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Loyal to the Pledge

LTRB Blemishes US Incitement, Calls Larsen’s Report Bias to Zionist Enemy

LTRB Blemishes US Incitement, Calls Larsen’s Report Bias to Zionist Enemy
folder_openLTRB access_time14 years ago
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Loyalty to the Resistance Parliamentary Bloc (LTRB) discussed the dimensions and meanings of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmaddinejad's historic visit to Lebanon, and what is actually presented of solidarity, official and popular support to Lebanon, its people and government.

The LTRB said the Iranian solidarity stressed on Lebanon's right to its stability and ability to confront "Israeli" assaults and threats.

They believed that this visit also expressed Iran's concern to enhance the Lebanese national unity and deepen the spirit of positive understanding among the Lebanese, in addition to the economic and development support in contributing to solve infrastructure problems, whether on the levels of electricity and energy, or the level of reconstruction.

LTRB Blemishes US Incitement, Calls Larsen’s Report Bias to Zionist Enemy

In its regular meeting on Wednesday, the LTRB discussed the strategic dimensions of the visit, in addition to the honest impressions which President Ahmadinejad succeeded in planting in the Lebanese's minds in general, especially in the minds of different political forces.

The LTRB referred that through that, the Iranian president stressed that Lebanon has a regional, strong and affective friend, which Lebanon could bet on its friendship and honesty at all levels.

Furthermore, the LTRB blemished the US incitement to separation between the Lebanese people, under the framework of publicity for international justice, in addition to insisting on adopting aggressive policies and "Israeli" interests on the expense of Lebanese stability and the unity of its people.

Concerning the UN Secretary General's report on implementing UN resolution 1559, LTRB believed it completely bias to the Zionist enemy, in addition to being a palaver to its terrorism and violations of the international resolutions, and an unjust prejudice against the resistance and Hizbullah to mislead the nations and countries.

The LTRB also considered that the report concealed truth about the Zionist "Israelis'" discriminations and their danger on the stability of the region and Lebanon, in addition their danger on Palestine and its people.

The parliamentary bloc further tackled the positive local and regional mobility in order to disable the tension threatening Lebanon due to targeting the resistance through false and fabricated accusations, where the bloc stressed on the importance of taking part in the national responsibility in confronting this unaccepted targeting and dangerous blackmailing.

LTRB saw that the natural way into reaching the truth and cutting off incitement and tension between the Lebanon, is transferring the false witnesses issue to the Justice Council, so that the false witnesses would be trialed, and the identity of their fabricators, funders, and protectors is revealed.

On another hand, the LTRB affirmed that the choice of diplomatic relations with the Zionist entity has been proven to be useless, further calling upon committing to the choice of the resistance, as the only way to freeing the land, and restoring sovereignty and dignity.


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