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Mossad Orchestrated Christmas Day Bomb-Plot

Mossad Orchestrated Christmas Day Bomb-Plot
folder_openInternational News access_time15 years ago
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Local Editor, 29-01-2010

The Nigerian suspect accused of attempting to blow up a US airliner on Christmas Day had been oriented by the 'Israeli'-owned 'International Consultants on Targeted Security' to perform a "walk around" without a passport in Amsterdam.

Despite tighter post 9/11screening processes, Northwest Airlines Flight 253 experienced no delays in takeoff.

"It is evident that clearing the suspect with higher-ups took a matter of a minute or so and the Indian man, who had arranged the boarding, obviously had a high-level security pass," Mathaba News Agency reported.

Afterwards, during the flight, onlookers noted that another passenger spent a great deal of time filming the 23-year-old Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab with his camcorder. More intriguing, once the suspect tried to ignite his "crotch bomb," throughout the incident, the man continued filming the terrorist, calmly and without interruption.

Even after the plane landed, another Indian man was led away in handcuffs after the bomb-sniffing dogs detected explosives in his luggage.

Officials have refused to release the Schiphol CCTV airport footage from Amsterdam, the air-bound "video passenger" film, or the identity of the man arrested in Detroit.

The Indian link comes as no surprise due to the fact that ‘Israel' and India are bound closely in business ties as well as in military contracts, giving way for Indo-‘Israeli' intelligence cooperation.

Abdulmutallab's home country, Nigeria, is also clandestinely controlled by the ‘Israeli' army and Mossad.

Mossad's reach extends even further, directly into Yemen. On Oct. 7, 2008, Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said that security forces had arrested a group of militants linked to the ‘Israeli' intelligence agency.

Abdulmutallab had denied any association with the militant al-Qaeda group and claimed that he was trained in Yemen.

Washington, however, accuses him of being trained in the Yemen, an Arab country the US claims is infested with al-Qaeda militants.

According to military analyst and counterinsurgency specialist Gordon Duff, "There is no al-Qaeda in Yemen. George Bush released a couple of phony operatives from Guantanamo, and after traveling to the Middle East, they hooked up with the Mossad. The only reason Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez released them is because they're assets."

Abdulmutallab's story is intended to keep ratcheting up Orwellian-style trauma and project Yemen, as well as the African continent, are the brand-new focus of the American so-called 'war on terror.'
