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H.E. Sayyed Nasrallah: Victory Shall Be Ours

H.E. Sayyed Nasrallah: Victory Shall Be Ours
folder_openReports-2008 access_time17 years ago
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Source: Al-Manar TV, 12-1-2008

Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Friday that "President Bush will force the Palestinians to give up on the right of return and accept refugees settling in other Arab nations."

Sayyed Nasrallah spoke at a rally honoring the Hijri New Year, which was held at the Sayyed Al-Shuhada mosque in Beirut southern suburbs: "The Zionists will take their pick out of the '67 territories, Jerusalem and the settlement, and will give the Palestinians whatever crumbs they'll have left over. He (US President George W. Bush) will demand the Lebanese accept reality and acknowledge "Israel"... that is Bush's testament, which he feels like he can dictate to us," his eminence said.

Resistance, he continued, is the only way, insisting that this plan must be fought against with "the spirit of self-sacrifice," adding that "we will not leave, but we will stay in our lands, in our villages and in our cities, even if our homes are destroyed... we will not tolerate the "Israeli" program, so with resistance... as I promised in the past, we [will] go from victory to victory, and it will come with the help of intelligence, blood and will."
On Wednesday, Sayyed Nasrallah called Bush's visit to the occupied territories and the region "a black day for Arabs and Muslims." "Bush came to "Israel" to celebrate 60 years [of independence] of a state that has no right to exist," his eminence said.