Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on Memorial Ceremony of Martyr Leader Mustafa Badreddine
In His Name
Full speech delivered by Hizbullah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, during the ceremony commemorating the first anniversary of the martyrdom of senior Leader Hajj Mustafa Badreddine [Zulfiqar] held on May 11, 2017.

I seek refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be upon the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad, and upon his chaste and pure Household, and upon his chosen companions, and upon all messengers and prophets.
Dear scholars, ministers and members of parliament, brothers, and sisters! Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.
Allah says in the Holy Quran: {Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision. Rejoicing in what Allah has given them out of His grace, and they rejoice for the sake of those who, being left behind them, have not yet joined them, that they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve. They rejoice on account of favor from Allah and His grace, and that Allah will not waste the reward of the believers}
A year has passed since the martyrdom of the senior jihadi leader, dear Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine - Sayyed Zulfiqar [May Allah have mercy on him]. Here we are marking his anniversary, though he never left us for one day all year long, because he is always present in our conscience, mind, and heart. We live in the blessings of his great jihad and marvelous sacrifices. He is the wounded, captured leader who fought in every field, who raises a banner for resisting occupation, starting from Lebanon, to Syria, to Iran. We recall his memory today, and we see him before us as we used to see him before - a patient, faithful, brave leader who is as proud as the mountain and as decisive as a sharp sword. He is dauntless, he never fears death, and he is industrious around the clock. He is never bored or tired. This Sayyed who was very brilliant had power and emotion alike. He used to be where he must be. He used to roar as a wrathful lion; and he used to cry as a tender mother when the situation requires. He was solemn in hardships, and he used to answer the call to aid the needy and defend the oppressed. In a moment of contemplation and love, he was ready to give you everything, even his soul, blood, and his most precious possessions. He was a leader of liberation of the land, of the dignified return of prisoners, and of dismantling the "Israeli" and Takfiri collaborating networks, as well as for defending [our] existence and dignity and the axis of resistance. Zulfiqar ibn Ali was an Abbas to Zeinab. His banner was never defeated. He vowed not to return from his last jihadi field in Syria except either victorious or a martyr, and he returned as a martyr. He returned as a victorious martyr as the hopes of the Takfiris flopped in Syria and their deeds flopped too, and the path of their defeat along with their masters is quite clear.
Brothers and sisters! As you have seen in the report a while ago, Sayyed Zulfiqar in 1996 was the leader of our battle against the Zionist enemy during the "Grapes of Wrath", in which "Israel" was defeated and the April Understanding was concluded, which set the foundations for the victory of 2000. As such, Shimon Peres lost the "Israeli" elections. That also brought down the humiliating settlement and all the announcements and decisions reached in the Sharm Sheikh Summit in 1996, in which the entire world agreed without any exception to threaten the resistance movements. All of that flopped. He was also a leader in the Ansariyyeh Operation and the leader of the Islamic resistance operations for years. So it was normal that the Zionists and their leaders and media try to harm him to avenge their defeats.
Sayyed Zulfiqar was also the leader of our fighters in Syria and the leader of our resistance victories alongside the Syrian Army and all the allies and friends in Syria for more than five years, dealing the Takfiri groups and their schemes and the hopes of their masters and bosses - one blow after another. So it is normal that the media of their masters seek to harm him to avenge their defeat. Yet, Sayyed Zulfiqar will remain for his family, his party, and his resistance and its fighters and masses, and all the believers [in the resistance], Zulfiqar and Hezbollah, Hezbollah and Zulfiqar, will remain of a more significant status, of a more glorious image, and of a better reputation than to be harmed by the "Israeli" chaos and the Saudi media. This was Zulfiqar - Mustafa Badreddine, and he will remain an inspiring leader among us and a reverberating, storming voice that refuses feebleness, neglect, and submission; he rather holds the banner until achieving victory and martyrdom.
On the first anniversary, again I extend my felicitations and condolences to his noble family - his mother, wife, son, daughters, brothers, sisters, and all his relatives, dear ones, and comrades in the resistance. I tell them all: together we will continue on his path and achieve his goal God willing without any hesitation.
As for you Sayyed Ali, they call you Ali Zulfiqar, and you will remain Ali Zulfiqar. Be proud of this father, this leader, this martyr, and this kinship. I thank you for your faithful, loyal, and jihadi words. This is you and your family. I do not say this is what I expect from you, because this is you, and this is how we knew you, and this is how you will remain.
Brothers and sisters! From the jihadi squares of Zulfiqar we move into other files, one following the other, as they are all related to him.
The first topic is the "Israeli" topic.
The first issue has to do with what we have heard in the past few days to the effect that the "Israeli" enemy wants to execute its previous decision to build the wall from Naqoura on the coast to Jabal Sheikh. It is quite nice that the decision comes on the Nakba anniversary. This just highlights that the era of Nakba for our peoples and the resistance movements is over, though it is still ongoing for the regimes.
In past years, the "Israelis" erected some walls. They raised barricades and changed the demography. They erected very advanced detection networks over the border, staged maneuvers, and carried out broad deployments. However, weeks ago, a Lebanese citizen was able to cross the barbed wire and penetrate all their measures. He was able to travel on his feet for no less than 10 kilometers until he reached the bus station in Kiryat Shmona, which frightened and frustrated the enemy, and revealed that all these precautionary measures are ragged. He is a simple Lebanese citizen. He does not have security or military experience. He does not belong to any party, yet he managed to do that. So they quickly realized that their procedures, techniques, army, security, and intelligence are weak and feeble. Thus they made haste to take the decision to build the wall rapidly. Indeed, here they build a wall above land. In Gaza they started building the wall within the depths of the land. Previously, they built a wall around the West Bank. They also wanted to build a wall at other borderlines, and they will build many walls. This has many implications. I will tackle some implications, and I will leave the rest to the military, security, and political experts to write and analyze further so that we benefit from their analyses as usual. However, here I will quickly mention some implications.
First, this wall, which will tower over the Lebanese-Palestinian border, is first an acknowledgement of Lebanon's overwhelming victory and an admission of the defeat of "Israel" and its schemes and ravenous greediness.
Second, it is an admission of the failure and inability to achieve the so-called greater "Israel" scheme which we always talk about. They wanted this "Israel" to be from the Nile River to the Euphrates River.
Sayyed Zulfiqar, Hajj Imad Moghnieh, Sayyed Abbas Musawi, Sheikh Ragheb Harb, and all the leaders in Hezbollah, in the Amal Movement, in the Lebanese national and Islamic forces, in the Palestinian factions, and in every framework where arms were held to resist the occupation throughout these decades led the "Israeli" enemy to this end. The same is true about Palestine. Things are not limited to Lebanon or Gaza. At least these are the two areas on which the enemy is building walls, taking into consideration that we are talking about two small countries as per area and population.
As per the economic condition too, the situation is hard. We are not talking about strong and powerful Arab states and thousands of billions of dollars and abundance in gas, oil, and weapons. Most arms of most men in these two areas are weak. So the "Israelis" are defeated, and they are building walls. The scheme of the Great "Israel" from the Nile to the Euphrates is over.
Third, the Greater "Israel" scheme has also come to an end. What is the difference between the Great "Israel" and the Greater "Israel"? The Great "Israel" may be extensive in geography from the Nile to the Euphrates, while Greater "Israel" may be on the historical land of Palestine but is powerful, terrifying, deterring, and horrifying when its name or army is mentioned. Greater "Israel" imposes its conditions on the states, governments, and peoples of the region without the need to negotiate. We said that this "Greater "Israel" fell in 2000; the walls assert this. Yes, Greater "Israel" fell because "Israel" and its army and intelligence and all that it owns is hiding behind high walls. This reveals the truth which was articulated in such days in 2000. It is weaker than a spider's web. It was an iron house and an iron fist in the eyes of the frightened and horrified people who do not know the truth. When "Israel" hides behind a wall in Lebanon and behind a wall in Gaza, that means that "Israel" is no more a great state. It is a state like any other state. This is a strategic and historic development in the project of the resistance and the project of liberation.
Fourth, the wall reveals the magnitude of "Israeli" fear and horror of the future - whether the short or long-term future. Brothers and sisters! This is what matters even on the moral, psychological, political, and military levels. Since the Nakba in 1948 - we always recall the Nakba because it led us to the northern Palestinian borders and the southern Lebanese borders - things were different. Who used to be afraid and frightened? Who was it that used to go out to his field and not be sure whether he would return alive or not? Whose villages used to be burst into? Whose security and army offices used to be attacked in order that prisoners be taken from there? Whose full-length borders were insecure? Lebanon was as such. The "Israelis" were always the strong. "Israel" was the aggressor and the one who exercised hegemony and control, while they were reassured, and we, our women, children, and elderly were afraid, worried, and terrified. Today, after all of these victories for the resistance and the golden formula in Lebanon [the army-the people-the resistance], the "Israelis" want to erect these walls which manifest the fear of their soldiers and settlers who are not afraid of the weapons on the borders only; they are also afraid of the civilians. They are afraid of the men and women who tour the borderline. They don't want to see them.
This is perfect as per the psychological, moral, military, and security considerations.
Indeed their forts will not secure them from Allah and the men of Allah. This is certain and final. From a military perspective, this means that the "Israeli" enemy is afraid and worried from any future confrontation. Here I have something to say about any future confrontation. The special characteristic of this resistance is that it does not give speeches just to give speeches. It does not talk at random. It does not threaten based on nothing, and the "Israelis" know this throughout all [our] history - at least since 1982. So any future confrontation may be inside the occupied Palestinian territory. There will be no place out of the reach of either the missiles of the resistance nor the feet of its fighters. The "Israelis" know that; thus they are taking things seriously. They do not respond to a speech with a speech; they respond to speeches with procedures, drills, more troops, evacuating settlements, changing geography, building walls. This is quite good. This alone is half of the battle. This also has its implications. Here I do not want to mention many implications in order to have enough time to cover the remaining points. However, here is one of the results. Well, some people say that they will never see anything. On the contrary, you will see many things. However, one of the main results is that there is a great possibility that the residents of the South, Hasbayya, Rashayya, and the entire border area and the region deeper inside at least will be relieved of land breaches. After all, when a wall is erected, true that this will block the way before the Lebanese and the Palestinians on this side of the border, but it will also block the way before the "Israelis" themselves. So they will not be free to cut the barbed wire whenever they want and enter Lebanon. They will not be able to enter from the gate whenever they want - if they keep a gate or two when they erect the wall, we will sit and wait for them at these gates.
Hereof, I move to a new point in this perspective. The following point is the "Israeli" topic. It is the speech we have begun to hear some months ago, and not some days ago. Some even started talking about this years ago. I mean an "Israeli" war on Lebanon, an "Israeli" war on Hezbollah, or an "Israeli" war on the resistance. When Obama came to office, they said there is an "Israeli" war. Trump followed, and they said there is an "Israeli" war. Well, this is part of the normal and usual psychological war, and it is not allowed that the Lebanese people yield to it. In 2007, much was said over months that "Israel" would launch a war to take revenge on Hezbollah and change the equation. In 2008, the same took place, as well as in 2009, 2010... Now we are in 2017, and we have been talking since 2006. Every year, over months, the "Israelis" talk about the coming war, should the next war take place...However, when things go serious, the "Israelis" would show up to say that they have no intention to launch a war and that they do not want to launch a war.
Indeed I do not seek to confirm or deny that. I am talking about the atmosphere in general because the "Israelis" talk too much about a war. This reveals the grave impact the July War in 2006 has had on the "Israeli" conscience, the conscience of the military and political leaders, the parties, and the ordinary people. Thus I tell you: do not frighten people and terrify them. Some people have interest in that. Some dream of that. They want that. Well, as for those who care for tourism, isn't it more appropriate of them to calm things down?
Now we are on the doors of summer. Still you say that "Israel" will strike and launch an attack and its strike will be decisive. Soon Trump will visit Saudi Arabia. Wait for the historic and decisive decisions to be made there. Yet, you want tourism in Lebanon? Well, the two do not meet with each other! Why do you keep people worried and afraid? I tell the Lebanese people and all the residents in Lebanon, whether refugees or displaced in a legal or illegal way or whatever: lead a normal life. This has been said for eleven years now, and it will always be said in the coming months and year, and the years that follow. There is a big probability that a big part of it is to prevent the war from taking place. As we practice psychological warfare, the "Israelis" practice psychological warfare too. Anyway, lead a normal life and trust in Allah Almighty who granted you victory over and over again at many points. Trust in your power too and in your golden formula - in yourselves, your army, and your resistance. I do not want to repeat much of what I said before: Lebanon is not anymore a ride for "Israel" or for others. Lebanon was viewed such that it could be occupied with a musical band; however in Wadi al-Hujair, in the South and in Western Bekaa, the elite troops of the "Israeli" Army were destroyed. So that was part of the past.
The third point has to do with Palestine: we bow in respect before the steadfastness of the Palestinian prisoners' hunger strike. Today is their 25th day. Their only nutrition is water and salt. We call for continuing to show solidarity with them as we again condemn the silence of the Arab League, the Arab regimes, the OIC, the UN, the Security Council, the international community, and all such institutions in the world which are still silent. This people is continually offering sacrifices in all fields and squares. Days ago in al-Quds, a 16-year-old girl - Martyr Fatima Hjeiji - was killed by "Israeli" bullets. This people is offering sacrifices. We will see in the next few days what will result from the summits which will be held in Saudi Arabia - the Gulf-American Summit, the Arab-American Summit, and the Islamic-American Summit.
Usually people make pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. However, in a few days, leaders will make pilgrimage to Trump in Saudi Arabia. We will see what these summits will result in. However, the big question is: will these 1500 or more prisoners who have been staging a hunger strike for 25 days now, as well as their families, and the oppressed, persecuted Palestinian people whose land is occupied, have a place in these summits? Will the Arab and Muslim kings and princes have the courage and bravery to ask President Trump - who absolutely supports "Israel" - to pressure "Israel" to respond to the prisoners' humanitarian demands and grant them their normal rights, or will they remain silent and mum as is their case? Will the Arab regimes prove that they are still living the culture of Nakba and the spirit of its defeat, or that they want to move on another track?
Anyway, we will remain as we have always been. As you have heard in the documentary, this is what we say overtly and this is what our leaders tell our fighters. These are our hopes and dreams. This is our stance next to Palestine, and this is our faith in Palestine.
As per the Lebanese situation, I have a couple of words to say.
First, a week ago - on the Wounded Resistance Fighter's Day - I talked about the positive development that took place on the eastern border between Lebanon and Syria. Well yes, this is the case from the Lebanese Masnaa upwards - Zabadani, Madaya, Sirghaya, Sebneh, and Lebanese Tfail Asbaa that extends inwards to the Syrian interior leading to Fleeta. All of this area is by now free from the militants. We can say that the borders are now safe to a very great extent.
We in the Islamic Resistance went to those mountains years ago. Our resistance men spent hard days and nights in these mountains in the snow, in the tough winters, and in the tough summers. They fought and fell as martyrs, whether on this side of the border or that side of the border.
Now on the Lebanese eastern borders, there is no need any more for our presence there. Thus I would like to announce that we have dismantled and will dismantle the remaining military posts on that border area from the Lebanese side. We will evacuate it because there is no need anymore for our presence there. Our mission is accomplished. Now our soldiers can align and salute Lebanon, the Lebanese people, all the honorable people, and the residents of Baalbek-Hermel and say: the mission pertaining to the eastern mountain range has been accomplished with the blood of the martyrs and the wounded, with sacrifices, patience, and the solidarity of our people.
From now on, that is the responsibility of the state. Indeed, had the state from the very beginning assumed its responsibility there and confronted the armed groups, there would not have been any need for us to go there. Anyway, it is the responsibility of the state now. It is the state that must take the decision for the Lebanese Army to be deployed there. As far as I know, perhaps they will go or have started going. We have said that these posts with their settings and barricades are at your service. We are not an alternative to the Lebanese State and the institutions of the Lebanese state. Thus it is assumed that the eastern borders be fully the responsibility of the Lebanese state while we be free from this responsibility. That does not mean that the people mustn't remain alert everywhere. Indeed, on the other side, the Syrian Army redeployed in light of the new field developments. We are still along the border on the other side in a limited, humble number, and we will keep a coordinative presence to form a front line to prevent the penetration of any militant or militants towards the Lebanese border.
This is the first point. The second point is that one of the consequences of the new developments is that there is a border hometown called Tfail. Let's talk a bit about the sufferings of our people in Tfail. Tfail is a Lebanese town, but it does not have a safe path [leading to it] from the Lebanese territories. So for decades now, whoever wants to go to Tfail goes to Syria, and from Syria enters Tfail. Their life is in Syria, and they earn their living in Syria. Their work is in Syria. Some of the residents there are Lebanese while others are Syrian.
When confrontations started in the eastern mountain range, Tfail was one of the hot areas, and consequently, the people of Tfail were obliged to leave it. Now, as the reason for their desertion is over, we made haste to contact our dear people of Tfail. In fact, we were in contact over all the past years; we never played a role as an alternative to the state. So we told them that the reason for their desertion is over, and they can return to their homes now. From now on, the government, the state, the security forces, the Lebanese forces, the Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Social Affairs are expected to play their role.
From our perspective, if anyone believes that our military presence there is an obstacle to the return of the residents, we have informed them that our military presence there is over. The mission is done, and consequently, you can return.
Today, I want to assert that we are not an alternative to anyone as far as this issue is concerned. We do not give orders to anyone, and no one needs permission from us.
It is normal that the residents of Tfail contact the state. It is also normal that the state takes the initiative to contact the residents of Tfail, and not that the residents of Tfail come to ministries and administrations for inquiries. The state must take the initiative to inquire about the town which was in the sphere of danger, was being shelled, and was a front line and a military front. Now this town is safe, secure, and calm, and its people want to return to it. They are Lebanese, and thus this is your responsibility, and you are invited to assume your responsibility. It remains that the state does not contact the brothers in Syria. It is still at odds with Syria, though all people have spoken with the state. Perhaps things require coordination. Indeed some things require coordination with the Syrian brethren and the Syrian government. Anyway, whether from the Syrian side or the Lebanese internal side, we in Hezbollah are ready to help in case the residents of Tfail and the Lebanese government ask anything from us which we are able to resolve. We are at your service. However, in general the responsibility is fully that of the state now.
In this regard, there is a file which I would like to close if you allow me. I said once before that one of the reasons for us to make haste to contact the residents of Tfail is that there is a file we need to resolve. What is this file? Unfortunately, some political forces in Lebanon, some media outlets, and some Lebanese political and media platforms accuse Hezbollah of wanting to make demographic changes in the Baalbek-Hermel Governorate. When the residents of Tfail left their hometown following the security incidents there, that was said, and measures were taken accordingly. As a result of the events which used to take place in Arsal, the same was said. That is at a time when Hezbollah along with the Lebanese Army and the residents of Baalbek-Hermel, used to form an invulnerable barricade for all the towns in Baalbek Hermel, no matter whether their residents are Shia or Sunnis or Christians. To achieve this mission, Hezbollah offered chaste blood and sacrifices. It is not a condition that blood be offered. O' brothers and sisters! O' our people! Do you know what it means that the resistance men be positioned in the mountains for the first, second, and third winter? Aren't these sacrifices? Whom were they defending? Allow me to say even more. If we wanted to make demographic changes, we could have let the Nusra Front and Daesh burst into this town and that town, displacing, killing, and slaughtering people. As such people would not have thought of returning, and we would have attacked these towns later on and liberated them.
With a devilish mind, man can think in such a way; however, we do not have a devilish mind. We consider all the people in Baalbek-Hermel Governorate in the same way as we consider all the people of Lebanon. All the people are our people; all honor are our honor; all blood is our blood; all money is our money; and our honor is the honor of everyone.
So today, this is over. We - whom they accuse of demographic change - are making a quick call for the residents of Tfail to return to their hometown. Later on, I will talk about Arsal. We also want the people of Arsal to return to Arsal and feel safe there. We look forward for them to go to their orchards and crushing plants - apart from the problem of crushing plants in Lebanon; indeed they must get permission. We look forward for healing this wound so the residents of Arsal remain in Arsal, the residents of Tfail return to Tfail; the residents of Qaa remain in Qaa and so on. So this file must be wrapped up. Let me open parentheses to say the following, though it is related to the Syrian topic. For years they used to say that the Syrian regime wanted to cause demographic changes. I don't have a problem in saying the [word] regime because it is not a wrong term; that's because opposite to regime there is chaos which they brought along to the entire region. These are mere fabrications. They also accuse Iran along with the regime of seeking to make a demographic change. Where may that be seen? So far the Iranians are still discussing whether they allow Iranians to come to Damascus to visit the Shrine of Sayyeda Zeinab [peace be upon her]. Is this how a demographic change is caused? They accuse Hezbollah of seeking to make a demographic change. Well, previously I tackled this issue, and I will reiterate now. Let a delegation from Lebanon, from the Arab League, or from any place in the world go there for inspection. The residents of Madaya are in Madaya. The residents of Zabadani will return to it - now the problem still persists there because of the battle. The residents of Sirghaya are there; the same applies to Sebne, Durra, and the entire border area. Its residents are still in their hometowns. Go and see. Is there a Lebanese family there? Is there an Iranian family? Is there an Iraqi family? Well, I will be more frank: are there Shia in that area? Did they snatch houses? No! I am talking about Lebanese Shia and Iraqi Shia. It was said that we want to bring along the residents of Foaa and Kefraya to dwell in Zabadani and Madaya. We said these are mere fabrications. Well, where are the residents of Foaa and Kefraya now? They are in Damascus, Lattakia, Homs, Tartus, and Aleppo. It is the right of the Syrians to go wherever they want in Syria. No one brought them along to Zabadani or Madaya or any other place. These are mere fabrications and part of sectarian and factional instigation which was launched since the first days of the war on Syria.
Allow me to say even more. The armed groups that are backed by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Gulf states and the US, are the ones practicing ethnic and sectarian cleansing in Syria, not the regime and its allies. Well, look at the map and make a survey. All the regions under the control of the militants have been deserted by the other sects and factions. No one remained. They were either displaced, killed, or slaughtered. What took place is not just a demographic change on sectarian, factional, or ethnic bases; even party affiliations were taken into consideration. Didn't they slaughter each other in eastern Ghouta days ago and are still doing so? Now wait and see what will take place in Idlib. The Nusra Front issued a statement in the name of the Legislative Council of the Nusra Front in which it said: Clause 1: All the armed Syrian Opposition parties which partook in the Astana Conference committed treason and an act of infidelity by doing so. These are armed opposition parties and they belong to the Sunni sect. Still may Allah assist them in what may befall them.
In fact, it is these terrorist Takfiri groups which are making demographic changes in Syria, and the demographic change is influencing everyone, including Sunnis who are affiliated to this faction or that faction.
So this is the story of demographic change in Lebanon in Baalbek-Hermel. Later on, they will evoke this story in the South and in other places. In case anyone purchases a piece of land to construct a building, they would start talking about an internal demographic change. Well, I hope that this file will be wrapped up once and for all.
The third point is Arsal and its outskirts. Today too, I want to speak quietly and calmly. I want to address the remnants of the militants in the Arsal outskirts and on the Syrian part the remaining mountains and hills in western Qalamoun. I want to tell them: in the light of all the developments in Syria, in Damascus, in western Ghouta, in Khan Sheah, in Tal City, in Barada Valley, in Zabadani, in Madaya, and all over the border area as well as in Waer Neighborhood and Homs, among other regions: there is no horizon for your battle. If you are engaged in a battle in these outskirts, this battle has no horizon and it is fruitless and futureless. So let's resolve this crisis so that the residents of Arsal can be safe and the region can become secure again. As we said, they will return to their orchards and crushing plants. The burden will lessen on the Lebanese people and on this country, which is sinking under economic, financial, and living pressures, and we in Hezbollah are ready - as the Lebanese government is not ready - to talk with the regime in Syria and guarantee any settlement by which you leave like the other settlements which took place. It is possible to negotiate over the places where the militants with their personal arms and their families may leave to, such as what took place in the other settlements, so that this file is closed. We are also ready to communicate with our allies and friends in the Syrian regime to return the biggest number of refugees in the Arsal camps to their villages in Syria, and this is possible. We spoke to this effect, and in principle there is no problem in that. Now we must sit and talk and make lists and talk about details and procedures, if they want to indeed. Here I call on the Lebanese political forces too, because this file does not concern Hezbollah alone. It concerns us, I am not saying it does not. I mean that it does not only concern Hezbollah. This file concerns all of Baalbek-Hermel, all of Bekaa, and all of Lebanon.
Consequently, if the Lebanese government or anyone in the Lebanese government has contacts with the militants in Arsal's outskirts or if any political force has any contact with these militants above or under the table, let them contact them and talk with them. It is good that people help in this regard. I am not instigating the people of Arsal with what I am saying. I am saying let's cooperate. After all, this military presence in the outskirts has become a burden on Arsal and the entire region. So let's address this crisis in an amiable way. The story of the republic of Arsal from the mountain to the Mediterranean Sea is over. The situation is totally different now. Thus I am talking in a quiet manner. No one will rejoice at the misfortune of another and no one will celebrate victory. There is a conflict - let's resolve it. It is better that things be addressed in this way to spare the blood and preserve all interests. This is something possible. This is taking place in many places in Syria, so why doesn't it take place here - unless someone inside or abroad wants to exploit these groups to exhaust Lebanon? He won't be exhausting Hezbollah; he would be exhausting the country. If you want to talk about Hezbollah and exhausting Hezbollah, Hezbollah is in Syria, and this is part of its fronts. In fact, it is a calm front which is under control, and its risks have become under control to a great extent, and the Lebanese Army is the side assuming the bigger responsibility in that area and not Hezbollah. Thus I tell you that the national interest and the interest of Bekaa and Arsal on all levels is in addressing this file, and we hope that all sides will join efforts to this effect.
The fourth point in the Lebanese file is the political topic. I want to add to what I said last week; I do not want to reiterate. I want to say that there is true hope of reaching a new electoral law. Indeed, I do not want to sell illusions because over the past months we heard some political leaderships saying things like tomorrow morning a decision will be issued. We would wonder and call each other: they reached a law, and we don't know! The positive exaggerations were really strange. Well, now I am saying that there is true hope. Things are near; that does not mean that there aren't any sensitive and tough points anymore. Well, what is the decision before us as Lebanese? Days ago the cabinet unanimously agreed on refusing extension as well as vacuum.
Now the first point is to continue holding dialogue. I tell all the political forces that despite the harmful and discomforting considerations and sides, it is not allowed [for us] to stop dialogue. We do not have any other way. Carry bilateral talk and dialogue among three, four, five, or six sides. Make broader or narrower talks; but it is not allowed [for us] to retreat and abstain with the pretext of being frustrated. So first, dialogue is required.
Second, the political rivals in the country must calm their rhetoric, as it has been ignited lately. Let's calm down a little bit. In fact, tense political rhetoric by the various sides surely would not lead to an electoral law; it will rather complicate the possibility of reaching an electoral law. A tense political rhetoric would not be of any good; it will only hinder the move. Thus people must be patient on each other. Let's sit together and talk with each other and make discussions, and we have great hope in Allah that a solution would be reached.
The third point is making use of every opportunity, whether the regular sessions of the parliament or the extraordinary sessions, so that the chance be always valid to reach a new electoral law.
In the following topic, I have a couple of words on the Syrian issue before wrapping up my speech on Shaaban the 15th and the birthday of Imam Mahdi. As for Syria, the brothers of Zulfiqar are continuing their jihad, presence, and steadfastness. Indeed, over all of these years and in the past few weeks and months, a number of questions, doubts, and accusations were posed. This is part of the political and media war.
First, as per the ceasefire, when in the past a ceasefire was announced in Syria, the Gulf media as well as the Arab and Lebanese media said that Iran and Hezbollah - so they accused Iran along with us - are disturbed and angry, and they want to deactivate the ceasefire. At that time, I talked and today I will indeed reiterate. We certainly agree on any ceasefire in Syria which the Syrian leadership agrees upon. In another words, let me put a general rule as per Syria. We are not a side in the security negotiations or the political negotiations. We went to Syria with a clear mission - to help the Syrian leadership, army, and people in confronting the terrorist groups which wanted to topple Syria for the interest of such and such goals which we repeatedly talked about. The Syrian leadership is the side that says where to deactivate the ceasefire and where to activate it. It is the side which negotiates. It is the side which accepts. Frankly speaking, as far as this point is concerned, we stand behind the Syrian leadership. This is the end of the story. There is no need for anyone to ask whether we agree on a ceasefire or not, whether we agree on Astana and its decisions, and the like.
The second point has to do with Astana. There are three guaranteeing states: Russia, Iran, and Turkey. Well, I don't know where will this project reach. However, as far as we are concerned, besides standing behind the Syrian leadership as far as these issues are concerned, we see that any chance to spare blood in Syria, any chance for a ceasefire in Syria, and any chance for people to meet in Syria are positive opportunities which must be seized. This is in principle, and this does not contradict at all with the aim for which we went to Syria.
Third, much was said to the effect that Syria's allies are not in harmony with each other. Well, I am frank and transparent. Russia does not consider itself part of the resistance axis. Thus let no one try to hold Russia and Moscow to account by saying that Russia has ties with "Israel" and received Netanyahu and whatsoever...
Russia is not saying it is part of the resistance axis; however it is saying that it is an ally of Syria. The allies met over Syria. Yet the Lebanese are clever in referring to "the ally of the ally" and "the ally of the ally's ally" and the like. Well some people live with illusions, imaginations, and hopes. However, here I am telling you that the allies of Syria - meaning Russia, Iran, and the rest of the allies - at this stage are in harmony and in agreement over the political, military, security, and field levels more than any time in the past. This is what I tell those who are searching for discord here, a gap there, and a conflict to weaken this front.
Much was said in the past few weeks and months to the effect that Russia made an agreement with America and soon Russia will tell Hezbollah: "Get ready and quit. Thanks a lot; your mission is done".
Well should the regime and the allies tell us that our mission is over and we have to leave, we will be grateful. We did not go to Syria in search of profits and interests or to stay in Syria. We have a goal, and we want to achieve this goal.
Still all of this is baseless. The truth is the very opposite. That means that the allies ask us at times to go to places we are not present in or to have a more effective presence than our current presence in other places. So we consider everything based on the rule that says we will be where we must be. As for the places where it is favorable that we be, such cases may be subject to discussions. So as far as the allies are concerned, there is great harmony, and there is no problem at all on the political level, over political negotiations, Astana, the ceasefire, the plots of operations, and priorities. There is no problem at all.
The last point as per Syria is that we have moved into a new phase. No doubt it is a sensitive phase. The armed groups are in general suffering the worst stage. They are looking forward for an accord. Some say that the Astana agreement is in the interest of the armed groups because in the mean time the upper hand is for the army and the allies, while the armed groups see the agreement as in the interests of the regime.
Anyway, for the mind which observes what's taking place internally and abroad, it appears that the horizon is tough indeed. There are some developments in the north [the move of the Kurds towards Raqqah and Deir Zour], in the South, and on the Syrian-Iraqi borders. Now Trump will come to Saudi Arabia. Indeed, they will not talk about al-Quds, the prisoners, the Palestinian people, the millions of Palestinians in exodus, Arab rights, the sanctities, or al-Aqsa Mosque.
What will they talk about? They will talk about Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and perhaps Lebanon - from the Syrian perspective and the regional role it plays. They will tackle these points. We will observe what will take place because many people have built hopes on these summits, saying that the region after these summits will be different from the region before these summits.
Anyway, we are accustomed to this. When we talked about Sayyed Zulfiqar and The Grapes of Wrath, you remember the summit in Sharm al-Sheikh. In that summit, not only some of the leaders, in fact, all world leaders came: Clinton of America and all the Europeans including Jacque Chirac, the Russians [perhaps it was Yeltsin], China, and the Arab countries showed up. All leaders convened in Sharm al-Sheikh and issued a statement in which they slammed three resistance movements as terrorist groups. They mentioned the names of these organizations: Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad.
{And We shall turn to whatever deeds they did [in this life], and We shall make such deeds as floating dust scattered about}
At that time, all media outlets in the world warned us: O' resistance people in Lebanon and Palestine! The whole world will crush you and exterminate you. I remember that during the first ceremony which was held following Sharm al-Sheikh, the main slogan the celebrators reiterated was {Those to whom hypocrites said: "Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them." But it merely increased them in faith, and they said: "Allah alone is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs for us."} Thus was the victory in The Grapes of Wrath in April 1996 under the leadership of Martyr Leader Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine.
Now, it is not the whole world that is convening in Saudi Arabia. Three fourths of the world states are not in Saudi Arabia. Today, those going to Saudi Arabia are in quest of the remaining hundreds of billions of dollars or tens of billions of dollars, or some oil or time to seize and loot. This is what will take place in Saudi Arabia. There is nothing frightening. Everything they could do they did in the past and are doing now.
In the last point in my speech, I want to comment on a phrase in an interview published by media outlets days ago for the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. I will speak calmly and quietly so that his friends do not get too tense.
He committed a very big mistake. In fact, he committed very big mistakes; I will not tackle Yemen because it will take much time and we do not have enough time. Well, he committed a big mistake when he talked about Iran. I do not want to interfere in the argument between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Iranians gave a full response. What shall we say more than what the Iranians have said already? However, there is something which he said and has nothing to do with the Iranians. What is his problem with Iran? In fact, he did not say anything wrong. He said what the seniors say, what the royal family says, what the body of senior scholars says, and what the regime says. His problem with Iran is that it is waiting for Imam Mahdi. This is his problem with Iran. There is a detail which I did not follow; so I am not sure whether he said it or not. Anyway, even the scholars in Saudi Arabia know that Imam Mahdi, which all Muslims await, will emerge from Mecca and not from Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, let alone the Dahieh. He will emerge from Mecca.
First, whether he is aware or not, I do not know. It is supposed that the scholars give him some lessons to educate him religiously. The subject of Imam al-Mahdi [peace be upon him] is agreed upon by all Muslims. It is not a Shia subject. It is not an Iranian subject. It is unanimously agreed upon by all Muslims except for very few. They unanimously agree that Imam Mahdi will emerge at the end of the time. He is a grandson of Prophet Mohammad [peace be upon him and his Household]. He is a grandson of Fatima [peace be upon her]. Some Muslims say he is a descendent of Imam Hassan; others say he is a descendent of Imam Hussein. He will emerge at the end of time to fill earth with justice thoroughly, just as it has been filled with injustice and oppression. This is unanimously agreed upon by Muslims, and it is a certain belief among the various Muslim sects. So this is not a Shia subject. Well, there is a detail which is equivocal. Some Muslims - the majority are the Shia and some of the Sunnis, and their senior scholars - say that the Promised Mahdi has been born. He is the son of Al Hassan al-Askari, the son of Ali al-Hadi, the son of Mohammad al-Jawad, the son of Ali al-Rida...the son of Ali the son of Abu Taleb, and Fatima al-Zahra is the mother of the reverent offspring and his grandfather is the Prophet of Allah [peace be upon him and his Household]. There are many Shia and Sunni books under the titles of epics and ordeals that tackle what will take place at the end of time when a man called Mahdi will emerge. Well, some Muslims believe that he exists but is absent, and some Muslims believe that by the end of time when the fate and destiny of Allah Almighty would be to put an end to oppression, tyranny, domination, and corruption on earth, the state of divine justice will rise. Then the grandson of the Prophet will be born and when he will be 30 or 40 years old he will emerge, and Muslims will follow him as well as the deemed-weak. Then Jesus Christ will return to earth, and the earth will change.
O' Crown Prince! This is not an Iranian subject. All Muslims believe in that. Well, what are you saying? Your problem is not political. You are leading a religious war. You are leading a doctrinal war. You are turning the political conflict into a sectarian and factional conflict. Well, this is not the case at all.
Anyway, I would like to end my speech with a couple of words: The first word is for all of you who believe, as I do, that Imam Mahdi was born on the 15th of Shaaban - like tomorrow; now they always differ between 14 or 15 Shaaban - I felicitate you and all Muslims on the birthday of Imam Mahdi, the Master of this Age [may Allah hasten his relief].
The second and last word is to the Saudi Crown Prince: the emergence of Imam Mahdi in the future is something certain in the doctrine of Muslims. It is only a matter of time, and he will emerge from Holy Mecca, and the people of the Arab Peninsula will follow him. When Imam Mahdi emerges there will remain no oppressive king or tyrant prince or corrupt dictator. He will fill earth with justice as it was filled with oppression and corruption, as Prophet Mohammad [peace be upon him and his Household] said. This day is coming, and neither you nor your fathers, nor your ancestors, nor your children, nor your grandchildren can change anything of this divine destiny.
Thus I have a piece of advice for every tyrant to look around himself and put an end to his tyranny and to repent to Allah because we never know when the hour of righteousness and truth would come.
For Sayyed Zulfiqar, Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine, the courageous, inspiring Leader Martyr, I say: our promise and oath is to continue on the path so that the yellow banner will continue making victory with the blessing of the blood of martyrs.
Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.
Source: Hezbollah Media Relation, Translated and Edited by website team