ISIL Destroys VII-century Church, Historical Mosque in Iraq

Local Editor
The Iraqi city of Tikrit saw ISIL blow up the Green Church, one of the oldest Christian churches in the Middle East, and the shrine and historical mosque of l-Arbain, both located in the city center, security sources said on Thursday.
On Wednesday evening, ISIL militants bombed the Green Church, built in the VII century. It belonged to the Assyrian Church of the East, a part of the Christian tradition.
The source told Iraqi News that "the militants of ISIL bombed the Green Church in the area of the presidential palaces, with improvised explosive devices that were planted in its surroundings." The source added that "the bombing resulted in the destruction of the entire church."
However, it was not the only religious monument that suffered on Thursday. In the morning the ISIL elements dynamited the shrine and historical mosque of alArbain - "with a number of improvised explosive devices."
The religious site contained the tombs of 40 fighters from the early period of Islam's expansion.
The ISIL militants have blown up several churches, shrines and mosques that attract thousands of people annually across the country. In the provinces of Kirkuk and Nineveh they destroyed tombs of the prophets Jonah, George and Daniel. In Mosul, Iraq's largest Christian town, ISIL has destroyed or occupied all 45 local Christian institutions. It has also caused thousands of Christians and religious minorities to flee from their homes.
The recently reported destruction of the church and the shrine occurred in spite of US-led air strikes against Islamic State positions in Syria that started on Tuesday.
Source: News Agencies, Edited by website team
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