Commemorating Nakba…in Ben Gurion Promenade

Local Editor
In commemoration of the 62nd memory of the Nakba -when more than 800 thousand Palestinians were expelled and 532 villages were destroyed- the International Civil Campaign to Protest the Palestinian People (CCIPPP) organizes a gathering.
The CCIPPP chose the Ben Gurion Promenade - a controversial Parisian promenade that was named after the founder of the Zionist State and one of the major personals responsible of the Nakba.

The major participants in the gathering are GUPS (Union Générale des Etudiants de Palestine), AFD (Alliance for Freedom and Dignity), AFPS (Association France Palestine Solidarité), CCIPPP (Campagne Civile Internationale pour la Protection du Peuple Palestinien), FASE (Fédération pour une Alternative Sociale et Ecologique), Génération Palestine, NPA (Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste), PSM (Participation et Spiritualité Musulmane), UJFP (Union Juive Française pour la Paix.
This gathering is addressed to war criminals and is an attempt to protest in support of the Palestinian plight and in support of their rights in the very same place that was named after "Israeli" founder and war criminal Ben Gurion.
. On April 15, Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoë and "Israeli" President Shimon Peres inaugurated Ben-Gurion Promenade which stirred up protests. One week only after the inauguration, the "David Ben Gurion" plaques unveiled in the ceremony went missing.
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