wish to be loyal to the oppressed, deprived, tortured, and poor people who have fought and achieved victory.

Sixth: To all Lebanese, I say: You need to realize that this victory belongs to all Lebanese, for it is not merely the victory of a party, movement, or current. It's not about the victory of a sect and the defeat of another. Faulty and ignorant is he who believes or says so. This is Lebanon's victory; this Resistance has been a force for the nation, and so it will remain. Whenever this resistance was victorious, it would be humble. Whenever it was honored by offering martyrs, it would be humble, too.

I tell you: You're going to find Hizbullah and the Islamic Resistance, in particular, more modest than any time ever, for this victory makes us feel the greatness, power, mightiness, and ability of our God. How weak we, humans, are! If we depend on ourselves, we'll be defeated forever, so we must depend on Allah the Supreme and Almighty. I promise you that no one will exploit this victory to harm the people of this dear Ummah.

Seventh: Today, Ehud Barak is asking Lebanon to consider "Israel's" withdrawal as a message of peace. This is deception because he had no choice but to leave. Besides, he is asking us to consider this withdrawal as representing peace after "Israel'" killed tens of thousands of civilians and at least 1276 Hizbullah martyrs!

If we add to them thousands of our brothers, martyred fighters of the Lebanese national and Islamic forces, then what will the result be? Tens of thousands of civilians have been killed in Lebanon! Our country, in addition to our economy, have been destroyed. Some dear people are still captives in "Israeli" prisons, and our dear Shebaa Farms are still occupied.

On the contrary, Barak is now welcoming the millionth Russian Jewish immigrant and announcing his readiness to receive a million immigrants to Palestine in the coming years! Barak even refuses to let the Palestinians refugees in Lebanon and other countries return to their homelands and houses!

What kind of a peaceful message does Barak talk about before he commences threatening and horrifying Lebanon?! Before his horrifying, threat, and promise, I tell you: Sheikh Abdul Kareem Obeid, Abu Ali ad-Dirani, Samir al-Kintar, and every captive in the "Israeli" prisons shall soon return to you, God willing. Barak and his government have no choice, so I advise him to leave Shebaa Farms and solve this problem.

Anyway, the days are going to prove that he has no other choice, and we're not interested in international resolutions; we merely understand that the captives are going to be back, and the rest of the land is going to be freed.

Therefore, this enemy, which has been defeated in Lebanon, is going to have no choices. As for the "Israeli" threats, they do not scare us. The "Israelis" along the borderline are scared. They've been scared of some women and children standing by the iron barrier! They're scared of stones that anyone might throw at them, too!

Right now, you're here in Bint Jbeil, safe and happy, whereas in the settlements of northern Palestine, the unknown future terrifies the Zionist settlers! The era when we would fear the "Israeli" threats is over, and Barak knows that the era when his aircrafts would violate our airspace is over!

He recognizes that the time when his tanks would desecrate our land is gone, and that the time when his boats would violate our regional waters is history! He knows that any aggression against Lebanon isn't going to be confronted with a complaint to the Security Council nor with tears; it shall be encountered by the resistance... If "Israel" assails Lebanon, then it shall pay an expensive price!

Eighth: Oh, you Lebanese people, there are grand dues ahead of you: maintaining liberation, bringing the captives back, and establishing more governmental institutions. When such harmony between the resistance and the government exists and when the nation is united, we can face all dues and build a country named Lebanon for ourselves and our coming generations.

The power of the new Lebanon lies in its strength, blood, steadfastness, mightiness, and resistance against all political "storms" and "hurricanes." The new Lebanon is a nation of true communion, for from now on, no Muslim or Christian shall allow the Zionists to manipulate our generations, our youth, or us. The new Lebanon is a nightmare to the invaders, and a country of mercy among the fellow citizens of different sects and communities.

Ninth: We offer this victory to our oppressed people in Palestine, and to the Arabs and the Ummah. From liberated Bint Jbeil, I address the oppressed, tortured, and afflicted Palestinian people:

Our people in Palestine, you have the chance to decide on your own destiny, and you can get your land back. Do what Izzeddine al-Qassam chose to do, and learn from the martyrdom of Fatehi Shiqaqi and Yahiya Ayyash. [The three men mentioned were known as strugglers.] You can get your land back instead of waiting for the Zionists to "grant" you some little place here or a village there! You can bring your families back home very proudly, begging no one. Even if the whole world abandons you, you can get your land and absolute rights back. So, forget about any false reasons delaying your action!

O people of Palestine,

Your way to Palestine and to liberty is through serious resistance and a real insurrection, not through "The Oslo Accord" or the unfair negotiations held in Stockholm. You should choose insurrection and resistance and never let go of your rights. Do what the Lebanese do: They refuse to keep even a small part of their land occupied.

Hence, we offer this sophisticated Lebanese model to our people in Palestine. To free your land, you don't need tanks, strategic balance, rockets, and cannons; you need to follow the way of self-sacrificing martyrs who shook and horrified the coercive Zionist entity. You, the oppressed, unarmed, and restricted Palestinians, can force the Zionist invaders to return to the places where they came from.

Make the Falasha return to Ethiopia, and let the Russian Jews return to Russia! The choice is yours, and the model lies right in front of your eyes. An honest and serious resistance can make the dawn of freedom rise. Our fellow, beloved Palestinians, I tell you: "Israel," which owns nuclear weapons and the strongest air fleets in the region, is feebler than a spider web- I swear to God.

However, if you wish to depend on the Soviet Union as the case used to be, then you're getting nowhere. If you are waiting for the international community, then you're waiting for nothing. Don't bet on any developments as no one will save you.

O people of Palestine,

The Holy Qur'an of Allah the Exalted in Might says, {If you abide by Allah's will, then He will make you victorious and prosperous.} [Verse 7 of Surat Muhammad].

O people of Palestine, Allah's Qur'an also says, {If Allah makes you victorious, then none shall be your conqueror.} [Verse 160 of Surat Aal Emran].

And, I tell the Muslim and Arab worlds: Shame, defeat, humiliation, and disgrace are history now. This victory lays the foundation for a new era and makes all that's gone history. Overcome your despair and make hope your weapon. Get rid of feebleness and be determined and perseverant.

On behalf of all the martyred and oppressed Lebanese, I request that the Arab governments end normalization with "Israel." I request that they take a firm stance against "Israel," and I request that the Arab peoples support the Palestinians and refuse any form of normalization with the enemy... The Resistance has defeated the "grand ‘Israel.'" The Resistance has conquered the "great ‘Israel!'" So, resisting normalization is an important part of the resistance.

I greet all the fighters who defend Lebanon, the country of victory; of national, Arab, and Muslim pride; of honor and sacrifice; and of resistance and martyrdom. I also tell the Islamic Resistance, the Lebanese Brigades for Resisting the Occupation, the Lebanese Resistance Battalions of Amal, the National Resistance Frontier, and the Lebanese people that:

We live near a conspiring enemy, where we can see the racist "Israelis'" continuous acts of terror and aggression and their endless conspiracies.

That's why we all must stay in perfect readiness, preserving our resistance, army, state, and national and communion, so that we fortify this victory and prove that Lebanon is the fort that withstands political "storms", "hurricanes", and even the strongest political "earthquakes."

Congratulations to all Lebanese, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, and to all the oppressed people in the world. Congratulations to the soul of Ayatollah Imam Khomeini, Sayyed Moussa as-Sadr, Supreme Leader Khamenei, President Bashar al- Assad, and every honorable or martyred Arab.

I congratulate you for this victory, which has opened the way to the coming
victories, and which has placed "Israel" on the way to the coming defeats.

Source: Al-Ahed News
