“Dark Heart”: Pentagon Scrambles to Buy Up Embarrassing Book on US Secret Op.
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The Pentagon war with whistleblowers continues in attempts silence them and burry its scandals and failures in the different policies worldwide.
According to the British Guardian, Pentagon officials are negotiating to buy and destroy all 10,000 copies of the first printing of an Afghan war memoir they say contains intelligence secrets.
The publication of the controversial book "Operation Dark Heart," by Anthony A. Shaffer, a former "Defense" Intelligence Agency officer and a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve, has divided military security reviewers and highlighted the uncertainty about what information poses a genuine threat to security.
According to sources, the Pentagon's scrambling to dispose the book is because it threatens to be a highly embarrassing expose by the former intelligence officer of secret operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
According to the paper, there have been also attempts of discrediting Shaffer's words but it failed because he is a man of integrity, and suppressing his book will not work either.
The government buying up books that it doesn't want people to read is its version of burning books, and people see through this secrecy for what it is: government tyranny.
Shaffer describes in the book how he was part of the "dark side of the force" that operates outside the usual constraints of the military system. He led a group that called themselves the Jedi Knights and specialized in "black ops" inside Pakistan.
The Pentagon war with whistleblowers continues in attempts silence them and burry its scandals and failures in the different policies worldwide.
According to the British Guardian, Pentagon officials are negotiating to buy and destroy all 10,000 copies of the first printing of an Afghan war memoir they say contains intelligence secrets.
The publication of the controversial book "Operation Dark Heart," by Anthony A. Shaffer, a former "Defense" Intelligence Agency officer and a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve, has divided military security reviewers and highlighted the uncertainty about what information poses a genuine threat to security.
According to sources, the Pentagon's scrambling to dispose the book is because it threatens to be a highly embarrassing expose by the former intelligence officer of secret operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
According to the paper, there have been also attempts of discrediting Shaffer's words but it failed because he is a man of integrity, and suppressing his book will not work either.
The government buying up books that it doesn't want people to read is its version of burning books, and people see through this secrecy for what it is: government tyranny.
Shaffer describes in the book how he was part of the "dark side of the force" that operates outside the usual constraints of the military system. He led a group that called themselves the Jedi Knights and specialized in "black ops" inside Pakistan.
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