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Battle of the Mighty


London Protesters Demand End to War in Afghanistan

London Protesters Demand End to War in Afghanistan
folder_openInternational News access_time14 years ago
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Local Editor

Thousands of people have staged protest rallies in London to denounce Britain's military presence in Afghanistan and call for a swift end to NATO's war policies.

The protest march entitled, "the Time to Go" was organized by Stop the War coalition, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and the British Muslim Initiative, the daily Morning Star reported.

Demonstrators led by Military Families against the War snaked through streets leading into Trafalgar Square where they assembled to shout: "troops out" of Afghanistan and "Britain get out of NATO".

Stop the War chairman Andrew Murray told the crowd that the message the march was delivering was "to tell (Washington) DC, to tell the war criminals at NATO's meeting in Lisbon, that we want our troops out of Afghanistan, not in 2014, not in 2013, not in 2012 - we want them out now!"

Meanwhile, Unions affiliated to Trade Union Congress (TUC) including University and Collage Union (UCU) and United supported the protest march along with War on Want and Pax Christi.
