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Denmark: New Controversial “Muhammad cartoon” Removed After Uproar

Denmark: New Controversial “Muhammad cartoon” Removed After Uproar
folder_openInternational News access_time14 years ago
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Local Editor, 12-04-2010

A new painting depicting Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was displayed in an Easter exhibition in Denmark. The painting's motif is a veiled woman and a pig looking at a picture of Kurt Westergaard with a bomb in his turban - exactly like in his own controversial caricature of Muhammed.

The Grenaa City Hall decided to remove the painting down from the exhibition after heavy complaints from visitors.

Hans Christian Sørensen, a leisure artist, was very surprised by the city hall's decision to take the picture down. He says its humorist and denies that the picture is a provocation.

"I think it's OK that Kurt Westergaard drew Mohammed, but it doesn't matter for my painting and if anybody should take offense by the subject matter, it should be Kurt Westergaard or the pig," he says.

Hans Christian Sørensen doesn't understand that City Hall say they've received complaints from visitors. He says the picture is surreal and funny.

"Art should be original and not copy anything. We can all paint flowers, but people see so much of it. Art should be debated, that the point of it. That's the difference between art and decoration," he says.

The Prophet Mohammad cartoons first existed in 2005 causing rage among Muslims, when Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published a series of twelve cartoons about the prophet Muhammad.
