AFP: Australian Government Must Condemn Interception of Gaza Flotilla
Australians for Palestine (AFP) issued a press release calling upon the Australian government to condemn "Israel's" killing of activists on board the peace flotilla carrying humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip.
"The Rudd government never tires of condemning the Palestinian militancy but have nothing to say when "Israel" uses force against those who are non-violently trying to resist the occupation," said Australians for Palestine spokesperson Michael Shaik.
"It is important to note that John Ging, the head of the United Nations in the Gaza Strip, has called upon the international community to defy "Israel's" blockade of Gaza to bring humanitarian aid to the territory. The murdered activists were only answering this call and were of no conceivable threat to "Israel's" security," Shaik said.
Only last week, Stephen Smith announced that the Australian Federal Police, ASIO and ASIS had found that "Israel" had used forged Australian passports for the assassination of Mahmoud Al Mabhouh and declared that there will be a ‘cooling-off' in relations with "Israel". If this government remains silent over this act of piracy, it will signal that the government intends to maintain a ‘business as usual relationship' and that, as far as the Australia is concerned, "Israel" can literally get away with murder."
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