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Guardian: Britain Gives Green Light to 8 New Nuclear Plants

Guardian: Britain Gives Green Light to 8 New Nuclear Plants
folder_openInternational News access_time14 years ago
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At the time western countries are putting their utmost efforts to deprive independent nations such as the Islamic Republic of Iran of acquiring technology needed to produce nuclear energy, the British government gave the green light to eight new reactors on Wednesday.

The UK government has announced plans to build eight new nuclear power stations in its bid to avert and energy crisis and to reduce its carbon emissions.

The announcement was described as a U-turn decision by the Liberal Democrats, the junior party to the coalition, who labeled nuclear as a "tried, tested and failed technology", before the deal that gave them a share in the UK's supreme politics.

Chris Huhne, the Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy, announced the construction of the plants, which will begin operating between 2018 and 2025.

He also announced a drive to put up wind turbines around the coast, install more solar panels in homes, and invest in technology to limit polluting emissions from conventional coal-fired power stations.

The energy package was set out following government warnings that the lights would go out by 2020 without urgent action to replace power plants nearing the end of their life.

Western countries including the United Kingdom are increasingly investing in the so-called "clean energy" generation capabilities mostly nuclear energy, on the other hand accuse Iran of being deceitful about using its nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.


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