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Sayyed Nasrallah on the Ceremony for Consolidation with the Arab Peoples on 19-03-2011

Sayyed Nasrallah on the Ceremony for Consolidation with the Arab Peoples on 19-03-2011
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Secretary General of Hizbullah, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's speech, which he delivered during the ceremony for consolidation with the Arab peoples that was organized by Hizbullah at Sayyed Al Shuhada Complex in Rweiss, Beirut on Saturday, March 19 2011.

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the world. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household, chosen companions and all prophets and messengers. The gentle religionists, the gentle MPs, brothers, and sisters, God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.

Today we meet to express our consolidation with our Arab peoples, their revolutions, uprisings, and sacrifices, mainly with the people of Tunisia - we have started chronologically - then Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, and Yemen.

The value of this consolidation is spiritual, political, and ethical, as for its effects, they are primarily spiritual since the origin of what is going on today and what might determine the fate of an uprising here and a revolution there, a resistance here and a resistance there, is the steadfastness and resistance of the peoples. In the first place, this is with their faith and high spirits.

You and I remember well the harsh days of the July War, the scandals of which we smell nowadays in Wikileaks. You remember well that in those days, any talk in any place of the world, any celebration, demonstration, sit-in, throng, speech, statement, or declaration affected well and positively the spirits of the Resistance, the steadfast, the dislodged, and the fighters. This is the case of the rebellious peoples these days.

We are here today to tell them: We are with you, we support you, we press your hands, we feel glad when you do, and we are sad when you are. We supplicate to God to grant you victory, and we offer ourselves and say: We are ready to help and assist you with all that your sake and ours might require. We offer our capacities and capabilities to be by your side.

I will speak - my brothers and sisters - about different topics and a group of common topics among these peoples. I will give a very brief word concerning every country, and I will tackle the issue of Bahrain a little bit more upon the sectarian controversy of the special issue, the special complexity present there, responsibilities, and required initiatives. Then I will leave some time to talk about the recent Lebanese developments, which need to be tackled.

Firstly: We reiterate that these revolutions are the peoples' own wills.

Any accusation that claims that America is behind these revolutions, has incited and stirred them, and is leading them represents a false, unjust accusation of these peoples, especially if we talk about these five systems, which are allies to America. They are systems that follow America and harmonize with it, that have offered and still offer services for the American plot, and that do not constitute any threat to the American policy - which is "Israel" in the Middle East Region. Is it logical that the American government criticizes obedient, harmonizing, submissive, and ally systems and incites popular revolutions?

This is illogical, especially when America knows very well - upon polls, surveys, and public and intelligence information - that the awareness and insight of these peoples has now become obvious and that these peoples have a very aware, steadfast, and committed attitude against the American policy and government and against the presence of "Israel". Thus, how could the American government incite revolutions of peoples who are aware, have foresight and are well-determined, without knowing what consequences these revolutions will result in and what alternatives these peoples will produce at the level of governments and systems? So this is a false and unjust accusation.

Had we been talking of a withstanding, resistant system that does not submit to the will of the United States of America or the American plot, a system that withstands and challenges Israel, a system that is then objected by protests, then we could have wondered - excluding prejudice - whether it is likely to be discussed that there are provocateurs and inciters against this system. But can some say that these are American revolutions against systems submissive to the U.S.A.? This is unaccepted - as is the ridiculous accusation of Al Qaeda to have incited the Libyan revolution and the ridiculous accusation of Iran to have provoked the uprising of the people in Bahrain.

Secondly, I will be concise with the topics, as there is much to say. These are true, popular revolutions that people have launched - primarily youth - then men, women, children, and elders, who were followed by elites and then political powers. These revolutions are based on faith, awareness, anger, enthusiasm - and most important - great readiness for sacrifice. This is what the counteractive systems cannot ignore about these peoples.

We have watched televisions and seen, with our own eyes, youth challenging guns to shoot them, and they were shot. We've seen this in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, and Libya. But it doesn't stop here; afterwards, other youth challenge bullets and guns.
What does this mean? It is of quite great significance that murder, horror, and massacres have failed to get people out of arenas and fields of encounter. There is a divine, historic, and natural norm that governs history and society. It is this:

When such a people with this high determination, faith, awareness, readiness for sacrifice and patience in spite of the blood, martyrs, wounds, and house demolitions is present, it cannot be defeated. Not America, not Israel, and not any tyrannical regime in the world can conquer this people.

This is a divine norm, a natural, divine law; hence, the sacrifices may be many, but in the end, steadfastness, determination, and enthusiasm lead to victory. This is evident through the history of revolutions, public uprisings, and recent and post resistant acts. Here lies the primary element of strength, which we find in these rebellious peoples.

Accordingly, we issue our call in Lebanon, the country of the liberal Resistance in 2000 and the victorious Resistance in July, 2006 to tell these peoples that the only available and required choice is that you be quite steadfast and patient and that you have faith in God, the Supreme and Almighty, for if you are patient and steadfast and sustain your struggle and jihad, He shall support you and grant you victory.

Thirdly: As concerns the reactions of these systems, what were the reactions to rightful, public revolutions with just, self-willing dependent, and determined requests?

Instead of initiating an honest dialogue with representatives of these revolutions and uprisings and carrying out true and serious reformations with no hypocrisy or maneuvers, these systems have coerced, killed, tortured, accused, insulted, and humiliated the peoples. Those honorable peoples - in all arenas and domains - have been reviled with words like mice, rats, dopes, and sectarians. They were accused of belonging to Al Qaeda at places, of agency to America at other places, and the like.

This has complicated issues in all of these countries and has ruined any possibility for dialogue. Thus, these peoples have elevated their requests and made greater expectations. When there are vast sacrifices and so many martyrs and wounded, issues become more difficult and consent of certain limits becomes difficult and impossible for these peoples and for their leaders that have been elaborated in the domains.

However, great victory was achieved in both Egypt and Tunisia, while the Libyan system has driven Libya into a harsh internal war, and each of the Yemeni and Bahraini systems have placed their peoples at a close stance to civil war. Had the Yemenis and Bahrainis not insisted on peaceful movements in their countries, we would have witnessed bloody, miserable civil wars in these countries upon the performance of their regimes.

Fourthly: What we must carefully consider is the unveiled and hypocritical American and western performance through all of these incidents that have been taking place for several months in our Arab region. We can simply discover or understand the currently applied policies by the Americans concerning these maneuvers and revolutions as such:

Shallow reformations can be made at submissive regimes that the Americans can maintain.
Besides, a short-termed chance could be given to the submissive regime to modify the battle with its people in case of avoided inner, serious repercussions.

Then, in case the American government foresees that the battle will be very costly for American interests, it sets governors aside, asks them to leave, and mitigates as much damage as can be so as to satisfy the peoples or deceive them - bringing them back to their homes without the accomplishment of the revolutionary declared objectives.

The American government exploits all of these scenarios to appear as the advocate of civil rights, peoples' freedom, change, and reformation.

What we request today is that nobody in our Arabian, Islamic world be deceived. Certainly no one has been since the peoples now are quite conscious and enjoy high foresight as respects the American policies. They recognize that America has fabricated these regimes and has been protecting them for decades. The regimes' weaponry, reinforcement, and hegemony on their peoples have been handled by America. Consequently, the American government takes part in all of the crimes these regimes have committed against their peoples throughout all of the past years.

Moreover, any American talk of protecting the peoples of our region, respecting legal and civil rights, and convicting coercion and horrifying acts enjoys no credibility. This is upon the declared, persistent American policy towards the oppressed Palestinian people. Days ago, the American government vetoed against the settlement construction halt while in the International Security Council session. The Palestinians are killed, shelled, and dislodged. Their houses, fields, and trees are destroyed. Eleven thousand Palestinians are detainees. The Islamic and Christian sacredness in Al Quds are endangered, but the Americans defend the killer, the murderer, the ravisher, the bone crusher, and he who shells the civilians' houses in Gaza with drone artillery.

As long as this is the American policy towards Palestine and its people, every American talk of honest, sincere concern to defend the rights of the Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans, Yemenis, Bahrainis, or others is hypocrisy. The American intervention actually aims at enhancing the American image, running the crisis, guaranteeing the convenient alternatives for the American plot where submissive regimes have failed to continue, or pursuing oil fields instead of letting them into the hands of sincere, honest patriots. This is the background of American intervention rather than the one Obama wants us to believe.

It is not a different government; neither does it defend peoples. No, I ask the Arab peoples to keep their eyes wide open for Palestine because this American government supports "Israel" that is crushing the Palestinian people and assailing the peoples of the region. All the American allegations of human rights and democracy are false.

We may reconsider the American government once we witness a radical evolution of the U.S.A. policies regarding Palestine and its people. This is why it is essential that the peoples be cautious with the American policies and attempts to pillage these revolutions and the martyrs' blood. The peoples should also be cautious with the unstoppable efforts at diverting the path of public revolutions, at dividing Arab countries, and at inciting a civil open war. These are grave dangers that serve the American alternative plot for our region.

I begin the second part. In Tunisia and Egypt, victory has been achieved, and the oppressors have been gone upon many factors; I don't want to analyze them but to mention the most important among them:

- The steadfastness of the Tunisian and Egyptian people and their vast sacrifices despite hundreds of martyrs and thousands of wounded
- The neutralism of the military institution - whatever the reasons are
- The public abandonment of the regime - This is really important. For instance, the regime of Zeinul Abideen Bin Ali and that of Hosni Mubarak didn't find people to defend and adopt them; therefore, they hired gangsters (Baltageya), camels, and mules to assail millions of crowds in the arenas. But those peoples were victorious.

Some of those orchestrating the encounters of these peoples in Egypt and Tunisia have thought that the peoples will be satisfied with the departure of the governor and his family; hence, if Zeinul Abideen departed with Leila Trabulsi (his wife) and Hosni Mubarak with Susan (his wife), people were thought to renounce the revolution, leaving the rest of the regime unchanged. This was America's bet in an attempt to mitigate losses.

[Sayyed Nasrallah interrupted the speech to insert this remark:]"A while ago, the brothers offered me a note, informing me that there is tremendous jamming of all satellites' channels. I don't know whether this is true or not. To fear words is an evidence of weakness - especially if the words are Lebanese. Lebanon does not have 50 million or 100 million residents, it has no oil! But God willing, we are going to have oil!"

[Sayyed Nasrallah continued with the previous topic:] They were surprised that those peoples didn't return home, but rather they continued to advocate the overthrowing of the so-called transitional governments, and they did overthrow the governments. These peoples advocated the dissimilation of fake parliaments, and that happened. They requested that coercive security systems and policies be cancelled, and they were. These peoples continued to advocate and request, and they still continue to do so.

This is what makes our great hope of the Egyptian and Tunisian people, who we call on for unity and harmony, particularly when it comes to major choices because - God forbid - division leads to an anti-revolution or to the reproduction of governing parties, regimes, or groups. This must be mainly avoided in Egypt since it has great influence on the Arab world, the cause of the Resistance, Palestine, and the Arabian-"Israeli" struggle.

Our brothers and sisters in Egypt must recognize that all of us have our hopes on them, for they can influence all Arab and Islamic worlds with their position and attitude.

Just as the peoples rebelled in Tunisia and Egypt, the Libyans did. A group of youth started at Benghazi, and they were confronted with bullets and murder. Then people rushed to embrace them, and the revolution moved from one city to another. There were demonstrations and civil disobedience, which were confronted with bullets, drones, and tanks. War was imposed on the peaceful and civil public revolution. What is going on in Libya is a war imposed by the regime on a people who wanted change without using arms.

Hereupon, this people had the choice of self-defense without being an armed organization or having any military experience or enough weapons. War broke out against the Libyan people in the west and east. The drones, tanks, cannons, and rows of Katiosha-missile emplacements, which you and we have seen on television, remind us - the Lebanese - of the "Israeli" invasion in 1982 and of all of the "Israeli" wars. What Gaddafi is assailing his people with is the same as that of the previous "Israeli" war against Lebanon and Gaza. All of the noble in the world must condemn these great crimes committed by Gaddafi's regime. Besides, every person who can offer any kind of help to these rebellious people must do so in order to assist their steadfastness and tolerance of demolitions and massacres.

Our rebellious brothers in Libya and our Arabpeoples must recognize that America and the west have offered the Libyan regime enough time to crush the revolution. Although they wasted all this time with sessions and so much talk, people were steadfast and tolerant. They fought and embarrassed the world with their steadfastness and tolerance. Had the Libyan revolution collapsed in a few days, a week, or two weeks, the world would have admitted, again, Gaddafi's regime, settled issues with him, and bought oil from him at the required and convenient prices. Gaddafi's money would have, anew, been into the pockets of presidents, European-Union MPs, and others. The steadfast of those revolutionists has changed the equation today.

There's one last word I tell you regarding the Libyan issue: Those revolutionists have no choice but to be steadfast and fight. We have expertise regarding wars, combats, encounters, and psychological war, too. We can read faces and tell whether they are desperate, scared, or disappointed.

Personally, my experience has allowed me to read the faces of the rebellious Libyan fighters and find dignity, high spirits, high readiness for martyrdom, and great determination against retreat or defeat. This offers hope. Certainly, the Libyan situation today is very complicated because of the international intervention that has commenced and that might lead Libya to the nation's league. As a result, the rebels must be aware and patriotic enough. The last thing I tell them is that the Lebanese Resistance was steadfast for 33 nights and days at a time when more than a hundred "Israeli" drones were shelling all regions - killing and demolishing. Today, in the name of this victorious Resistance, I send a thousand salutations to the steadfast Libyan fighters, in Benghazi, Ajdabya, Tobroq, Misrata, and all of the other steadfast, patient Libyan cities.

Since we are speaking about Libya, we say that the greatest crime Gaddafi has committed against Lebanon, the Lebanese and Palestinian Resistance, and Al Quds has been the abduction and detention of Sayyed Moussa Sadr and his companions. Such crime is unforgettable and condemned. All of the honorable people, the lovers of Imam Sadr, and his sons are still concerned with this case. As for the recent praise of Imam Sadr by Gaddafi, who talked about the Imam's journey to Libya and referred to the testimony of the Libyan judiciary, it is all lies and hypocrisy, and this will change nothing about the Imam's abduction. We all know how influential Gaddafi's money is on the Italian government, Berluscone's government, and the Italian judiciary. We look forward to freeing the Imam from this tyrannical oppression.

With respect to Yemen, where incidents, struggles, and wars preceded the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, there are major complications there. Killing many demonstrators, wounding hundreds of them, and oppressing a people who are advocating for their legal rights can't be ignored nowadays. We greet the steadfast Yemenis and rebels and their peaceful acts. Yemen is full of weaponry, whereby the Yemeni tribes have kalashnikovs, RPG's, cannonades, Dushka, and antiaircraft. Nevertheless, they manifest great awareness of self-discipline, steadfastness, and peaceful advocating of rights - away from declination into civil war.

Speaking of Bahrain, we have all witnessed what has gone on and what is going on there. Through detailed follow-up of the incidents of the region and of Bahrain, I can tell the people over there are the most oppressed. As you know, Bahrain is a small island whose residents do not exceed a million. Those peaceful and oppressed residents demonstrated in the hundreds to advocate for their rights. There weren't thousands or tens of thousands, and the government could call on for dialogue without shooting those young people.

However, the government started to kill and called for dialogue while killing. Still, the people of Bahrain reiterated their national unity and patriotism and that they weren't acting upon a regional or sectarian background. Armies were brought instead of policemen. Many were killed, and others were wounded or arrested.

Brothers and sisters, here is a weird paradox. Neither the Arab League nor the Arab governments sent an army to support the Libyans, who were being bombarded with different weaponry. On the contrary, the League and the governments sent armies to Bahrain so as to defend a regime that hadn't been endangered in the first place. It is true that the demonstrators were using the slogan of overthrowing the regime, but peaceful demonstrations cannot overthrow Arab regimes of this kind. The opposition in Bahrain was totally peaceful and caused no harm. Still, Arabcountries were brought to fight it.

It is such a strange paradox; they even broke into hospitals and assailed the wounded, and they destroyed the houses of some opposition leaders. By the way, this is the "Israeli" way of dealing with our Palestinian brothers. Every time a Palestinian fighter is arrested, the "Israelis" destroy his house. In Bahrain, this is what they do. They even destroyed Alulua (The Pearl) Round because they cannot tolerate the rebels.

But I tell you that you can tolerate all this since the tyrannical are usually brutal, and fighters usually offer sacrifices. But the greatest oppression is the malicious sectarianism.

Before criticism, I have to greet the Muslim Sunnite religionists and movements in Lebanon and the Arab and Islamic world. I greet all the attitudes of national, Arab parties, forces, characters, and nationalists. Particularly I have to be very grateful to the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, for his special, expressive attitude.

Here I would like to ask some Arabs and Muslims about the oppression against our people in Bahrain and the ignorance of their peaceful advocating of rights, about the conviction of their movement. Were all of those martyrs and wounded convicted simply because they were Shiites? Does belonging to a religion and a confession deprive a person of his human and normal civil rights?

Unfortunately, this is the question. Does the Shiite majority of the opposition in Bahrain deprive it of its rights and dignity and make of it an easy victim? Does this make accusations and counter-advisements legal? What is right and just about this?

Brothers and sisters, all of us - Muslims, Christians, Sunnites, and Shiites - have consolidated with the Palestinian people without asking what their confession was. We know that the Palestinians are Muslim Sunnites and Christians, but we don't inquire about the confessions of the Palestinians, Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans, nor Yemenis. It's been our duty to consolidate with them, and none of them is obliged to us. Iran was on top of the consolidators with the oppressed and the tortured, whereby His Eminence, Imam Khamenei (Long live His Honor), has supported all of these tortured peoples with a special and great attitude. Did Iran support Palestine on a sectarian background or on the basis of belief, humanity and ethics? Isn't this the truth?

I denounce the way some call the Egyptians to demonstrate and then ask the Libyans to kill Gaddafi, but when it comes to Bahrain, where none of the opposition wants to kill anyone, none supports the opposition, but they withstand it.

Today, I am going to inquire very bravely, although I've never wanted to inquire about any Arabregime, and you have known Hizbullah's history for the recent years - today, what is the difference between the regime of Al Khaleefa and Al Mubarak? What difference lies between the regime of Al Khaleefa in Bahrain and that of Gaddafi in Libya? Is there democracy or regard of human rights? Are these regimes denouncers of America and Israel? When a people denounce the "Israeli" regime, we ask its people to be tolerant, give attention to priorities, allow dialogue, and approach issues differently in cases of some inner problems. But most of the Arab regimes are submissive tails.

Anyway, what's happening in Bahrain is not the movement of a confession or doctrine; instead, it is a weapon which the disabled use against anyone with a just cause. However, this will not defeat the will of the rebels or the liberals in Bahrain.

What I say to the brothers and sisters in Bahrain is: Don't give your ears to the sectarians, their counter-advisements, or media. There are religionists and important Sunnite voices in the Islamic world. They support your rights and consolidate with you. I tell you, persevere and be patient and steadfast to defend your rights. I tell you this because I know the people. You have a wise, aware, and courageous leadership, so listen to it and harmonize together. Your wounds, brothers and sisters, will defeat the oppressors and tyrants and make them admit your legal rights. Your cause deserves sacrifice, martyrdom, and perseverance - even if this is going to take time.

As for the governors in Libya, Bahrain, and Yemen, I address them: How do you imagine the future? How do you think your governments could last and your regimes could endure after all the oppression, crimes, and humiliation you've perpetrated? No matter how stubborn you are, you are doomed to be defeated, so respond to your peoples before it is too late.

Fifthly, the Arab and Islamic countries must hold responsibility for what is going on in every Arab country. Yes, their duty is to interfere by sending armies to defend the peoples and prevent foreign intervention instead of oppressing them.

Unfortunately, today, upon the renouncement of responsibility by most of the Arab and Muslim governors, western and American intervention has easy access into Libya. We don't know what will occur in Libya. Allowing access to foreign intervention with every Arab country will take us back into the era of occupation, direct settlement, division, or whatsoever.

In this critical, historical stage, it's every capable person's duty to help find solutions. For instance, today, in Bahrain and Yemen, there's a crisis of trust between the opposition and the authority. Undoubtedly, some people support the authority, whereas the majority supports the opposition, which has its reasons not to trust the authority. Where is the Arab mediator or the Islamic-Conference Organization? With respect to the opposition and the authority, there are trusted countries within the region that can play a mediating role now. Instead of sending armies to Bahrain, those countries should've sent their foreign ministers for the sake of true intermediation, which is still possible.

Since today we consolidate with the Arab peoples, I call on governors, religionists, elites, political powers, and anyone who has an influential capacity to try to find right solutions to maintain the geographical unity and sovereignty, to protect souls, and to achieve the best of the advocated quests of the oppressed people.

Within the remaining minutes, I'd like to speak concisely of the Lebanese situation.
In the past two months, we've witnessed the decline of the previous government and the designation of a new character to form a new Lebanese government. We've witnessed an organized and programmed call for "disarmament", which is persistent in different forms.
Everything that could be said - whether true or not - was told. Different media were used - banners, ads, channels, even cartoons like Mufasa and Simba [Characters from The Lion King Movie].

I simply comment to define responsibilities:

Firstly, all that they've said during their crowds, festivals, and speeches did not bring them any harm or even a slap on the face. This is enough proof that we haven't pointed a gun at anyone. But in the other Arab countries, the citizens do much less than this, and what do they get? Much more. These are apparent facts.

The Lebanese Army, Lebanese security forces, and the forces of the new majority - mainly Hizbullah and Amal Movement in Beirut - have been actual partners collaborating day and night to protect those who revile, swear at, and assail the Resistance. Is there any further maintenance of freedom yet? You say and do whatever you want, and you provoke and incite, but none assails you. This gives great evidence that no guns are pointed at your heads.

Speaking of the content, in the last two months, we've heard nothing new to comment on. All that has been said is repetition of the previous talk, slogans, and accusations. Therefore, we need no further discussions.

The issue of the Resistance can't be handled through incitement. We've always said we are ready for dialogue because we have logic, vision, experience, and brilliant evidence. Our school of country defense is being taught at the greatest and most important military faculties in the world.
I reiterate that all of the noise you are making will not affect the performance of the Resistance, which continues its training, armament, organization, and preparation to elevate its level and further collaborate with the army and the people. The last of this collaboration results has been the dismantling of the espionage device in southern Lebanon days ago.

Therefore, all your noise won't affect the spirits, the performance, or the readiness of the Resistance. It won't affect the belief of our audience, but it will reinforce it.

Soon, when any Lebanese government decides to dig the southern sea for oil or gas and "Israel" threatens it, we'll only find the Resistance imposing Lebanon's respect and its rights of digging for oil and gas on "Israel" and the whole world. How should we defend ourselves and our oil and gas? With poetry? Banners? Neckties? That day they "made us see the jacket". I'm only saying this for humor. Of course, everyone can "wear and take off whatever he wants".

In all of these cases, this campaign aims at dragging the Resistance into bickering, but you need to know that we still keep our decision not to do so. What should we do? Should we explain the necessity, benefit, seriousness, production, and accomplishment of the Resistance? People know that, for they have made this - not we. We just express it.

We won't be dragged into bickering - you must know. Talk, discuss, and make as many speeches as you want. Of course, once we find an argument worthy of discussion, we'll discuss it since we respect people's minds, talk, and speech.

There is another purpose behind bickering; they want to provoke us and incite sectarianism. This is why I ask youth to listen to me; we must not be provoked. Be as "relaxed as you can" when you hear or watch. If you can't tolerate that, don't listen and watch.

We must not be provoked, for when we read the Wikileaks cables, we find out that there's always a 14-March team that seeks to inflict uproar among the Shiites and Sunnites in Lebanon. This is their aim beyond provoking us. They've been hoping to drag Lebanon to this uproar through the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, the accusations of Daniel Bellemare, and the oppressive conviction. I've told you they won't be able to do this to us - thanks to God. Although the conviction hasn't been issued yet, we know what the story is, so we consider it has been issued, and it is worthless. No Sunnite-Shiite uproar has or will take place in Lebanon. They have lost the authority they are yearning for now as a price for the conviction, but it's not the fault of the Sunnites or Shiites. We needn't worry, but we have to tolerate all what media expose. There are those who get "mad", but nothing is dangerous. The Resistance, its arms, presence, and audience are alright. Its eyes and weapons are always aimed at the enemy. Still, "none should annoy it."

The third point concerning the Lebanese issue is the Wikileaks cables, which make obvious how great were the bets and hopes on the "Israeli" War against the Resistance. They also show the gravity of the disappointments upon the victory on August 14. We'll wait till the last cables show up and see what's going to happen. Then we can talk.

Primarily and quickly I can classify the Wikileaks cables into two sections:

The first is what Jeffrey Feltman, Michelle Sisson, or others say. It includes their analysis, hopes, and emotions. We have no problem with this. "Let them analyze the way they want and wish for whatsoever. We have been victorious, but they have been disappointed."

Concerning this section, if any politician or MP denies a fake speech, we'll accept that. "What more do you want?"

The second section isn't about analysis; it's about requests. Someone asks the American ambassador to make "Israel" occupy Bint Jbeil. Another requests that the war not be terminated unless Hizbullah is demolished. A third requests what follows before war ends: multi-national forces at the Lebanese-Syrian borders. "You have to place whatever on the borders. You just have to keep Hizbullah away from victory". This is not an analysis, neither is it an emotion. This is an incitement of "Israel" - who is conventionally known as the enemy of Lebanon - to kill, shell, and destroy a part of the Lebanese nation, its Resistance, and its army. This is not a mere emotion; it is another issue.

As for the second part regarding characters, I divide it into two sections, too: The first section has revised its attitudes and political path and changed direction, declaring its support of the Resistance. Good, what do we want? This is it. Yet, another section still declares and practices what it mentioned in Wikileaks in 2006. It has been and is still provoking and calling for the destruction of Lebanon for political and partition reasons. It has conspired against the Resistance and still does.

Actually, we want to file cases at this point. We're not going to organize demonstrations or the like. The civilians of Bint Jbeil, Eita, southern and northern Litany, and all those who were shelled are going to file cases civically. We will pursue he who said, "Strike them and shell them" on the 15th of July. Then this character has to be sued, for many have died after July 15 because of his request.

We'll see how the judiciary acts towards this issue.

So we have a new file like that of the false witnesses. We want to discuss it; we haven't yet.
In 2006, we had information, but we didn't expose it. I want the whole world to know that I say this is the noblest Resistance and these are the most honorable, sincere, and pure people because I know how others conspired against us and sought to demolish us. Still, on September 22, in the festival we organized to celebrate victory after the July War, I called on those who conspired against us and killed our companions and children to cooperate with us and build and protect Lebanon together.

But today these issues are exposed in newspapers, televisions, and websites. However, we will act with courtesy and file judiciary cases against those who were caught red-handed.

As respects the government, I say briefly: Yes, there are constraints.

Firstly: With respect to the formulation of the government: You have to get the new majority to account for this since the Bristol Meeting when March-14 forces declared that they won't participate. We have to count since that day - not since the designation of MP Najib Mikati.
Of course, there are great constraints on MP Mikati - ambassadors, countries, a question of the nature of the government. There are foreign constraints that don't want us to form a government with the new majority. How's that? This majority has the right to formulate the government. There's discussion of the parties of the government and constraints on its formulations, ministerial statement, and future policies.

It is not simply the matter of inner conflicts. The new majority has its requests - which I believe are just and have to be discussed. Any formation of a government in Lebanon happens this way, and what's happening now isn't strange, but it may take some time. It is a matter of constraint. You can hear March-14 forces, asking MP Mikati to formulate a technocrat government every time they have festivals and make statements. What does this mean? When you constituted the majority, did you agree to have an intermediate MP that could formulate a technocrat government? Is MP Mikati agreeable or a minister selected by the new majority amid a political conflict in the country?

Consequently, MP Mikati is under different constraints. These are conflicts - the inner ones are normal, but the foreign ones are not. You know how much foreign intervention there is - American, French, western, and Arab constraints on the designated MP. If we need to show such details later, we'll be ready for that.

To end the topic of the Lebanese situation, I want tell you: God willing, the new majority will work on formulating a new Lebanese government headed by MP Najib Mikati. This is a political challenge that we all - as the new parliamentary majority - have to encounter.

In this consolidation meeting, I greet the souls of the pure martyrs of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, and Palestine that has offered and still offers martyrs every day. To our honorable fighters and our rebellious, steadfast peoples I say: Your spring has commenced, and none will stop it or take you back to another autumn. Your faith, steadfast, and determination are stronger than all challenges. You and we will be victorious - God willing.
God's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.


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person Abdul Waheed

Pay Salam and tribute to our honourable leader

I pay tribute and slam to my great leader and I pray from Almighty Allah your hand be upon our head for ever.May Almighty Allah keep you in his own security.