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US War Minister Calls for Afghan War Funds

US War Minister Calls for Afghan War Funds
folder_openInternational News access_time14 years ago
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US War Minister, Robert Gates, called upon the Republican Senates, during his meeting with them on Tuesday, to vote for a war supplemental bill for financing the US Afghan war.

The bill which Gates hopes to pass includes a 37 billion dollar fund for the US troops who are serving in Afghanistan.

Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader, emphasized on Gates' urgency, referring to his concerns that stated that if the US army does not receive the fund it requested by the end of this month, then troop payment would be delayed till after August.

"This is a true emergency. We need to figure a way to get the funding for the troops in the field, and we need to do it as soon as possible," McConnell affirmed.

As legislations also include funds and aids for Haiti and the recent Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the Republican Senators are not allowing any approval of any bill unless it's for funding the Afghan war, a clearly hypocritical US policy.
